Xiaomi released the first car

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  On December 28th, Xiaomi Group held.At the technical conference, the first model Xiaomi SU7 was unveiled, and the electric drive was also disclosed.The latest achievements of five self-developed core technology systems, namely, large die casting, intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit. Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, said that Xiaomi Group has thus achieved a complete closed loop of the strategy of "people, cars and homes".

  Insiders said that IThe automobile market will gradually enter a period of steady growth, from incremental market to stock market, and the market competition will be further intensified. In this context, pricing will become an important factor in whether it can become an explosive model.

  In-depth self-research of key technologies

  Lei Jun said that Xiaomi insisted on starting from the underlying core technology, insisting on positive research and development, and deep self-research on key tracks. Xiaomi Automobile invested more than 10 billion yuan in the first phase of R&D, and the R&D team has more than 3,400 engineers. Among them, there are thousands of top technical experts at home and abroad in key fields.

  In the field of intelligent driving, Xiaomi released three key technologies: adaptive zoom BEV technology, large road model and super-resolution occupation network technology. Lei Jun said that Xiaomi’s total investment in the first phase of full-stack self-developed intelligent driving technology has reached 3.3 billion yuan, and now it has increased to 4.7 billion yuan, with more than 200 test vehicles and a test mileage of more than 10 million kilometers. Intelligent driving is the track that Xiaomi focuses on, and the goal is to enter the first camp in the industry in 2024.

  Intelligent driving has become an important track for the automobile industry. PG One, director of the Industrial Policy Research Institute (Advanced Manufacturing Center) of CCID Research Institute, said,Cars andThe tightness of the combination is further improved.

  Lei Jun introduced that Xiaomi already has a complete intelligent manufacturing strength of automobile industry. existOn the other hand, Xiaomi released the Super HyperEngine V8s with a speed of 27200rpm, which is expected to be put on the train in 2025. At the same time, Xiaomi pre-researched the next generation of super, innovative laser winding rotor technology, and successfully broke through 35000rpm in the laboratory stage. In terms of aspects, Xiaomi has independently developed CTB integration technology and joined forces.The first battery inversion technology was launched, and Xiaomi also built its own battery pack factory. In addition, Xiaomi has independently developed "9100t super large die-casting cluster" and die-casting alloy material "Titan alloy".

  Building a closed loop of "human-vehicle-home ecology"

  Lei Jun introduced that the first model of Xiaomi Automobile has achieved small-scale mass production, and a large number of verification tests are being carried out to create a beautiful, easy-to-open, comfortable and safe mobile smart space.

  Xiaomi’s first car was named XIAOMI SU7, and it was positioned as a "C-class high-performance eco-technology car", offering three colors of bay blue, elegant gray and olive green. In order to reduce the inconvenience caused by virtual buttons, Xiaomi SU7 keeps many physical buttons, which are mainly used to control air conditioning temperature, air volume, tail wing, air suspension and so on.

  According to reports, Xiaomi SU7 is equipped with dual motors to realize all-wheel drive, with an acceleration time of 2.78 seconds per 100 kilometers and a top speed of 265 kilometers per hour. Xiaomi SU7 is equipped with Xiaomi-battery. With the support of 800V super fast charging, the battery life can reach 510 kilometers after 15 minutes of charging. Lei Jun said that with strong thermal management technical capabilities, Xiaomi Automobile will be the king of electric vehicles in winter. With the release of Xiaomi SU7, Xiaomi has thus achieved a complete closed loop of "the ecology of people and cars".

  The internet of everything ecology is Xiaomi’s strength. Lei Jun introduced that Xiaomi tablet application ecology can get on the bus seamlessly, and other Mijia devices can also get on the bus without feeling. An expansion interface is reserved in the car to support device plug and play. In addition, Xiaomi has created the CarIoT ecosystem and is fully open to third parties.

  For non-Xiaomi mobile phone system users, Xiaomi Auto supports wireless CarPlay, AirPlay and so on.

  Pricing deserves attention.

  Lei Jun said that Xiaomi Automobile is a major leap of Xiaomi Group, from mobile phones and AIoT to automobiles. Xiaomi Automobile is the new beginning of Xiaomi Group.

  It is worth mentioning that the price of Xiaomi’s first car has not yet been announced, but Lei Jun has paved the way for consumers, "it is really a bit expensive".

  At present, the competition in the automobile market is further intensified, which brings difficulties to the pricing of Xiaomi automobile. PG One said that with the rapid development of the automobile industry, overseas competitors have gradually completed the transformation of traditional fuel vehicles to new energy tracks, and the competition between independent brands and overseas brands will become increasingly fierce; At the same time, our automobile market will gradually enter a period of steady growth, and gradually shift from incremental market to stock market.

  Lei Jun said that Xiaomi is not afraid of "volume".

  fromIn terms of market, Xiaomi relies on cost performance to develop its own market share. In recent years, with the further intensification of competition in mobile phone track, Xiaomi Group’s strategy has gradually been adjusted to "high-end". Therefore, industry insiders speculate that Xiaomi will not adopt a low-price strategy like Xiaomi’s mobile phone.

  Regarding the competition pattern of the electric vehicle market, Lei Jun previously said that as the electric vehicle industry matures, the top five brands in the world will occupy more than 80% of the market share. "The only way to succeed is to become one of the top five, with annual shipments exceeding 10 million."

  Pricing will become one of the key factors for Xiaomi to become an explosive model.Previously releasedIt shows that the starting price of Xiaomi SU7 is expected to be below 200,000 yuan, and the overall price will be between 200,000 yuan and 300,000 yuan. It is estimated that the annual sales of new millet cars will reach 70,000-80,000 units.