Wahaha’s new cross-border trend joins hands with Ctrip to create a "coffee place" theme room

Riding on the cross-border trend, Wahaha Group has once again opened up new ideas. Since October, it has joined hands with Licheng Group, a subsidiary of Ctrip Travel Network, and Lvyue Group to jointly create a "coffee-themed room". As a new product to be re-launched in 2023, the birth of the coffee spot originated from Wahaha’s keen sense of the trend of coffee demand in the market, and is a signature product of its new track of "fresh can coffee", which is a master producer.

The theme room is equipped with photo walls, throw pillows and other items that are strongly related to the coffee position. At the same time, each consumer is given a free coffee latte, which makes the room "strong coffee flavor" and captures the hearts of coffee lovers in one fell swoop. It is understood that the "coffee position theme room" activity plan covers 13 cities including Shanghai, Hangzhou, Huzhou, Ningbo, Jiaxing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Yangzhou, Suqian, Hefei, Anqing, Nanjing, and Chunan Qiandao Lake, with a total of 100 hotels. As the event further advanced, many consumers went to the hotel to explore the store, clocked in the coffee position, felt the quality of the "fresh pot", and posted praise through social media, one after another said: The room is comfortable, the coffee is full of "flavor", and the platinum and black gold color scheme is very textured.

To become the protagonist of this theme room, the coffee position obviously has its own advantages. The use of alpine Arabica coffee beans, imported milk sources from New Zealand, supervised by Q-Grader coffee tasters, SCA roasters carefully customized coffee roasting curves, and rigorous processes have created the extraordinary value of the coffee position. Coupled with "high temperature spray drip filtration" and "instantaneous fresh-locking technology", the use of the current industry’s advanced aseptic cold irrigation production line has further enhanced the high-quality taste of Wahaha coffee position lattes.

In recent years, Wahaha has launched new tricks on the joint name, AD calcium milk has cooperated with BilibiliWorld, Onmyoji, and Teddy to create "Today’s Underage IP", PH9.0 soda water has joined hands with the tide play brand to play "blind water" concept, and very cola has integrated Dunhuang IP to actively embrace Guochao culture… In addition, it also includes different brands such as Douluo Continent, Kuaikan Comics, League of Legends, DIMOO, etc., and has penetrated into various circles such as ACG, e-sports, and tide play, achieving a win-win situation of word-of-mouth and benefits.

This cross-border is the first cooperation between Wahaha and Ctrip, two well-known brands in the industry. Whether it is in terms of brand spirit, brand value proposition, or crowd coverage, Wahaha and Ctrip have a high degree of overlap. As a leader in the food and beverage industry, Wahaha’s pursuit of healthy food and a better life has never stopped. In response to this new joint trend, the relevant staff said: "We hope to actively expand new consumption scenarios through cross-border marketing, release the consumption potential of overlapping target customers, embrace the younger generation, and jointly explore new ways of travel consumption."

Ning Hao’s "Mr. Red Carpet" was turned on, and Andy Lau performed the "Red Carpet" of an outdated star

1905 movie network news On February 22, the comedy film "Mr. Red Carpet", directed and starring, held a launch ceremony in Shenzhen. Director Ning Hao, starring Andy Lau, and actors, actresses,, and Zhou Wei attended together.

Therefore, Ning Hao and Andy Lau, who became attached, finally cooperated for the first time in the movie. Andy Lau shouted excitedly: "Finally waiting for you!" Director Ning Hao also said: "It’s time for us to play!"

It is reported that the film tells the comedy story of Hong Kong’s aging star working with mainland directors in order to "turn red" and will be released nationwide in 2023.

Andy Lau

The movie "Mr. Red Carpet" tells the story of Liu Weichi, an aging star played by Andy Lau, who collaborates with a major director to make a comeback. He goes deep into the countryside to experience life, but his arrogance triggers a series of endless farce. Ultimately, he has an epiphany that being sincere is the most precious quality, and his life has been transformed and restored to beauty.

Celebrities come to the countryside to experience life, such a farce makes people laugh just thinking about it. And Andy Lau plays an outdated Hong Kong star, such a contrast setting is even more exciting, and it also fills the expectations of the film’s comedy properties.

At the launch ceremony, the lead actor Andy Lau said: "After waiting for so many years, we finally waited. I hope we can make a good show!" Director Ning Hao also borrowed the good fortune of the launch to cheer for the whole crew: "Today is a once-in-a-lifetime good day, February 22, 2022, so many good things come in pairs, it’s time for us to play!"

In 2006, the director Ning Hao received 3 million funding from Mr. Lau’s "Asian Rising Star Directing Project" to shoot "The Dark Horse" and "Crazy Stone", and created the film style of "black comedy", which made a sensation that crazy summer. For years, audiences have been hoping that Director Ning Hao and Andy Lau can work together on a film to satisfy audiences’ wishes.

Sixteen years later, "Mr. Red Carpet" was finally born, and the collaboration between the two big names was highly anticipated. At the same time, it also made everyone speculate, what kind of comedy is this? What kind of sparks will the two top figures in the field of directing and acting collide? The final "laugh" is expected.

Deep in scheming! The reporter investigated the refusal of the online car appointment, and the driver induced the passenger to cancel the order

       CCTV News:Nowadays, it is becoming more and more common to travel through online car-hailing, but there are some hidden hidden operations, which "add a little bit of congestion" to travel. A reporter recently found in Beijing that Didi Express has "rejected orders, refused orders" and "induced passengers to cancel orders". Sometimes, passengers not only have difficulty completing the trip smoothly, but also inadvertently lower their credit rating on the Didi platform, which affects future online car-hailing trips.


       Drivers who take orders and refuse to take them may be related to the Didi Express reward model. According to several Didi Express drivers, the model of Didi Express rewarding drivers has changed in recent years. At present, Didi Express drivers need to follow the driver-side application prompts and receive a certain number of singular numbers in different reward models to get bonuses.

       Didi Express customer service introduced that how many orders have to be completed in a day, how much is the reward, such as how many orders are completed from what time to what time, how much is the reward, and there is that kind of reward. The driver-side display is the main one every day, and it is also possible that there may be several rewards a day.

       In the current mode of Didi Express assigning orders, some drivers will selectively cancel orders in order to earn bonuses for the number of orders they receive, while passengers will spend more time and energy to complete online car-hailing trips, and even inadvertently lower their credit score on this platform.

       Didi Express driver: "Many people are like this, because in order to get a reward of 100 yuan, he pulled this order a little farther, forty or fifty, and may not be able to get the reward because of this order."


       Who cancels or "demotes" the driver to induce "Youdao"

       During the reporter’s investigation, it was learned from a number of Didi Express drivers and customer service that as a constraint on express drivers by the platform, the driver voluntarily canceled the order, which may be regarded as a violation. During the investigation, many express drivers said that they would be fined 10 yuan per order and deducted corresponding service points.

       In order to further avoid the financial penalties and deductions of service points that may be caused after the passenger complains about the active cancellation of the order, many express drivers said that they will find some reasons to excuse themselves, and some drivers will ask the passenger to cancel the order, claiming that the cancellation of the order by the passenger has no impact on themselves.

       The truth is as the driver said, does it have no impact on the passengers? However, the reporter got the opposite answer from several other Didi Express drivers and customer service. According to the Didi Express driver, the current platform implements two-way constraints on drivers and passengers, and passengers take the initiative to cancel orders, which may also reduce credit value. At present, after the Didi Chuxing APP completes the express order, passengers and drivers have two-way evaluations. The customer service introduced that both drivers and passengers implement a 5-point credit score rule. Some express drivers said that after receiving the order, they found that the passenger’s credit score was lower than 4 points, and the rejection rate would be greatly improved.


       Complain to the platform, but do not inform the result of the complaint?

       Legal experts said that filing a complaint with the platform is the cheapest and most efficient measure for passengers to protect their rights. According to the customer service of Didi Express, express drivers who are found to have violated the rules after verification will usually be dealt with in three ways: warning, financial punishment and ban punishment according to the severity of the situation. But the final processing result will not be fed back to passengers.

       Liu Junhai, a professor at Renmin University of China Law School, introduced that Article 8 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law of our country stipulates that consumers have the right to know the real situation of their use of goods or services. In order to protect consumers’ right to know, Article 20, paragraph 2, also specifically stipulates the information disclosure obligations of business operators.

       Professor Liu Junhai believes that the online ride-hailing platform, as the creator of the transaction model, the drafter of the transaction rules, the selector of the relevant drivers, and the winner of the relevant economic benefits, should resolve consumer complaints as soon as possible as the preferred solution to resolve disputes. Not only from a legal perspective, but also from a business ethics perspective, it is not enough to develop the market and occupy the market itself. The most important thing is that enterprises should stand together with consumers consciously, learn to think from a different perspective, and further optimize their own complaint and dispute resolution process from the perspective of consumers.

Is Wanda quitting AMC too early? Wang Jianlin is an entrepreneur, not a gambler

As the saying goes: a big tree attracts the wind. In early June, Wanda and Wang Jianlin accidentally became a hot topic on the Internet again. The reason is that the stock price of AMC cinema chain in the United States has recently soared again, from about $12 at the end of May to more than $60 at the close of June 2. On May 23, Wanda just issued a notice to announce that it would clear its position and withdraw from AMC.

"Wanda fell before dawn and missed tens of billions of dollars in revenue" "Wang Jianlin passed by a hundred small targets"… For a time, Wanda and Wang Jianlin became the object of self-media ridicule, but these keyboard warriors and hindsight forgot a basic fact:

Wang Jianlin is an entrepreneur, not a gambler.

As the leader of a large private enterprise like Wanda, Wang Jianlin’s decision-making priority is the stable and sustainable development of the enterprise, avoiding unnecessary risks and earning profits from the good development of the enterprise, rather than taking huge risks like a gambler in an attempt to maximize profits in the stock market.

In 2012, the US movie theater industry was booming, and the US annual movie box office reached a record high of 10.80 billion US dollars. Wanda spent 700 million US dollars to acquire the loss-making AMC theater chain at this time, mainly based on the expectation of the good development prospects of the US movie theater industry.

"After Wanda Group acquired AMC, it promoted the successful listing and merger and acquisition of AMC, making AMC the world’s largest movie theater chain, and jointly promoted the cooperation of the film industry and the exchange of film culture between China and the United States."

Wanda’s statement in the May 23 notice clearly stated the purpose and achievements of the acquisition of AMC that year.

On December 18, 2013, AMC successfully landed on the New York Stock Exchange, raising 400 million US dollars, and the opening price on the first day of listing was 19.18 US dollars, which doubled the income of Wanda’s merger and acquisition in just over a year.

If you just want to make quick money in the capital markets, Wanda can choose the opportunity to exit, why wait until now?

In 2018, the annual movie box office in North America hit a record high of $11.80 billion, and then began to decline. Wanda began to gradually withdraw from AMC’s controlling stake in that year in anticipation of the downward turning point in the development of the US movie theater industry.

Wanda not only adopts a gradual withdrawal strategy for AMC, but also for other industries with bleak development prospects. In January 2019, Wang Jianlin explained his strategic adjustment in his speech at Wanda Group’s 2018 work summary:

"For other industries that do not have a competitive advantage now, and it will be difficult to achieve a competitive advantage in the future, we must gradually and orderly withdraw. In short, Wanda needs to be thin and have something to give. This is the logic of Wanda’s past, present and future disposal of some assets."

"Some self-media or so-called experts only see that we are selling, but they don’t see that we are still investing in new projects. Then again, if everyone in Wanda’s business can understand it, then we are worthless. This kind of strategic adjustment is definitely uncomfortable, even painful, but Wanda must’stick to Qingshan and not relax, and let the wind from east to west".

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated the pace of Wanda’s exit from AMC. In January this year, American retail investors gathered to hype the first wave of AMC’s market, which sent AMC’s share price from as low as $1.91 to as high as $20.36, giving Wanda the opportunity to exit the profit.

Therefore, whether it is to acquire or withdraw from AMC, Wanda and Wang Jianlin are mainly based on the anticipation of the development prospects of the US movie theater industry, and later Wanda Group’s "domestic focus" development strategy needs.

Of course, the price of AMC’s share price should be considered, but how to ensure the stable and sustainable development of the enterprise and avoid unnecessary risks is the first consideration for entrepreneurs like Wang Jianlin.

No one can accurately predict the rise and fall of stocks. The future development prospects of the American cinema chain are not optimistic, but many industry insiders and entrepreneurs can anticipate it.

From the perspective of entrepreneurs, with AMC’s share price having risen sharply, Wanda has no problem exiting AMC and earning the money it is certain to earn.

Although AMC started the second wave of speculation this year after Wanda’s exit, and its share price continued to rise sharply, it has long been out of the hype of stock fundamentals, and the risk is extremely high. Moreover, there is no limit on the rise and fall of the US stock market. AMC’s share price can rise by 95% in a day, and it may also fall by so much. AMC’s share price once rose to $20 at the end of January this year, and quickly plummeted to $5 in February, which is evidence of this.

What’s more, the old investors know that it is difficult for the stocks of major shareholders to sell down their holdings by a large amount to rise sharply. If Wanda did not clear its position and exit AMC, AMC’s share price would not be more than 60 US dollars. Because in the process of Wanda’s large-scale selling of AMC shares, huge purchases are required, which will suppress the sharp rise in AMC’s share price.

Only after the announcement of Wanda’s clearance of AMC shares, without a lot of selling pressure, but with the expectation of a new main force entering, did AMC retail investors dare to go long without any worries, which led to the second wave of AMC share price speculation this year.

Those who mocked Wanda for "missing out on tens of billions of dollars in revenue" were either hindsight or ignorance.

According to media reports, Wall Street analysts recently reminded retail investors who are heavily invested in AMC stocks to be aware of the risks. Macquarie analyst Chad Beynon and his team believe that the debt situation of AMC theaters is worrying, and once again reiterated that AMC’s target price is $6, and the investment evaluation is "neutral".

The price of a movie ticket at an AMC theater is about $14, and the $6 target price means that in the eyes of this analyst, AMC’s share price is not worth half the price of a movie ticket at an AMC theater!

On June 5, Beijing time, Thomas Peterffy, founder and chairperson of Interactive Brokers (IBKR.US) in the United States, warned that investors in "retail group stocks" such as AMC cinema chain could face huge losses.

Wanda’s clearance and withdrawal from AMC is the need for strategic adjustment. Although it has not and cannot be sold at the highest point, it has earned double the profit while avoiding the huge risks it may face.

This is the vision and pattern of entrepreneurs, and gamblers and adventurers will never understand it.

Beijing taxi pilot real-name meter, effectively preventing drivers from changing car prices privately

  Newspaper (reporter Meng Huan) can use WeChat, Alipay to pay the taxi fare conveniently, effectively prevent taxi drivers from changing the price without permission… This morning, the reporter learned from the Municipal Transportation Commission Transportation Management Bureau that the city’s taxis have begun to pilot the real-name meter system, and gradually promote the installation this year. There are about 60,000 to 70,000 taxis in the city. At present, Beijing is regulating taxis through scientific and technological means. The city has piloted the installation of this intelligent vehicle end point all-in-one machine on more than 10,000 taxis, including Crescent Moon, BAIC, Yuyang, Wanquan Temple and other taxi companies. Some pure electric taxis in the suburbs have also begun to be installed.

  The reporter found yesterday that the service supervision card previously placed in front of the co-pilot position has been changed from a paper version to an electronic version, and the position has also been moved to the bottom of the meter to become an electronic screen. The screen displays the relevant information of the taxi and the driver. You can not only see the license plate number and the company to which the vehicle belongs, but also see the identity information of the driver and check the information of his qualification certificate.

  This all-in-one machine has electronic payment function, satellite positioning function, driver electronic certificate identification and identity authentication function, and has the function of accepting electric calls and industry shunting services, and supports driver identity and pricing information display. Passengers can pay through a variety of mobile payment methods according to the fare displayed by the all-in-one machine. It not only supports a variety of bank cards with UnionPay logos, but also supports common mobile payment methods such as WeChat and Alipay.

  The regulator can see the operation of the vehicle, the end point all-in-one machine and the driver’s qualification card are used in conjunction. The driver can only get on the bus and swipe the qualification card issued by the transportation department to sign in electronically, and the meter can be used to charge and invoice. Not only can it effectively prevent cloning taxis, but also it can prevent drivers from subcontracting taxis to unqualified personnel.

  The newly installed smart car end point all-in-one machine in taxis has a new function specially designed to encrypt the meter, which can prevent the driver from changing the amount without permission. Moreover, a taxi all-in-one machine corresponds to a meter, and the meter cannot be removed from the machine. Even if it is forcibly removed, it cannot be installed on other machines, and it is basically impossible to copy. Previously, some criminals "cloned" a taxi through illegal auto repair shops and then configured a full set of taxi equipment to modify the meter. Because the license plate number is fake, the "cloned car" driver will have no scruples and charge high fares by modifying the meter. There are also some taxi drivers who overcharge by modifying the meter to obtain illegal income.

  Master Huang, the driver of Wan Quan Yuan Taxi Company, said that the intelligent end point machine was installed about a month ago, and the company still has some old vehicles that are about to be phased out. According to the person in charge of Beijing Yuyang Taxi Company, more than 1,500 vehicles in Yuyang Taxi Company have been replaced with new equipment, and more than 500 vehicles will be installed with new equipment.

  It is also understood that the current taxi company authorities have not yet required the use of this equipment, so some taxi companies have not yet installed it, especially some smaller taxi companies, which have not been equipped with new equipment due to financial reasons.

This week, Jackie Chan and Wong Kar Wai meet to compete on the same day. Who will win?

1905 movie network feature andThe battle is not over yet, the week is over. This week, a total of nine new films were released, but the focus was on these two films, that isandWhich of these nine new films can I watch? How much are these two focus works worth looking forward to? Xiaodian helps you filter

"The Flying Tiger."

Director: Ding Sheng

Starring: Jackie Chan/Huang Zitao/Wang Kai/Wang Continental/Sang Ping/Wu Yonglun

Release Date: 2016-12-23

Duration: 123 minutes

Director Ding Sheng’s most well-known work in recent years was last year’s work. Whether it was the wonderful performance of supporting actor Wang Qianyuan or the inner impulse to eat dumplings after watching it, it was impressive. This year, Director Ding Sheng rushed into the New Year’s Eve stall with his new work and partnered with a group of big coffee.

After that, Jackie Chan, who worked with Ding Sheng three times, and Huang Zitao, Wang Kai and Wang Continental, who worked together for the first time, formed a folk anti-Japanese guerrilla team. They were all railway workers at Zaozhuang Railway Station on Jinpu Railway. Jackie Chan was the captain Ma Yuan, the foreman of the porters. They worked in the day and came out to fight the devils at night. The common people gave them a name called the Railway Flying Tigers.

The posters released so far in this film are all very beautiful, and the characters in the play are also very talkative. Several new actors and Xiao Xianrou have shown a funny side.

And for Jackie Chan, who was very desperate to film, this time it was still the same. He led the Flying Tigers in the Northeast at minus 20 degrees, on a 100-ton train head, completing various forms including skateboard train scraping, slide train scraping, and other extreme movements such as train jumping.

The film also did a lot of things, except for releasing a poster of the longest, longest and longest in history(The poster is too long, click here to view it.)In addition, there will also be scenes of a train crash in the movie.

They also used actors to create more than 80 memes, which can be used directly. (However, the release date is not the 30th in the picture, but the 23rd~)

The Ferryman.

Director and Screenwriter: Zhang Jiajia

Producer: Wong Kar-wai

Starring: Tony Leung/Takeshi Kancheng/Eason Chan/Angelababy/Zhang Rongrong…

Release Date: 2016-12-23

Duration: 128 minutes

Wong Kar-wai, who has been making a play for many years, has not released a new film, but has released a film he supervised, "The Ferryman".

The director of this play is the screenwriter Zhang Jiajia. "Passing Through Your World" has been released on National Day, and the story integrity of the script is not good. The problem of lines not speaking human words has been seen. This time, he not only wrote but also directed "Ferryman". Zhang Jiajia’s goodnight heart language lines will still appear in such an atmosphere, which is amazing. What kind of atmosphere? Let’s see what Takeshi Kancheng said:

Of course, Tony Leung and Takeshi Kancheng can be seen enjoying the performance of comedy when filming this drama. They have also transformed from the melancholy male gods of these years to the early Hong Kong-style comedies. They are funny and desperate.

However, it has to be said that these few words of Takeshi Kancheng are the same as what we feel when we see the trailer. I didn’t expect "Ferryman" to be a comedy. In the trailer that has been exposed so far, only a few lines are from Tony Leung, Takeshi Kancheng, Angelababy, Zhang Rongrong, Xiong Dailin, Jia Ling, Liu Yan. Other places are basically based on the narration of Tony Leung and Takeshi Kancheng.

These casts are very mixed, except for Tony Leung and Takeshi Kancheng, as well as Anglebaby, whose acting skills have been criticized, Dapeng, who has just given a wonderful performance in China, comedians Jia Ling and Cui Zhijia, as well as popular singers Li Yuchun, Little Fresh Meat Luhan, High Cold Muse Rhododendron and so on.

The film’s story is simple. Adapted from Zhang Jiajia’s novel, Tony Leung’s Chen Mo and Takeshi Kancheng’s Guan Chun open a bar and act as ferrymen, who can rescue people who come for help from their pain and bring them happiness and warmth. The nature of the story sounds very similar to another film, helping people solve difficulties and fulfill their wishes.

Of course, there is no shortage of emotional stories in "Ferryman". The current CPs are: Tony Leung and Du Juan, Takeshi Kancheng and Zhang Rongrong, Eason Chan and Angelababy.

"The world is like a book, I prefer your sentence, I would like to be a comma and stay at your feet. But you have your own reader, and I am just a ferryman." This is from Zhang Jiajia’s novel, let’s see if this sentence will become a narration or a line.

Next Page: Other New Films Next Week

New regulations on online takeout are about to be introduced, goodbye to "black workshops, fly houses"

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 30 Question: How does "the trouble on the tip of the tongue" stop coming? – Exploring the new coordinates of national food safety governance

  Xinhua News Agency reporter

  From "online takeaway" to "rest assured meat dishes", with the increasingly upgraded concept of national consumption, the people’s requirements for delicious food continue to increase. Eating healthy and safe is a "big deal" for the people, and every link in the food industry has also become the focus of attention of the people.

  Implement the food and beverage quality and safety improvement project, make "looking for a smiley face to eat" a consumer fashion, and use "bright kitchen and bright stove" to "light up" food safety… In recent years, the food and drug supervision department has strictly controlled every line of defense from farmland to dining table, zero tolerance for violations of laws and regulations, Kuaishou, and heavy punches.

  Platform checks: New regulations on online takeout are coming soon

  Statistics from the China Cuisine Association show that in 2016, the national catering income was 3.58 trillion yuan, of which the online ordering market reached 357.90 billion yuan, accounting for about 10%. While the huge market size poses challenges to supervision, online catering chaos such as "black workshops" and "fly halls" also brings "troubles on the tip of the tongue" to takeaway diners.

  According to industry insiders, "black workshops" and "fly halls" are frequent, the source is offline, and the root is on the platform. To manage the chaos of online ordering, the third-party platform also needs to play the role of "gatekeeper". Bi Jingquan, director of the State Food and Drug Administration, previously stressed that it is necessary to strictly implement the responsibility of the third-party platform for online catering services and ensure that the food business license displayed online is true, which is to ensure that the offline producers and operators must be brick and mortar stores, not "black workshops"; to ensure that the food is not contaminated during the delivery process, because the logistics company for the delivery is selected and designated by the third-party platform; to ensure that complaints against consumers are dealt with in a timely manner, because consumers order food and settle on the third-party platform.

  "Those who use the internet to provide catering services should have a physical store and obtain a food business license in accordance with the law," according to the "exposure draft" published by the Food and Drug Administration. Experts said that the "binding brick and mortar store" regulation will erect a "high-voltage line" at the source of online catering food production.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Second Division of the Food and Drug Administration, the next step is for the Food and Drug Administration to issue the "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Catering Services" to clarify the respective food safety responsibilities and obligations of online third-party service platforms, online catering service units, and food and drug regulatory authorities, standardize online catering service business practices, prevent and control online catering service food safety risks, and protect consumer rights and interests.

  Back Kitchen Live: The "Transparent Food Safety" behind the inter-provincial report

  Recently, a news that a user in Shandong Province reported a Jiangsu restaurant across provinces has caused heated debate in the industry. According to the surveillance video exposed by the user on the Internet, three people in chef’s clothes are suspected of not wearing masks, eating with their hands, and playing with mobile phones during meals. It is understood that this store is a Quanjude franchise store in Huaian, Jiangsu. Quanjude has ordered it to suspend business immediately for rectification.

  Why can Shandong netizens report across provinces? It turned out that the Huai’an Food and Drug Administration launched the "Food Safety + Internet" transparent co-governance system and established the "Huai’an Transparent Food and Drug Administration" network platform, which connected all the videos of "Mingchu Liangzao" to the network and was open to the society and accepted social supervision. Therefore, some Shandong netizens "reported across provinces" the behavior of restaurant employees suspected of not meeting relevant regulations.

  Zhong Kai, deputy director of the Kexin Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center, said that in the supervision process, not every restaurant has a supervisor watching every minute, but countless consumers may change into regulators at any time and participate in the co-governance of food safety society. This is the charm of "bright kitchen and bright stove" and "transparent food safety".

  "Although’bright kitchen and bright stove ‘is not the master key to solve all problems, it will become an important way for the public to participate in the social governance of food safety, and it will also become an important deterrent to illegal food production and operation," Zhong Kai said.

  It is understood that by the end of 2016, the number of catering service units that have implemented "bright kitchen and bright stove" in various places reached 902,600 households, an increase of 115% over the same period in 2015, an increase of 483,700 households; the catering service units that have implemented "bright kitchen and bright stove" accounted for 27.52% of the total number of licensed catering service units.

  The relevant person in charge of the Second Division of the Food and Drug Administration pointed out that the implementation of the "bright kitchen and bright stove" has given full play to the social supervision role of consumers, extended the supervision tentacles, further enhanced the pertinence and targeting of supervision, and to a certain extent realized the all-weather supervision of food safety in catering service units, effectively making up for the shortage of supervision personnel.

  Full chain traceability: scan the code to scan out the "past and present life" of a box of durians.

  Scan the barcode, check the origin, check the date… In the 52 Meitehao supermarkets in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, there are more than 60 food safety traceability inquiry machines "lurking", so that the ordinary people who come to shop directly praise "Buy safely and rest assured".

  "I am a’regular customer ‘of this machine." Li Nan Nan, who lives in Xinghua Street, Taiyuan City, told reporters that whether she is buying fresh meat, vegetables, fruits, etc., or choosing ordinary goods, she is used to checking on the supermarket traceability machine. The reporter’s experience found that picking up a box of durians, pointing the barcode at the scanning area, the system popped up the message of this box of durians: "Supplied by Qingxu County Agricultural Products Base" "Produced on July 14" "Shelf life is 5 days", and the attached "Agricultural Product Source Batch Certificate" clearly shows that the box of durians was purchased from Beijing Xinfadi Agricultural Products Wholesale Market – it took less than a minute to understand the entire product chain.

  Huang Dengyu, director of the Food Circulation Department of the Shanxi Provincial Food and Drug Administration, said that after the system is put into use, it can not only simplify the cumbersome bill retention management, but also realize the dynamic control of quality management "from farmland to table" and "from factory to table", escorting the safety of the tongue.

  Establishing a food safety traceability system is one of the priorities of this year’s food safety work, and it is also an important goal of the "13th Five-Year" National Food Safety Plan. It is understood that 30 provinces across the country have arranged the deployment of safe meat and vegetable demonstration supermarket creation activities based on local work conditions to promote enterprises to implement their main responsibilities. (Written reporter: Chen Cong; Participating reporters: Huo Yao, Dong Xiaohong, Bao Xiaojing, Shuai Cai)

Interview with Chengdu Auto Show 2021: A brand-new sub-brand of Krypton

On August 29th, the media day of Chengdu Auto Show in 2021, Krypton brand displayed a brand-new ecological strategy of energy replenishment, and released its sub-brand ZEEKR Power Krypton Energy. Relying on professional team, self-developed technology, partners and intelligent operation, we can build a complementary ecology and experience from three dimensions: family, city and service, and provide users with all-round energy solutions.

Wechat picture _20210829132610.jpg

Lu Mi, general manager of Zhejiang Haohan Energy Technology Co., Ltd. said at the press conference: "We will be committed to exploring new technologies, new services and new experiences, realizing full-scene, full-ecological and full-life cycle energy management, and solving the pain points of users’ full-scene charging experience with ecological services, becoming the driving force and guarantee for extremely awkward users to travel, and endurance for life anytime and anywhere."

After the press conference, Mr. Lu Tao was indirectly interviewed by the media in the interview, and then we will share the key contents of the interview with you.

A Interview with 2.jpg

▲ Lu Tao  General manager of Zhejiang Haohan Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Reporter:This year, Tesla completed 500 charging piles, of which 200 were completed this year. I think we are expected to complete 290 this year. I would like to ask when all of them will be delivered. The first batch was delivered in September? Another question is whether the charging station is self-operated or a third party.

Liu Tao:First, our target plan is to complete 290 seats within this year, which is also a challenge for us. In September, the first charging station will be launched, and the overcharging station will also be launched. The light charging station is probably expected to be a little late. The second question is that all the 290 seats are self-operated.

Reporter:Regarding the charging power, Tesla’s charging power is 120kW, and Tucki’s is 90kW. What’s our charging power?

Liu Tao:We have a variety of product series, including 20kW light charging products, 60-120kW overcharged products and 360kW extremely charged products. Different products have different power. If it is equipped with a 400-volt platform, the fastest charging speed of Krypton 001 from 10% to 80%SOC can be about 30 minutes.

Reporter:Before, I saw that Krypton gave a lot of data, saying that we will deploy 360 kilowatts of charging in the future, but not in the initial 290 seats, or what?

Liu Tao:Our piles can support the maximum charging power of 360 kW, and the planning of extremely filled piles will have some technical foresight, and it will go a little ahead, which can match the vast future architecture, and it is possible to carry the future 800 V platform. .

Reporter:Let me explain that the number of 290 stations includes different powers, not all of them are the same, and the power of different gradients is different. The highest power is 360 kW.

Liu Tao:Yes, our 290-seat charging station includes extremely charging station, overcharging station and light charging station, because each station is equipped with different charging facilities and charging piles.

Reporter:What is the proportion of our high-power charging piles among the 290 seats?

Liu Tao:Now, at present, we are competing with friends in the market for some capacitor and site problems. It is not certain that the remaining current in this shopping mall can be matched to the pole-filled pile or pole-filled station. We will take measures according to local conditions. At present, there is no very accurate proportion, which may not be suitable for full announcement, but we will announce the proportion later. Now we are looking for places with land and electricity while building in batches, and there are still some uncertainties.

Reporter:What is the plan that our charging network will be initially opened to Geely Group, third parties and other brands?

Liu Tao:Our polar charging station is not open now, only for polar krypton. Our overcharging station and light charging station can be opened.

Reporter:I think we gave a free charge this morning with a thousand degrees limit. Can this car be used to run Didi?

Liu Tao:Our press conference said that it is only limited to the first non-operating car owner of YOU version, and it is definitely not possible to run Didi.

Reporter:We released the brand ZEEKR Power this morning. It is not an after-sales service system now, but a brand. So in your opinion, what is the difference between it and the after-sales service system of Krypton? Why is it a brand?

Liu Tao:Many friends regard energy replenishment or charging as a part of after-sales service. Our business system should be called energy service accurately. In energy service, energy replenishment is only one part. Energy service also includes battery operation and similar optical storage integration, micro-grid construction, etc. It is a big energy layout. In Geely’s view, the whole energy service system, including Krypton, is a very, very large plate or business unit, so it is not just a simple small link in after-sales service, so we will pay more attention to the layout and input resources of energy services than other countries, so we will become an energy company operating independently and serve the Krypton brand at the same time. Therefore, the sub-brand of krypton energy was born, which is such a situation.

Reporter:In the morning, I heard you speak on the stage, and there was a scene that the office area and scenic spot would use 20 kilowatts of light power. Is this based on cost considerations or something? The figure of 20 kilowatts is not enough for any car in public areas, because it is better to charge it quickly, and it is better to walk quickly. Why is it 20 kilowatts?

Liu Tao:Good question, as I said at the press conference, it is not necessarily directly related to the cost. Of course, we also hope to control the cost. Because there are many charging scenarios, and I just said that the light charging pile is 20 kilowatts, you just mentioned that we will also put in extremely charging stations and over-charging stations in offices or other destinations, which does not mean that these places will definitely put in or only put in light charging stations. This is not necessarily related. At the same time, I also said in the morning that we should not only charge quickly, but also charge well. The reason for charging quickly is that we have a 360 kW output including high-power extremely-charged piles, which can quickly solve the user’s needs with very urgent needs. Now I have to leave immediately after charging, and I can’t wait that long. In another case, it is well-filled. When we look back, you will find that if you are a new energy vehicle owner now, and you go to dinner with friends, you will find that it will take at least 2 hours, but it will be filled up very quickly. If you use extremely-filled piles or extremely-filled stations now, there will definitely be some overtime and delay costs, which will be a loss to the whole social resources. We definitely hope that the user will charge the car in 2-3 hours, charging it with a light pile, and you don’t have to go down to move the car. For example, it is a very painful and bad experience for you to eat a meal for 30 minutes.

Reporter bThis scene doesn’t mean that you are waiting for charging. You may have gone to the scenic spot to play, the car is charging here, and then you drive away after playing in the scenic spot, not to let you sit and wait in this scene.

Reporter:Why is the number 20?

Liu Tao:It must be a comprehensive consideration, including 20 kilowatts on the R&D side, the market side, the user side and the cost side. We don’t just say 30 kilowatts, 40 kilowatts and 50 kilowatts at will. Generally speaking, we will classify the scenes of pure electric vehicles according to the parking time. For example, we will stay at home for one night, stay in the company for one day, and stay in the mall for only 2-4 hours. We will charge about 50%-60% of the starting SOC and ending SOC data of pure electric vehicles under normal circumstances. Based on big data calculation, according to 60% of the 100-degree battery of Krypton 001, it will be charged about 60 degrees. According to the parking time of 2-4 hours, 20kW is enough, which can definitely meet the charging demand in this scene, make full use of power resources, cover more parking spaces and provide more charging parking spaces.

Reporter:Weilai said in the publicity that he hoped that every Weilai user would live in the electricity area, and how many kilometers there would be a power station. Is there such a goal for us to have a charging station within how many kilometers in the future?

Liu Tao:We don’t have a specific frame to determine how many kilometers away from the user community, because we have to consider the overall distribution of all users. At present, there is no particularly accurate way to calculate the user data because Extreme Krypton 001 has not been delivered. Second, we now feel that for all extreme Krypton car owners, we should solve the core problem first. The core problem is that we are now laying out in some places in the core of supermarkets and CBD, and solve the problem that these users often go to the scene first. It is the second step to extend it to calculate how much to do. At present, the core pain point for users is the core of the city center, not the suburbs.

Reporter:There is a new round of financing these two days. Is the sub-brand of our charging station a wholly-owned sub-brand of Geely or something else?

Liu Tao:ZEEKR Power, the sub-brand you are talking about?


Liu Tao:This brand should not exist. It is jointly owned by several companies, and ZEEKR Power serves ZEEKR.

Reporter:Weilai’s power exchange station is just a few companies.

Liu Tao:Different, NIO Power only serves NIO (Weilai), and it does not serve other brands.

Reporter:From the profit model, for example, just now, I accepted the brand of Krypton, and the owner will have a free charge every year when placing an order this year. What is the profit model?

Liu Tao:I understand that you are planning profit points for all specific overall energy companies, or are you referring to profit points for only stations?

Reporter:Our brand.

Liu Tao:At present, our profit is related to the user experience. At this stage, we will pay more attention to the user experience, and profit is only the second priority. From the perspective of the whole energy service system, there are many companies in the market that look at the situation of new energy vehicles and energy companies in the same important position. If there are enough new energy vehicles in the market, energy companies can make more layouts through new energy vehicles, which can incubate many business models. However, in the early stage, the first thing is to sell the vehicles and implement the follow-up strategy on the basis of ownership, so it is not necessary to achieve profitability in the early stage. Of course, the two of them will have some complementary functions.

Reporter:I think the morning press conference also talked about the plan of charging cars. I am very interested in this matter. Weilai NIO Power also mentioned this thing, but now they are gradually reducing the proportion of mobile charging cars in the whole energy service. What is the initial deployment logic of our car? Priority in first-class cities or as a supplement in other cities?

Liu Tao:It suddenly occurred to me that you just had a question. You just talked about the point of profit. Now private cars are in a rapid growth trend, growing at a rate of 100% and 200%. It is a very large incremental market at present. If there are enough pure electric cars in the market, the profit part is very large. But at present, we will grasp the user experience and profit with both hands. You just mentioned the urban layout of charging cars. At present, we will give priority to the service of mobile charging stations in first-tier cities. Mobile charging cars will probably do some tests one after another in September, and it is expected to start online at the end of September.

Reporter:Will the use of charging cars be a right of users, or will there be a higher charge?

Liu Tao:At present, the charging car will be in the whole service system, and the user side and the retail side have not announced the specific rules and policies, because they are still doing some calculation and specific research work. When they announce the specific content, we will consider combining the two services of mobile charging car and valet charging (charging) to give users an experience, but at present, there is no specific plan and policy.

If the anchor does not "step on the line", the live broadcast will have a future.

  Recently, the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism jointly issued the Code of Conduct for Network Anchors, clearly stating that network anchors should not have 31 behaviors in the process of providing network performances and audio-visual program services, such as not spoofing, distorting, uglifying, blaspheming or denying the deeds and spirit of heroic martyrs and model figures; Do not insult, slander or spread the privacy of others, infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of others, etc.

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  Due to the low barriers to entry in the webcast industry, the quality of anchors is mixed. Especially under the guidance of "traffic first", the chaos of webcasting emerges one after another. In order to gain profits, some anchors regard vulgar content as a "traffic password" by means of eye-catching and showing off the lower limit, breaking through the legal red line and challenging public order and good customs, which makes the public, platforms and industries suffer greatly — — Some doctors broadcast gynecological surgery live online, a online celebrity female anchor rewarded fans with bottomless content routines, and individual "head anchors" poisoned the audience with "spicy eyes" during the live broadcast of PK … …

  Webcasting is not a place of extra-legality. In order to control the chaos of webcasting, the competent authorities have successively promulgated a series of laws and regulations, such as the Measures for the Administration of Content Management Practitioners in Internet News Information Service Units and the Code of Conduct for Webcasting Marketing Activities. The network supervision environment and content production requirements have become stricter, which has purified the ecology of the webcast industry to a certain extent, but the vulgar live broadcast is still banned repeatedly, which is related to the low cost of anchor violation and the imperfect supervision.

  No rules, Fiona Fang. The introduction of "31 red lines" has released a strong signal — — The supervision of the live broadcast industry is becoming stricter and the supervision network is constantly woven, which forces the development of the webcast industry to be standardized and completely get rid of the wrong values of "only traffic". It is expected that the "31 red lines" will help improve the threshold of webcasting industry and the quality of anchors, so that more positive energy content can conserve the public order, good customs and order of the network society. This is also the proper meaning of purifying the network ecology.

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