If the anchor does not "step on the line", the live broadcast will have a future.

  Recently, the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism jointly issued the Code of Conduct for Network Anchors, clearly stating that network anchors should not have 31 behaviors in the process of providing network performances and audio-visual program services, such as not spoofing, distorting, uglifying, blaspheming or denying the deeds and spirit of heroic martyrs and model figures; Do not insult, slander or spread the privacy of others, infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of others, etc.

  In recent years, with the short video in running all the way, the number of webcast users has increased year by year, and the network anchor industry has become more and more popular. According to some research reports, as of December 2021, the number of webcast users in China exceeded 700 million, accounting for 68.2% of the total netizens. Another research report shows that the scale of China’s live e-commerce market will exceed 1.2 trillion yuan in 2020, and it is estimated that the scale of China’s live e-commerce will exceed 4.9 trillion yuan in 2023. The number of live e-commerce anchors has reached 1.234 million by the end of 2020.

  Due to the low barriers to entry in the webcast industry, the quality of anchors is mixed. Especially under the guidance of "traffic first", the chaos of webcasting emerges one after another. In order to gain profits, some anchors regard vulgar content as a "traffic password" by means of eye-catching and showing off the lower limit, breaking through the legal red line and challenging public order and good customs, which makes the public, platforms and industries suffer greatly — — Some doctors broadcast gynecological surgery live online, a online celebrity female anchor rewarded fans with bottomless content routines, and individual "head anchors" poisoned the audience with "spicy eyes" during the live broadcast of PK … …

  Webcasting is not a place of extra-legality. In order to control the chaos of webcasting, the competent authorities have successively promulgated a series of laws and regulations, such as the Measures for the Administration of Content Management Practitioners in Internet News Information Service Units and the Code of Conduct for Webcasting Marketing Activities. The network supervision environment and content production requirements have become stricter, which has purified the ecology of the webcast industry to a certain extent, but the vulgar live broadcast is still banned repeatedly, which is related to the low cost of anchor violation and the imperfect supervision.

  No rules, Fiona Fang. The introduction of "31 red lines" has released a strong signal — — The supervision of the live broadcast industry is becoming stricter and the supervision network is constantly woven, which forces the development of the webcast industry to be standardized and completely get rid of the wrong values of "only traffic". It is expected that the "31 red lines" will help improve the threshold of webcasting industry and the quality of anchors, so that more positive energy content can conserve the public order, good customs and order of the network society. This is also the proper meaning of purifying the network ecology.