Ning Hao’s "Mr. Red Carpet" was turned on, and Andy Lau performed the "Red Carpet" of an outdated star

1905 movie network news On February 22, the comedy film "Mr. Red Carpet", directed and starring, held a launch ceremony in Shenzhen. Director Ning Hao, starring Andy Lau, and actors, actresses,, and Zhou Wei attended together.

Therefore, Ning Hao and Andy Lau, who became attached, finally cooperated for the first time in the movie. Andy Lau shouted excitedly: "Finally waiting for you!" Director Ning Hao also said: "It’s time for us to play!"

It is reported that the film tells the comedy story of Hong Kong’s aging star working with mainland directors in order to "turn red" and will be released nationwide in 2023.

Andy Lau

The movie "Mr. Red Carpet" tells the story of Liu Weichi, an aging star played by Andy Lau, who collaborates with a major director to make a comeback. He goes deep into the countryside to experience life, but his arrogance triggers a series of endless farce. Ultimately, he has an epiphany that being sincere is the most precious quality, and his life has been transformed and restored to beauty.

Celebrities come to the countryside to experience life, such a farce makes people laugh just thinking about it. And Andy Lau plays an outdated Hong Kong star, such a contrast setting is even more exciting, and it also fills the expectations of the film’s comedy properties.

At the launch ceremony, the lead actor Andy Lau said: "After waiting for so many years, we finally waited. I hope we can make a good show!" Director Ning Hao also borrowed the good fortune of the launch to cheer for the whole crew: "Today is a once-in-a-lifetime good day, February 22, 2022, so many good things come in pairs, it’s time for us to play!"

In 2006, the director Ning Hao received 3 million funding from Mr. Lau’s "Asian Rising Star Directing Project" to shoot "The Dark Horse" and "Crazy Stone", and created the film style of "black comedy", which made a sensation that crazy summer. For years, audiences have been hoping that Director Ning Hao and Andy Lau can work together on a film to satisfy audiences’ wishes.

Sixteen years later, "Mr. Red Carpet" was finally born, and the collaboration between the two big names was highly anticipated. At the same time, it also made everyone speculate, what kind of comedy is this? What kind of sparks will the two top figures in the field of directing and acting collide? The final "laugh" is expected.

Tencent’s share price has reached a new high, and Ma Yun has become China’s richest man

  Not long ago, Tencent’s mobile game "Honor of Kings" was repeatedly criticized by the media, and its share price suffered a setback, but then it continued to rise. Yesterday it reached a record high of 320.60 Hong Kong dollars, up nearly 3% from the previous day. Tencent’s market value reached 3.045056 trillion Hong Kong dollars, making it the most valuable listed company in China. According to Forbes’ real-time rich list, Pony Ma’s personal wealth rose to 36.20 billion US dollars, ranking 18th in the world on the list, surpassing Ma Yun and Wang Jianlin to become the richest man in China.

  Tencent’s share price yesterday reached a record high of 320.60 Hong Kong dollars, up nearly 3% from the previous day. Tencent’s market value reached 3.045056 trillion Hong Kong dollars, making it the most valuable listed company in China. The personal wealth of Pony Ma, chairperson and CEO of Tencent, also rose, reaching 36.20 billion US dollars, making him the richest man in China.

  Tencent’s share price reaches HK $320

  Yesterday, the stock price of Tencent, which is listed on the Hong Kong stock market, reached a record high. As of the end of the day, it rose 2.95% to 320.60 Hong Kong dollars. At present, Tencent’s market value has reached 3.045056 trillion Hong Kong dollars (about 389.283 billion US dollars), making it once again the most valuable listed company in China. At present, Tencent’s market value ranks eighth in the global market value ranking, second only to Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway.

  Data show that in the past six months, the share price of Tencent Holdings has risen from 190 Hong Kong dollars at the beginning of the year to 320 Hong Kong dollars today, a cumulative increase of 66%. Not long ago, Tencent’s mobile game "Honor of Kings" was repeatedly criticized by the media, and its share price suffered a setback, but then it continued to rise.

  The latest two quarterly report shows that a total of 30 funds (shares are calculated separately) hold a large position in Tencent Holdings, with a total of 11.0689 million shares. The net value of these funds has also risen with the rise of heavy stocks, and has obtained rich returns.

  At present, a number of institutions hold "buy" ratings on Tencent and have raised their target price for Tencent. Morgan Stanley raised its target price of Tencent from the original 310 Hong Kong dollars to 370 Hong Kong dollars; Nomura Securities raised its target price to 341 yuan; Bank of America Merrill Lynch maintained its "buy" rating, raising the target price of Tencent to 331 yuan, and expects the mobile game business to continue to drive the company’s revenue. Deutsche Bank raised the target price of Tencent from 320 yuan to 327 yuan, and rated it "buy".

  Pony Ma becomes China’s richest man

  According to Forbes’ real-time rich list, Pony Ma’s personal wealth rose to 36.20 billion US dollars, ranking 18th in the world on the list, surpassing Jack Ma, who ranked 20th, and Wang Jianlin, who ranked 26th, to become the richest man in China.

  According to the latest disclosure of rights and interests of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Pony Ma’s share of the issued shares of Tencent Holdings fell from 13.91% on July 8, 2004 to 8.73% on November 28, 2016. However, Tencent’s market value has increased by nearly a thousand times from billions of Hong Kong dollars at that time to trillions of Hong Kong dollars at present; Tencent’s share price has risen from HK $3.70 per share in June 2004 to HK $320.60 today, and it has also undergone a split of five. According to this calculation, in the 13 years of listing, Tencent’s share price has increased by more than 433 times. The wealth of Pony Ma, the founder of the company, has naturally risen.

  2017 interim results will be announced next Wednesday

  Tencent will announce its 2017 interim results next Wednesday. According to statistics, in the past five years, Tencent’s revenue growth rate has been 54%, 38%, 31%, 30% and 48% respectively. Tencent’s performance in the first quarter of this year shows that operating income 49.588 billion yuan, an increase of 54.83% year-on-year, and net profit 14.548 billion yuan, an increase of 57.46% year-on-year. Roughly calculated, in the 90 days of the first quarter of this year, Tencent Holdings’ average daily revenue was about 550 million yuan, and the average daily net profit was about 160 million yuan.

  The market generally believes that although Tencent is involved in a wide range of business, it is still relatively focused on social networking and gaming. "In the past, everyone thought that Tencent could do anything, and we also took a detour," Pony Ma once said. "We have changed a lot in the past two years, cutting more and more businesses… Since entering mobile game operations, a lot of energy has been on the layout of global mobile games, which is our main business."

  The game business is Tencent’s main business, which is not only one side of Ma Yun’s words, but also reflected in Tencent’s financial report. In 2016, Tencent’s 2016 annual revenue was 151.938 billion, of which online game revenue was 70.844 billion, accounting for 47%. In Quarter 1 this year, Tencent achieved revenue of about RMB 14.10 billion in PC client side games, an increase of 24% year-on-year, benefiting from the increase in contributions of major games such as League of Legends, Dungeons and Warriors, and FIFA Online 3. In mobile games, revenue of about RMB 12.90 billion was achieved, an increase of 57% year-on-year, driven by existing and new games such as ("Honor of Kings", "Crossfire: Gunfight King" and "Dragon Valley"). In particular, "Honor of Kings", its tens of millions of DAU players have achieved not only a game, but also a hot topic in society. As of the fourth quarter of 2016, "Honor of Kings" has 50 million DAU. In the past six months, the popularity of the game has gradually increased, and it has attracted the attention of Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily and other media. I hope the game can lead positive energy and fulfill its social responsibility.

  As of the first quarter of this year, Tencent’s QQ monthly active accounts reached 861 million, and the combined monthly active accounts of WeChat and WeChat reached 938 million, an increase of 23% over the same period last year. Social and other advertising revenue increased by 67% to RMB 4.379 billion, mainly driven by advertising revenue growth from WeChat Moments, WeChat public accounts, app stores and mobile browsers.

  related news

  Tencent launched credit score

  "Tencent Credit" has opened a public beta for some users, and some users can already check their credit scores in the account column of QQ Wallet in the "Tencent Credit" official account of mobile QQ.

  Beiqing Daily reporter learned that Tencent Credit is a personal credit management platform launched by Tencent Credit, and the credit score can reflect the user’s credit level. Similar to Zhima Credit Score, Tencent Credit Score is also evaluated by the system credit scoring model. It relies on comprehensive evaluation of data from multiple dimensions such as social, payment, finance, and society to monitor in real time. The higher the score, the higher the credit level. Users can improve their credit score by repaying credit cards in a timely manner, paying water, electricity and gas bills on time, binding bank cards on the official website of Tenpay or mobile QQ wallet, purchasing wealth management products, and improving accurate credit information in credit management. Loan defaults, credit card repayments and other behaviors will be recorded, and even affect the credit score.

  Tencent said that users can not only understand their credit level through Tencent credit scores, but also enjoy the financial privileges and life privileges that good credit brings to them, such as cash lending, bank card application, consumption installment, and credit travel.

  It is reported that only QQ super members are currently eligible for the public beta. Tencent said that the public beta qualification is not directly related to QQ members, QQ years, QQ levels, account transfer consumption and other conditions. It is based on the user’s real name and credit comprehensive evaluation and randomly opened. At present, the public beta list is small, and there is no active application path for the time being. The public beta list will be gradually opened in the future. This group text/This reporter, Wen Jing, photo/DongIC fang

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  On February 29, the "2024 19th China (Jinan) International Solar Energy Utilization Conference and the 3rd China (Shandong) New Energy and Energy Storage Application Expo" with the theme of "Golden Sunshine, Clean Energy, Dual Carbon Leading, and Storage Development" opened at Shandong International Convention and Exhibition Center. The conference lasted for three days.

  This year’s exhibition has been newly upgraded, and the site adopts the "1 + N + N" conference model, that is, 1 boutique exhibition, more than 10 forum meetings, and more than 20 new product launches and precise docking activities. With a professional perspective, an efficient platform, and deeper content, we will lead the development direction of the new energy industry and become the "wind vane" exhibition of the industry.

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  Efficient links, deeply empowering

  The exhibition scale of this year’s "Solar Energy Exhibition" is 60,000 square meters, divided into photovoltaic, energy storage, photovoltaic building integration, distributed energy multi-energy complementary, industry-university-research, finance and other professional exhibition areas, attracting State Grid, Huawei, BYD, Midea, Haier, Tongwei, Sunshine Power, Jinke, Longji, JA, Trina Solar, Canadian Solar, Zhonglai, Oriental Risen, Chint, TBEA, GCL, China Building Materials, China Energy Conservation and other global more than 600 new energy brand enterprises participated in the exhibition. Focus on displaying new technologies, new products and solutions for the whole industry chain such as solar photovoltaic, energy storage, and multi-energy complementary. The whole chain efficiently links industry and cross-disciplinary information and resources, and deeply empowers the development of the industry to help achieve the goal of "peak carbon dioxide emissions carbon neutrality". It is expected that the audience will reach 100,000 in three days.

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  One exhibition brings together the world, one exhibition sees the future

  It is reported that this exhibition has a strong lineup of exhibitors, including 12 of the world’s top 500 companies, 30 of the global energy 500 companies, and 18 of the Chinese private 500 companies. The exhibition brings together the world’s top new energy companies and technologies, leading the development direction of the industry. It is not only a national channel ordering conference, but also the largest distributed solar storage cooperation conference in the country. It is also an energy end point application event in the Asia-Pacific region.

  "Sea" and "land" photovoltaic products become a highlight

  This "Solar Energy Exhibition" not only brought together photovoltaic boutiques from "sea" and "land", but also showcased many new photovoltaic and energy storage technology products, some of which were unveiled for the first time at the exhibition. Not only the "distributed photovoltaic + flexible storage" solution that debuted on land, the lotus module that has no border barrier and is beautiful and clean like a lotus flower, the high-efficiency photovoltaic module that is completely black, the intelligent flexible bracket system applied to more use scenarios, the beautiful, energy-saving and noise-reducing hollow light-transmitting series power generation glass, and the heterojunction photovoltaic module with high reliability performance at sea. These products have value and strength, making them the highlight of the conference.

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  Efficient activities promote development

  During the same period of the exhibition, more than 10 forums and conferences were also held, including "2024 3rd Yellow River Basin New Energy Innovation and Development Conference", "2024 2nd Shandong Province New Energy High-Quality Development Forum", "2024 7th China Distributed Photovoltaic Conference", "2024 6th China Household Photovoltaic Conference", etc. More than 40 academicians and experts from the industry attended the conference to give wonderful speeches, and exchanged and discussed photovoltaic, energy storage, smart energy and other content. The topics have connotation and depth. During the same period, more than 20 business investment conferences, new product launches and precise docking activities will also be held.

  This year’s "Solar Energy Exhibition" is jointly organized by Shandong Solar Energy Industry Association, Shandong Xinchenghua Exhibition Co., Ltd., and Shandong Chenghua Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Wanda Film Chen Zhixi: Excavating the charm of light and shadow to make young people fall in love with movies

1905 movie network feature Gain insight into the film industry and embrace Chinese films. In 2023, "China Film Report" "Blue Feather Parlor" launched the two sessions to specially plan "Dialogue Spring", inviting representatives of ten film companies to jointly promise a beautiful vision for Chinese films to move forward in the wind. From welcoming spring to entering spring. Now, we once again start with the prosperous Spring Festival stall and join hands with filmmakers to dream of 2024, when Chinese films are blooming.

"China Film Report" "Blue Feather Parlor" 2024 Two Sessions specially planned – the eighth episode of "Dialogue Spring" entered Wanda Film. The whole industry chain layout and development, closer to the audience, listen to the audience’s voice to feed back creation. Tonight, the host of the movie channel, Lan Yu, talked to the chairperson and president of Wanda Film joint stock company, let the audience walk into the cinema, walk into the movie, and feel the charm of light and shadow making dreams.

Discover and cooperate with new directors to supplement industry talents

The new work "Flowers Bloom" will be turned on for the second time

In the past period of time, the filmmaker Chen Zhixi has completed a career change – from "tens of billions of beautiful women producers" to become the chairperson of Wanda Film, the head of a film company with a whole industry chain. Wanda Film has always had a special emotion for her.

Located in the central district of Beijing’s East Fourth Ring Road, Wanda Studios has hosted most movie premieres. The studio has accompanied the filmmaker’s growth. From the very beginning, "almost all the premieres of films I have produced and invested in in my career have been in this studio."

Chen Zhixi has participated in the creation of many directors’ first works in the past, from the director’s "Lost in Thailand", the director’s "Pancake Man", and later Jia Ling’s. For her, after taking over Wanda Film, she listed the project planning for the next three years. In addition to cooperating with mature directors, she hopes to accompany more young filmmakers.

Wanda Film launched the "Elite + Program" in 2017, dedicated to discovering and cultivating professional talents in the film and television industry, and fully promoting the upgrading of China’s film industry. So far, 11 directors have been signed, as well as hundreds of screenwriters. "I hope to use my experience of accompanying many directors in the creation of their first films to accompany more young directors, so as to fill the market with more good content."

From a pure producer to the current head of a film company, in Chen Zhixi’s view, "launching some new directors and screenwriters for the industry and replenishing industry talents is the most basic work I can do."

She hopes to summarize her past experience and explore and judge the possibility of directors in more dimensions, "such as the director’s values and field control ability, to judge what kind of works this director will present to the audience and the market in the future." Chen Zhixi hopes to help these directors choose the theme and genre that best suits their talents as their debut films, so that they can succeed quickly.

Looking back at Chen Zhixi’s creative resume, she accompanied Xu Zheng, Dapeng and other filmmakers to realize the transformation from actor to director. At that time, they were all in their thirties and full of infinite possibilities. Today, Chen Zhixi looks at the actors around the age of 30, "There are three people who are very promising. I am already chatting with them, helping them choose topics, and seeing if there is a chance to move from the front to the back in the future."

In addition to the newcomer power, Wanda Cinemas will continue to work with mature and experienced directors.

After collaborating with Jia Ling on "Hello, Li Huanying," the two will continue to work together on the new novel "Flowers Blossom." "Half of the film has been completed, and we will continue to shoot the other half." At present, the entire film crew is also choosing the time and shooting location, "I hope to finish the film and meet the audience as soon as possible."

The whole industry chain excavates the charm of light and shadow

Awaken the enthusiasm of young audiences to fall in love with cinemas

As a film company with a whole industry chain, Wanda Film continues from the creative end to the screening end, which also allows Chen Zhixi, the head of the company, to have more opportunities to enter the audience and communicate with the audience. "In the past, more of my work was to accompany the directors to make scripts, how to set the plate and code the box office. At the stage of promotion, the previous distribution was also dependent on the outside. Now, Wanda Film has its own screening hall, which can feed back our films through the studios of the entire theater chain."

At present, there are 916 Wanda Studios across the country, and among the top 100 theaters in the national box office during the Spring Festival, Wanda accounts for as many as 67.

Chen Zhixi said that in the future, Wanda Film will continue to strengthen the high standards and high platform of the entire Wanda Studios, "continue to improve our service awareness and service quality, and create a very good viewing environment for the audience."

She was also thinking about how she used to feel like walking into a movie theater was like Chinese New Year because of the aroma of popcorn, so how could she make today’s young people fall in love with movies?

Awakening the enthusiasm of young people and making them willing to go to the cinema to watch movies has become a topic she and Wanda Film are eager to solve.

We are willing to learn more about movies and the charm of light and shadow. "Chen Zhixi hopes that under the environment of Wanda Film, she can take the initiative to change some business conditions, so that the theater can have more life-like and richer scene simulations.

"For example, in’The Trilogy of Consecrated Gods’, the props are so beautiful and the costumes are so beautiful. But after the movie is filmed, the audience is far away from them. As the end point of the movie, can we really hold some Consecrated Gods props for the director? I think that by transporting all those exquisite props and costumes to the theater, the audience can reach a deeper dimension of understanding and love for the movie."

The possibility of exploring cinemas also affects creators’ development at the front end. Judging from the current situation of the Chinese film market, a large proportion depends on box office revenue, 8% relies on Internet copyright recycling, and a very small part relies on derivatives.

In Chen Zhixi’s opinion, derivatives may be one of the paths for the recovery of film revenue in the future. "We hope that the life cycle of movies will become longer, and there can be more series movies." In particular, Wanda Film is currently developing and creating animated films in the "Bao Gong" series, and plans to create a more complete derivative system. "Animated films have more advantages in derivatives."

The animated film planned for this year’s Qixi Festival will be one of Wanda Film’s summer publicity projects. After the accumulation of the past two works, the film "will definitely have a very good derivative performance, which will really make the audience and characters, and even the film have emotional communication and interaction."

Sailis new energy vehicles sold 36,838 units in January

People’s Daily Online Chongqing, February 4 (Reporter Hu Hong) Recently, the joint stock company of Cyrus Group (hereinafter referred to as "Cyrus") released the production and sales express for January 2024. Data show that the sales of Cyrus new energy vehicles reached 36,838 in January, an increase of 654.1% year-on-year.

In January 2024, AITO delivered 32,973 new cars, an increase of 34.76% month-on-month, of which 24 days of single-day delivery exceeded 1,000. It is worth mentioning that the delivery of AITO’s new M7 reached a new high, with 31,253 new cars delivered in a single month. For the first time, the monthly delivery exceeded 30,000, opening a new chapter in delivery speed.

At present, the cumulative size of AITO’s new M7 has exceeded 140,000 vehicles, and the order growth and delivery efficiency have been accelerated together. Under the multi-point catalysis of channels and products, the new models, M7 and M9, are expected to start a new round of volume cycle, helping the company’s first quarter profitability to improve significantly.

Since the beginning of this year, the sales volume of the AITO series has maintained a steady increase, and sales have been increasing month-on-month for four consecutive weeks. Since September last year, the new M7 and M9 models of AITO have been launched one after another, which has helped sales to increase rapidly and provided users with a continuously leading smart travel experience.

It is reported that since January 31st, the AITO Interview M5 and the new M7 smart driving version have been upgraded to the OTA version of the high-end package, which can realize the high-level intelligent driving of the urban NCA without relying on high-precision maps across the country, bringing a smart driving experience that can be driven across the country.

AITO asked the world M9. Photo courtesy of Cyrus

AITO asked the world M9. Photo courtesy of Cyrus

Thanks to the continuous increase in sales of high-end new energy vehicles, Sailis’ performance is stable and resilient. From the data disclosed in the performance forecast, Sailis is expected to achieve operating income of 35.50 billion yuan to 36.50 billion yuan in 2023, and net profit attributable to the parent will improve by 29.5% -45.1% year-on-year.

The continuous increase in sales volume cannot be separated from Cyrus’ deep cultivation of technological innovation, continuous improvement of R & D strength and leading intelligent manufacturing strength. According to the recently released China Automotive Science and Technology’s 2023 automotive patent statistics, the number of invention patents of Cyrus Group achieved a year-on-year growth of 407.76% in 2023, ranking first in the independent vehicle group. In addition, in the number of automobile invention patents granted in China in 2023, Cyrus Group was shortlisted for the TOP20 for the first time with a year-on-year growth rate of 88.00%.

In terms of intelligent manufacturing, Sailis Automotive Smart Factory took the lead in applying the industry-leading 9000T integrated die-casting process, achieving the highest degree of integration among integrated die-casting components on the market, elevating the quality and speed of product delivery to new heights, and effectively achieving efficient production, lightweight, and high safety.

Precision Forging Technology was investigated by 7 organizations: the company started mass production in Q1, 2023 for the supporting business (domestic+export) of Volvo’s second-generation new energy

  () The Record Form of Investor Relations Activities was released on March 7, and the company was investigated by seven institutions on February 22, 2023, with institutions of other types, fund companies and securities companies.

  The main contents of investor relations activities are introduced:

  Q: Review of operation in 2022.

  A: In 2022, the company’s overall revenue increased by 27%, mainly due to the supporting business of new energy vehicles and the export market business, of which the supporting business of new energy vehicles accounted for about 22% in 2022, the export market business accounted for about 33% in 2022, and the export growth rate was over 30%.

  Q: Expectation in 2023

  A: In 2023, the company is expected to achieve an overall revenue growth of 30%. It is estimated that domestic revenue and export revenue will basically keep pace with growth, and the proportion of new energy revenue is expected to reach more than 30%.

  Q: What are the incremental plates in 2023?

  A: In 2023, the main increase will be in supporting the business segment and export business segment for new energy vehicles. Traditional fuel vehicles will enter the batch production with new localization projects, which will also contribute to some growth.

  Q: The ratio of fuel vehicles to new energy vehicles in exports.

  A: In the export business in 2022, the business income supporting fuel vehicles will account for 80%+, and the proportion of new energy income in the export business in 2023 will increase year-on-year.

  Q: The specific gravity of differential assembly products.

  A: In 2022, the differential assembly revenue will account for about 17% of the total revenue, and the target in 2023 will be more than 25%.

  Q: Major customers of agricultural machinery sector.

  A: The main customer of agricultural machinery is John Deere.

  Q: Long-term planning by product and business.

  A: New energy vehicles: differential gears, differential assemblies, main reduction gears and motor shafts.

  The target is that in 2025, the revenue from supporting new energy vehicles will account for more than 50%. Lightweight field: air-conditioning compressor scroll, chassis system forgings, thermal management system forgings, etc., target chassis system forgings, thermal management system forgings, etc. began to contribute revenue in 2024.

  Q: Matching situation of major customers in North America.

  A: The company’s domestic market support for major customers in North America has basically reached expectations. In the near future, it will arrange a team to visit its European factory to meet the supply issues.

  Q: Volvo’s new energy project

  A: The company started mass production for Volvo’s second-generation new energy vehicle supporting business (domestic+export) in Q1, 2023. Its next-generation new energy vehicle differential assembly and motor shaft are under negotiation and are progressing smoothly.

  Q: BYD project

  A: The company mainly supports differential gears for (). BYD has four platforms of differential business. The company has been supporting differential gears for the platform with the largest output, and the gears for the other three platforms have also been developed and are currently being tested and verified.

  Q: The business of well-known technology companies in China.

  A: The company has been developing differential assemblies for its different platforms, and plans to start mass production in 2024.

  Q: Geely Automobile’s business:

  A: The company has been supporting motor shafts for Geely in batches. In addition, the differential assembly business has obtained the fixed point of its new project, and the assembly is currently being tested and verified.

  Q: New Power Customer Business

  A: Major new car-making customers, such as Ai ‘an, Weilai, Ideality, Tucki, Lingpao and Nezha, have cooperated with them. The main supporting products are differential gears and differential assemblies.

  Q: Main gear reduction business

  A: At present, the production capacity of the project is already under construction, and the target customers are also docking. The goal is to contribute revenue in 2024.

  Q: Plans to build factories overseas

  A: In 2022, the company’s export accounted for 33%, of which North America accounted for about one third of the export. Considering the factors such as tariffs, market competition and expansion, and customer requirements, the company will start the overseas factory building planning in Asia, Europe and North America in real time, and will announce the actual progress in time.

  Q: What is the impact of changes in raw material prices?

  A: The company and most customers have a mechanism for adjusting the fluctuation of material prices, and the impact of changes in raw material prices on costs is relatively controllable;

  The main business of Jiangsu Pacific Precision Forging Technology Co., Ltd. is bevel gear of automobile differential, combined gear of automobile transmission, shaft parts of automobile transmission, EDL (electronic differential system gear), synchronizer gear ring, clutch drive hub parts, parking gear, motor shaft and differential assembly for new energy vehicles, and gears for high-end agricultural machinery. The company’s main products are divided into bevel gears and combined teeth.

  Details of participating institutions are as follows:

Name of participating unit Category of participating units Name of participants Harvest fund Fund company Yang juncheng Yongying fund Fund company Wang Jiawei Recursive fund Fund company Yu liangtao Golden Eagle Fund Fund company Wu Haifeng Yin Hua Fund Fund company zhang yinuo Open source securities securities company Zhu Jingyi Dongzheng asset management other Chen Siyuan

BYD, give me back my gearbox! Tang DM-p was upgraded reversely, which disappointed the old car owners.

At 8 o’clock on the evening of June 9, the long-awaited Tang DM-p finally officially appeared for pre-sale, with a pure battery life of 215 kilometers, a super intelligent electric four-wheel drive, an acceleration of 4.3 seconds at zero, and a fuel consumption of 6.5L per 100 kilometers, which is a performance benchmark of this level. Perhaps my expectations are too high. As the first generation of Tang car owners, I am slightly disappointed with the new Tang DM-p, and even think it is a compromise between technology and market.

Dynasty series is BYD’s pioneering work. Since the first generation of Qin and Tang Dynasties, it has established its position as a leader in new energy vehicles. In particular, the 542 strategy, Tang Zhanfanbang, eclipsed the joint venture car at the same level! Zero acceleration of 4.9 seconds, full-time electric four-wheel drive, in the 200,000-class SUV, Tang Yi rides the dust! Even under a million, there are few opponents. Since then, BYD has gained the first batch of fans, and I am one of them.

The first batch of Tang car owners, the pride of domestic cars was rooted in their bones. At that time, the 2015 Tang didn’t even have a small BSG motor, and it was said to be an oil tiger, but I could drive it below 6L (the road conditions were smooth), and even went to
get away
) specific fuel consumption. The running-in between people and cars has reached such a level as an armband, an automatic transmission car, and I can even control the engine rpm through mode switching and throttle depth, just like manual transmission.

In 18 years, the second generation of Tang Dynasty went on the market, and started the family design of Longyan, upgraded the BSG small motor, and the zero-hundred-speed acceleration was also improved to 4.5 seconds, which can be said to be a brand-new look from the inside out. At that time, the president of Volkswagen even came to Wan Li for a test drive, so that he was caught speeding and made a wave of advertisements for BYD for free.

Perhaps the starting point of Tang is too high. This time, Tang DM-p did evolve and upgrade in some places, but it also lost something. The prospective car owner may be happy, but for an old car owner like me, he is slightly disappointed. Tang DM-p still hasn’t evolved to the perfect appearance in my heart, and there are some grooves, so I really can’t spit it out.

First, what about the gearbox?

DM-i doesn’t need it, because it focuses on economy and fuel economy. Han DM-p can also use no gearbox, and the passability of the car determines that it can only take pavement. But as an SUV with main performance,Represents poetry and the distant Tang DynastyI think the gearbox is necessary.

EHS electric hybrid system can be more fuel-efficient and smooth, and the super intelligent electric four-wheel drive is realized by three-in-one rear electric drive, and its stability and difficulty relief are not inferior to the previous version. When using the gearbox, it is inevitable that there will be a sense of shifting, which will reduce the driving experience and increase fuel consumption. However, the gearbox has two advantages that ECVT can’t compare. The first isThe engine can be involved in the full speed range., the power bonus is higher. The second isOil and electricity systems are independent of each other, which can form double insurance..

ECVT (including all the existing DHT in 2nd and 3rd gears) has no starting gear, so once the battery, motor and circuit system fail, the engine cannot drive the vehicle alone. And the hybrid gearbox, such as the old Tang and Han DM, can run on pure oil, at the very least, the safety is more secure, and it will not squat halfway. It is more reliable when you drive long distances, even when you cross long distances.

Second, upgrade 2.0T to 1.5T?

Compared with the 2021 Tang DM, the power of Tang DM-p has not been significantly improved, and the official announcement is 4.3 seconds faster than the actual measurement. However, the old Tang DM was realized by 2.0T engine+dual motors with total power of 394kW, while the new Tang DM-p was realized by 1.5T engine+dual motors with total power of 480kW.

We don’t blow black, the displacement is small, the fuel consumption will inevitably decrease, and on this basis, the performance has not weakened, which can be regarded as an improvement. The old Tang DM lost 7.5L of electricity and fuel consumption, while the new one was reduced to 6.5L..

In addition, the thermal efficiency of the new 1.5T Xiaoyun engine is more than 40%, and the noise and vibration are obviously better than the old 2.0T If the new and old models are compared, the new NVH must be far superior to the old ones. Although I have not measured this, I can tell from the technical details.

However, it is 1.5T after all. In order to make the power reach the previous high standard, the motor power has to be increased, and in order to maintain the output of the motor, the battery has to be increased. So this is the Tang DM-p with a battery life of 215Km. butDon DM-p, in my mind, it should be 2.0T!

2.0T high thermal efficiency engine, BYD487ZQD, the thermal efficiency is actually not too high, 39% is enough, and the soul of Tang is not fuel-efficient. I think the fuel consumption of 7.5L is acceptable, because if it can be charged at home, it will still be driven by pure electricity most of the time. My old Tang needs 9L for electricity consumption, but I also have to worry about the expiration of gasoline. For most people, 80Km pure battery life is enough.

Third, don DM-p is still

BYD’s marketing level is a long story. before
The four-wheel drive version is called Song PLUS DM-i AWD, which is the same as adding a rear motor on the basis of the EHS hybrid of DM-i. And when I got to Han,
In addition, the rear motor realizes four-wheel drive, because the pure battery life is longer, it is called DM-P. Is there any rule for this naming? Who can tell me what is the difference between DM-i AWD and DM-p? Is the motor more powerful?

In fact, according to the classification defined by BYD itself, the current DM-p of Tang and Han should be called DM-i AWD. Because DM-p is defined as the ultimate performance, regardless of fuel consumption, it should be a 2.0T engine+a hybrid special gearbox with a starting gear (which can be an advanced version of DCT). On this basis, plus a large motor and a large battery necessary for a large motor, it should not be a problem to have a pure battery life of 200Km and a break of 4 seconds.

As a car, the solution of DM-i AWD (cash DM-p) is indeed better than the solution with gearbox. However, as an SUV, I still think that a gearbox is needed to add a heavy insurance to poetry and the distance.

In fact, from the change of naming, we can also see the internal entanglement of BYD. If the technical scheme of early DM-p was determined, there would not be such a freak as AWD on Song Plus DM-I. Maybe just call it
DM-P. I guess, when Song PLUS DM-i AWD was released, BYD didn’t deny that DM-p had a gearbox, and finally, for various reasons, it had to compromise with the market.

Fourth, high-cost solutions cut off the possibility of low prices.

Why does Tang DM-p need 215Km pure battery life? In fact, for most families, the average mileage of a year is 10,000 kilometers, and the average is only about 30Km kilometers per day. Therefore, it is enough to travel in the urban area with pure electricity for 80Km. Even if you run a little farther occasionally, the mileage of pure electricity is not enough. It is nothing more than using some oil. The long battery life is meaningless. But why do the pure battery life of Tang and Han DM-p exceed 200Km?

Because this is necessary for large motors, the battery pack must be large enough to support the voltage required for high power output of large motors! And the cost of the battery is real money, so the price of this generation of Tang Han is much more expensive than the previous generation. You can say it’s worth the money, but it’s not friendly to some friends with insufficient budget.

Fifth, the strength comparison of Tang DM-p products.

The above spit is mainly because I don’t agree with BYD’s technical route, butAs far as Tang DM-p is concerned, the improvement is still huge.. Even if it sells for more than 300 thousand, its product strength at this price is still the strongest, and the only thing that can compete with it is only.
DHT PHEV, plus 2021 Tang DM, we put the three cars together to compare the product strength.

1. compare mocha DHT PHEV:Mocha There are only two configurations of PHEV, one is the 252Km distinguished model equivalent to Tang DM-i, which has no advantage in price and battery life. The fast charge is only 60W, and it takes one hour to charge the battery to 80%. The advantage is that the power is better than that of Tang DM-i 252Km, which is 7.4 seconds, and Bitang DM-i’s performance of 8.5 seconds is more than one second faster. Compared with the two-drive version, it is obvious that the newly released Tang DM-i 252 honor is more worth buying.

The four-wheel drive version, which corresponds to Tang DM-p, is slightly inferior in power, but the gap between 4.8 seconds and 4.3 seconds does not make much sense for home use. Tang DM-p has longer battery life and stronger fast charge. The specific configuration is basically the same horizontal line, while Tang DM-p has a wide temperature range heat pump air conditioner, which has obvious advantages in winter endurance.

In addition, Mocha has five seats, while Tang provided seven-seat and six-seat versions.

Previously, my evaluation of Moka DHT PHEV was before the release of Tang DM-p, and it was 300,000 SUV with the highest cost performance, and there was no one. Sure enough, after the release of Tang DM-p, the most cost-effective 300,000 SUV was taken away.

2. Compare 21 Tang DM models.The price ranges of the two cars do not overlap, so they do not constitute direct competition. Tang DM has only two advantages. The first is its low price. Although it is a product of the previous generation, its performance is not weak. The second is that the oil and electricity systems are independent of each other, which is equivalent to double insurance. However, in other respects, it is definitely a penny for a penny. The pure battery life of Tang DM-p is 215Km. You may not need it, but the money is spent in place, and the surplus is better than nothing. Moreover, the power is insufficient and the fuel consumption is much lower than that of the same class fuel vehicle.

In addition, the biggest improvement is assisted driving. In the past, Tang DM’s assisted driving was only L2 level on the passing line, and the top models only had parallel auxiliary function. The new Tang DM-p has reached the level of quasi-L3, ACC adaptive cruise supports stop-and-go mode, forward and backward travel tips, blind spot monitoring, active lane keeping system, automatic parking in the whole scene … and the safety has also increased by one level.

The second is fast charging. Previously, the most popular voice of old riders was the fast charging function. For Tang DM with 80Km battery life, fast charging is of little significance, because no matter how fast it is filled, it can only run 80Km. However, for the pure battery life of 215Km, it is worthwhile to charge 80% in 20 minutes. 200Km requires 13L of oil. If it can be recharged, it can save more than 100 yuan of oil money.

Sixth, Tang DM-p, DM-i, DM and EV purchase suggestions.

1. It is recommended not to be obsessed with SUV. If it is only for urban transportation, I recommend Han DM-p more. The budget is more than 280 thousand,
More fragrant.

2, there is no demand for four-wheel drive, home to buy Tang DM-i 112Km battery life version, starting at 202,800, cheap is the last word! 112Km pure battery life is enough for most families. The long battery life of 252Km is 80 thousand expensive, which is highly recommended! If you have that budget, you might as well buy DM-P.

3. I want to buy a car after retirement in go on road trip, and I recommend 21 models of Tang DM on the grounds of double insurance. If you have enough budget and don’t go to too remote places, you can also choose Tang DM-p with fast charging, and the cost of comprehensive vehicles is lower.

4. Do not travel far, meet the needs of family cars,
Since you don’t travel far and drive in the city, the two drives will be enough. Unless you are in a northern city, you need to deal with icy roads. The battery life depends on your travel radius. There is no difference between 730Km and 500Km for a pure tram, only the difference between sufficient and insufficient.Make sure you don’t plan to drive long distances. EV smells better than DM-i and DM-p, although it is more expensive..

5. Tang DM-p configuration suggestionsPersonally, the most cost-effective one is the middle-equipped exclusive type, which has a lot more active safety configuration and comfort configuration than the low-equipped one, and can be equipped with a six-seat enjoyment combination suit, with a 2+2+2 seat layout for 10,000 yuan, and the second row of seats can be upgraded with ventilation, heating, massage and lumbar support, which is very cost-effective. Low matching is not recommended, and the loss of 20 thousand yuan difference is too much. The top matching mainly adds an active suspension, and supports full-scene automatic parking, Brembo brake calipers and differential locks. Of course, the budget is sufficient, but the cost performance is not higher than that of the middle matching model.

Write it at the endIn fact, Tang DM has basically reached the ultimate performance of family cars in the previous generation, so that it is difficult for the new model to achieve any substantive breakthrough. Moreover, although Tang is the flagship model of the dynasty family, it is not the top in BYD’s product system, the legendary high-end brand (starry sky? It is getting closer and closer to us, whether it is spit or disappointment, it must still be admitted that Tang DM-p is a 300,000-level SUV with the strongest product strength. Even if there is only a small step forward, it is also breaking through yourself.

Interview with Chengdu Auto Show 2021: A brand-new sub-brand of Krypton

On August 29th, the media day of Chengdu Auto Show in 2021, Krypton brand displayed a brand-new ecological strategy of energy replenishment, and released its sub-brand ZEEKR Power Krypton Energy. Relying on professional team, self-developed technology, partners and intelligent operation, we can build a complementary ecology and experience from three dimensions: family, city and service, and provide users with all-round energy solutions.

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Lu Mi, general manager of Zhejiang Haohan Energy Technology Co., Ltd. said at the press conference: "We will be committed to exploring new technologies, new services and new experiences, realizing full-scene, full-ecological and full-life cycle energy management, and solving the pain points of users’ full-scene charging experience with ecological services, becoming the driving force and guarantee for extremely awkward users to travel, and endurance for life anytime and anywhere."

After the press conference, Mr. Lu Tao was indirectly interviewed by the media in the interview, and then we will share the key contents of the interview with you.

A Interview with 2.jpg

▲ Lu Tao  General manager of Zhejiang Haohan Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Reporter:This year, Tesla completed 500 charging piles, of which 200 were completed this year. I think we are expected to complete 290 this year. I would like to ask when all of them will be delivered. The first batch was delivered in September? Another question is whether the charging station is self-operated or a third party.

Liu Tao:First, our target plan is to complete 290 seats within this year, which is also a challenge for us. In September, the first charging station will be launched, and the overcharging station will also be launched. The light charging station is probably expected to be a little late. The second question is that all the 290 seats are self-operated.

Reporter:Regarding the charging power, Tesla’s charging power is 120kW, and Tucki’s is 90kW. What’s our charging power?

Liu Tao:We have a variety of product series, including 20kW light charging products, 60-120kW overcharged products and 360kW extremely charged products. Different products have different power. If it is equipped with a 400-volt platform, the fastest charging speed of Krypton 001 from 10% to 80%SOC can be about 30 minutes.

Reporter:Before, I saw that Krypton gave a lot of data, saying that we will deploy 360 kilowatts of charging in the future, but not in the initial 290 seats, or what?

Liu Tao:Our piles can support the maximum charging power of 360 kW, and the planning of extremely filled piles will have some technical foresight, and it will go a little ahead, which can match the vast future architecture, and it is possible to carry the future 800 V platform. .

Reporter:Let me explain that the number of 290 stations includes different powers, not all of them are the same, and the power of different gradients is different. The highest power is 360 kW.

Liu Tao:Yes, our 290-seat charging station includes extremely charging station, overcharging station and light charging station, because each station is equipped with different charging facilities and charging piles.

Reporter:What is the proportion of our high-power charging piles among the 290 seats?

Liu Tao:Now, at present, we are competing with friends in the market for some capacitor and site problems. It is not certain that the remaining current in this shopping mall can be matched to the pole-filled pile or pole-filled station. We will take measures according to local conditions. At present, there is no very accurate proportion, which may not be suitable for full announcement, but we will announce the proportion later. Now we are looking for places with land and electricity while building in batches, and there are still some uncertainties.

Reporter:What is the plan that our charging network will be initially opened to Geely Group, third parties and other brands?

Liu Tao:Our polar charging station is not open now, only for polar krypton. Our overcharging station and light charging station can be opened.

Reporter:I think we gave a free charge this morning with a thousand degrees limit. Can this car be used to run Didi?

Liu Tao:Our press conference said that it is only limited to the first non-operating car owner of YOU version, and it is definitely not possible to run Didi.

Reporter:We released the brand ZEEKR Power this morning. It is not an after-sales service system now, but a brand. So in your opinion, what is the difference between it and the after-sales service system of Krypton? Why is it a brand?

Liu Tao:Many friends regard energy replenishment or charging as a part of after-sales service. Our business system should be called energy service accurately. In energy service, energy replenishment is only one part. Energy service also includes battery operation and similar optical storage integration, micro-grid construction, etc. It is a big energy layout. In Geely’s view, the whole energy service system, including Krypton, is a very, very large plate or business unit, so it is not just a simple small link in after-sales service, so we will pay more attention to the layout and input resources of energy services than other countries, so we will become an energy company operating independently and serve the Krypton brand at the same time. Therefore, the sub-brand of krypton energy was born, which is such a situation.

Reporter:In the morning, I heard you speak on the stage, and there was a scene that the office area and scenic spot would use 20 kilowatts of light power. Is this based on cost considerations or something? The figure of 20 kilowatts is not enough for any car in public areas, because it is better to charge it quickly, and it is better to walk quickly. Why is it 20 kilowatts?

Liu Tao:Good question, as I said at the press conference, it is not necessarily directly related to the cost. Of course, we also hope to control the cost. Because there are many charging scenarios, and I just said that the light charging pile is 20 kilowatts, you just mentioned that we will also put in extremely charging stations and over-charging stations in offices or other destinations, which does not mean that these places will definitely put in or only put in light charging stations. This is not necessarily related. At the same time, I also said in the morning that we should not only charge quickly, but also charge well. The reason for charging quickly is that we have a 360 kW output including high-power extremely-charged piles, which can quickly solve the user’s needs with very urgent needs. Now I have to leave immediately after charging, and I can’t wait that long. In another case, it is well-filled. When we look back, you will find that if you are a new energy vehicle owner now, and you go to dinner with friends, you will find that it will take at least 2 hours, but it will be filled up very quickly. If you use extremely-filled piles or extremely-filled stations now, there will definitely be some overtime and delay costs, which will be a loss to the whole social resources. We definitely hope that the user will charge the car in 2-3 hours, charging it with a light pile, and you don’t have to go down to move the car. For example, it is a very painful and bad experience for you to eat a meal for 30 minutes.

Reporter bThis scene doesn’t mean that you are waiting for charging. You may have gone to the scenic spot to play, the car is charging here, and then you drive away after playing in the scenic spot, not to let you sit and wait in this scene.

Reporter:Why is the number 20?

Liu Tao:It must be a comprehensive consideration, including 20 kilowatts on the R&D side, the market side, the user side and the cost side. We don’t just say 30 kilowatts, 40 kilowatts and 50 kilowatts at will. Generally speaking, we will classify the scenes of pure electric vehicles according to the parking time. For example, we will stay at home for one night, stay in the company for one day, and stay in the mall for only 2-4 hours. We will charge about 50%-60% of the starting SOC and ending SOC data of pure electric vehicles under normal circumstances. Based on big data calculation, according to 60% of the 100-degree battery of Krypton 001, it will be charged about 60 degrees. According to the parking time of 2-4 hours, 20kW is enough, which can definitely meet the charging demand in this scene, make full use of power resources, cover more parking spaces and provide more charging parking spaces.

Reporter:Weilai said in the publicity that he hoped that every Weilai user would live in the electricity area, and how many kilometers there would be a power station. Is there such a goal for us to have a charging station within how many kilometers in the future?

Liu Tao:We don’t have a specific frame to determine how many kilometers away from the user community, because we have to consider the overall distribution of all users. At present, there is no particularly accurate way to calculate the user data because Extreme Krypton 001 has not been delivered. Second, we now feel that for all extreme Krypton car owners, we should solve the core problem first. The core problem is that we are now laying out in some places in the core of supermarkets and CBD, and solve the problem that these users often go to the scene first. It is the second step to extend it to calculate how much to do. At present, the core pain point for users is the core of the city center, not the suburbs.

Reporter:There is a new round of financing these two days. Is the sub-brand of our charging station a wholly-owned sub-brand of Geely or something else?

Liu Tao:ZEEKR Power, the sub-brand you are talking about?


Liu Tao:This brand should not exist. It is jointly owned by several companies, and ZEEKR Power serves ZEEKR.

Reporter:Weilai’s power exchange station is just a few companies.

Liu Tao:Different, NIO Power only serves NIO (Weilai), and it does not serve other brands.

Reporter:From the profit model, for example, just now, I accepted the brand of Krypton, and the owner will have a free charge every year when placing an order this year. What is the profit model?

Liu Tao:I understand that you are planning profit points for all specific overall energy companies, or are you referring to profit points for only stations?

Reporter:Our brand.

Liu Tao:At present, our profit is related to the user experience. At this stage, we will pay more attention to the user experience, and profit is only the second priority. From the perspective of the whole energy service system, there are many companies in the market that look at the situation of new energy vehicles and energy companies in the same important position. If there are enough new energy vehicles in the market, energy companies can make more layouts through new energy vehicles, which can incubate many business models. However, in the early stage, the first thing is to sell the vehicles and implement the follow-up strategy on the basis of ownership, so it is not necessary to achieve profitability in the early stage. Of course, the two of them will have some complementary functions.

Reporter:I think the morning press conference also talked about the plan of charging cars. I am very interested in this matter. Weilai NIO Power also mentioned this thing, but now they are gradually reducing the proportion of mobile charging cars in the whole energy service. What is the initial deployment logic of our car? Priority in first-class cities or as a supplement in other cities?

Liu Tao:It suddenly occurred to me that you just had a question. You just talked about the point of profit. Now private cars are in a rapid growth trend, growing at a rate of 100% and 200%. It is a very large incremental market at present. If there are enough pure electric cars in the market, the profit part is very large. But at present, we will grasp the user experience and profit with both hands. You just mentioned the urban layout of charging cars. At present, we will give priority to the service of mobile charging stations in first-tier cities. Mobile charging cars will probably do some tests one after another in September, and it is expected to start online at the end of September.

Reporter:Will the use of charging cars be a right of users, or will there be a higher charge?

Liu Tao:At present, the charging car will be in the whole service system, and the user side and the retail side have not announced the specific rules and policies, because they are still doing some calculation and specific research work. When they announce the specific content, we will consider combining the two services of mobile charging car and valet charging (charging) to give users an experience, but at present, there is no specific plan and policy.

[2023 Auto Show] The Great Wall Shanhai Gun 6X6 appeared.

The PHEV and HEV versions of Great Wall Motor Shanhai Gun were officially unveiled at the 2023 Shanghai Auto Show, making the world’s first show. The new car is built on the 6X6 super off-road platform of Great Wall Gun, with six-wheel drive and five equivalent differential locks. The off-road performance is quite hard-core. Riders, are you looking forward to the official arrival of this 6×6 pickup truck?

New car information

Add some color to low-key security Volvo S40 static experience

  [car home Experience] If you know anything about cars, when you hear the brand Volvo, what words will flash in your mind for the first time? Safe? Northern Europe? Keep a low profile? Taste? No matter what word crosses your eyes, I believe it will not be a description of sports, fashion and fashion. Yes, Volvo has always been a brand famous for its commitment to automobile safety technology. It comes from Sweden in northern Europe, but now it belongs to Ford, and its impression has always been low-key, unobtrusive and not so eye-catching. However, today’s red Volvo S40 may break your old impression.

  Note: The model we experienced this time is Volvo S40 2.4i Zia version, which may be different from other models in terms of color, parameters and configuration.

Appearance-at first glance, it is better to look carefully.

  S40 is a compact model, which comes from Ford C1 platform. As many people know, the products of this platform include Focus and Mazda 3. The other two models are well-known for their manipulation and sports, and they are all the rage among young people. What about S40?

  At first glance, I was pleasantly surprised to find that this is a red S40. This is not because I am a woman, so I like red, but because although almost all models will have red without exception, not all cars can look good in red. And I like the red color of this Volvo S40 very much, maybe it just fits my age and aesthetics.

Home of the car

  At first glance, the front of S40 is straight and restrained, with simple lines, not very streamlined and round, and not very tough and masculine. The chrome-plated upper intake is not as exaggerated as the popular "big mouth", and the logo of "VOLVO" stands calmly in the middle, as if it is lacking. But just like the "second-eye beauty", after a few more eyes, you can find S40’s character from various details.

Home of the car

 Home of the car Home of the car

Home of the car Home of the car

Home of the car

  Two headlights with black edges are as bright and angry as the eyes of a "gourd doll", and the flat and ultra-wide lower air intake is slightly fierce. The most characteristic angle is from the front side. The headlights with black edges, the wide and flat lower grille with black, and the powerful engine compartment line are quoted to Fang Ping’s front face, which has a fierce lion’s head effect.

  The joints between the hood and headlights are even and detailed, and there are no obvious defects. The welding spots on the side of the door are symmetrically distributed, and the treatment effect is also fine.

Home of the car

  From the side, it can be found that the engine cabin line passes through the A-pillar all the way to the rear, which outlines a high waistline and dynamic shape, and directly intersects with the arc of the roof at the rear of the car, making the ending a little more movement and dexterity besides being angular and heavy.

Home of the car

Home of the car Home of the car

Home of the car Home of the car

  S40’s tail line is straight, and the two stepped taillights create a sense of integrity with angular edges, which is also surrounded by a circle of black borders. Because there are no tiny lines and no excessive intersections and overlaps, the whole tail shape is quite simple, and the broad protrusions make the layers distinct. If the plump and rounded hip design of the car please men, perhaps the style like S40 can win the love of female consumers.

Home of the car

  Generally speaking, the appearance of Volvo S40 left me with a unique impression. It is angular but not too straightforward, with personality but not very ostentatious, passionate but restrained, impulsive but secretly hidden.

Interior-pure black interior+suspended center console

  This red S40 2.4i Zia version is matched with a pure black interior, instead of gray or beige, which is always used in household models. The visual effect brought by the black interior is first of all a cool and sporty feeling, which is easy to arouse people’s desire to drive and control, unlike the light gray or beige interior, which will make people relax and bring a soothing and fresh feeling. From this perspective, S40 still takes more care of the individual needs of young consumers.

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  The steering wheel wrapped in leather is moderate in size, and the fineness and friction of leather are also very close. The multi-function keys on the left side of the steering wheel are used to operate cruise control, while the right side controls entertainment information, such as radio and CD.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  The style of the dashboard is Volvo’s simple style, which looks only clear and easy to identify during the day, but the effect of luminous is still quite beautiful.

  S40 has a well-known bright spot, that is, its floating center console. In recent years, with the popularity of various digital products such as thin and light mobile phones, I believe that this beautiful and lightweight center console made of matt metal panels can bring many young people a sense of satisfaction with fashion and scientific and technological effects.

Home of the car

  There are four large knobs on the center console, which are used to control the audio and air conditioning, and the buttons are relatively small. From the perspective of the fineness of workmanship, we can’t help but draw a conclusion that we get what we pay for. Although the models developed on the same platform, it is obvious that Volvo S40’s internal material selection and workmanship level are far better than those of Fox and Mazda 3.

Home of the car

  The keyhole is designed at the lower left of the air-conditioning outlet above the center console. The multi-function display screen has a relatively small area and displays conventional information such as air conditioning, sound and time. What is unsatisfactory is that the information display is actually in English. However, the adjustment of air-conditioning blowing mode is to separate a portrait to indicate that the style is more intuitive and novel.

Home of the car

  The exterior rearview mirror can be adjusted electrically. If you want to fold it away, you need to press the L and R keys at the same time. The shape of the handbrake is also unique, and it also has a floating effect.

Home of the car

  The cosmetic mirror on the sun visor is believed to be very popular with ladies. Both sides of the mirror are equipped with lighting, which makes the light sufficient and uniform, and the area of the mirror is also large, which is not as big as a matchbox on some models, and its practicality is still relatively high.

Space-not bad for a compact car.

  The body size of Volvo S40 is 4476×1770×1454mm, which is smaller in length, width and height than sedan Focus’s 4480×1840×1500mm, but the wheelbase of 2640mm is the same as that of Focus and Mazda 3. In the actual experience, we also feel that its internal space is still good.

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  Although S40 takes simplicity as its concept, there is no shortage of humanized design in the interior space, which is quite considerate. In addition to the conventional glove box, the storage compartment inside the car and the storage bag at the back of the front seat, there are elastic small storage bags at the front edges of the front and rear seats. Although the volume of the glove box is not very large, it is equipped with anti-skid pads to prevent the goods in the box from rolling and causing damage when the vehicle is driving.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  In order not to waste space, a shallow storage compartment is set behind the suspended center console, but only some flat items can be placed, otherwise it will shake when driving. The biggest disadvantage is that the storage compartment inside the door is small and there is no special glasses case.

  Although the S40 looks like a four-door hatchback, in fact, its short tail is not integrated, the trunk is still opened separately, and the floor in the trunk is flat and the area is not small.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  It is worth mentioning that, in addition to the electric adjustment function mentioned above, the front passenger’s seat can also be tilted forward, and with the rear seat that can be tilted 4 minutes on the right side, it can create an access road for carrying extra-long strip items, which is unique and valuable in design. Unfortunately, after our efforts, because the front headrest can’t be adjusted, the front passenger seat is adjusted to the rearmost position, and the headrest will still be stuck in the glove box after the chair back is put down, and it can’t be completely flat.

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  In terms of driving space, we found a male editor with a height of 178CM and a weight of 75KG to demonstrate, and found that the front head space of S40 is quite abundant, and the performance of the rear leg space is OK, but the head space in the rear row is slightly cramped. If it is a tall man with a height of more than 180CM, it may feel a little oppressive. After all, it is only a compact car, and objectively speaking, the space performance is normal, reasonable and better.

Seat-lumbar adjustment is influenced by the height of the seat, which is more suitable for women.

  The driver’s seat and the driver’s seat are all electric 8-way adjustment and manual lumbar support adjustment. The driver’s seat has three sets of memory functions. As mentioned earlier, the driving space of S40 is not bad, but it must be mentioned that the length of the seat cushion is sacrificed to a certain extent. After our actual measurement, the depth of the front and rear cushions is 480mm, which is shorter than that of the front seats of general compact cars. Although the shape of the seat is very good, it is very suitable for women to ride, but if it is changed to men, the front edge of the seat cushion is designed as a sofa-like edge, which will just be supported in the middle of the thigh, and it feels very uncomfortable.

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  The adjustment knobs of manual lumbar support are located on both sides of the seat. If the driver or passenger is male, the seat will not be adjusted too high, and this knob will be sandwiched between the seat and the central armrest, which is extremely inconvenient to operate. However, if the driver or passenger is female, the seat will be adjusted to ensure sufficient sight. At this time, the adjustment of the lumbar support is relatively convenient, and the operation of turning around and twisting the arm is also more difficult for the fatter person.

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  S40’s leather seat leather is good, which makes people feel comfortable. I believe Volvo, which has always advocated car safety, has also spent a lot of thought on the seat design. The front headrest is fixed and cannot be adjusted, but the height and angle are ideal, which can suit the riding posture of most people. The height of the rear headrest can be adjusted vertically, and it can also be pulled out and removed.


  The 2.4-liter naturally aspirated engine is in-line with 5 cylinders, and it is matched with a five-speed manual/automatic geartronic gearbox, which has an adaptive speed change mode, can automatically adapt to the driver’s driving style, and has a good stable output.

Home of the car

  The maximum power of 2.4i engine appears at 6000rpm, and it can also provide up to 170 horsepower. At 4400 rpm, the output torque reaches 230Nm. Such data will not be too laborious to push a body like S40.

Home of the car

  When the engine compartment cover of S40 is opened, it is found that besides the normal sound insulation cotton, there is also an air duct leading from the air inlet to the battery. It seems that it should be used to cool the battery, but we don’t understand why it is designed like this for the time being. Later, we will contact Volvo to consult about the purpose of this design and give you a definite answer.

  There are as many as 8 airbags in the whole vehicle, which can automatically control the inflation ratio and explosion speed according to the impact force, thus avoiding the secondary injury caused by airbags. WHIPS head and neck safety protection system can automatically lift the headrest when a high-speed rear-end collision occurs, and disperse the huge impact force generated during the collision to reduce the damage to the head, neck and spine of the occupants.

  In addition, in order to reserve enough impact buffer zone, VOLVO not only greatly reduced the load of the self-designed miniaturized transverse engine, but also adopted a more compact engine compartment layout, and even the collapse route of the battery was arranged in advance during the collision, so it can minimize the damage to the occupants in the car during the collision.

  Conclusion:In fact, the price of Volvo S40 far exceeds that of ordinary compact cars, which makes it not a family car that most ordinary families can afford. However, through this static experience, we can see that Volvo not only insists on the safety concept advocated, but also makes some adjustments in vehicle design. At least S40 can make people feel its fashion and modernity from the outside to the inside. From the aspects of exterior and interior, technical content, safety performance and configuration, S40 is suitable for those friends who have unique tastes and do not blindly pursue large size and large space and earn a good income.

  After watching the static experience of Volvo S40, you must want to know more about its handling performance in actual driving. Don’t argue, the evaluation article of S40 will be presented by the evaluation team of car home this Thursday. Be sure to watch it on time! (Text, map/photo by car home Hu Yongping/Wang Kugong Liang Wei)

  Parameter Configuration Table of Volvo S40 Parts

Model picture
Basic parameter S40 2.4i Zia Edition S40 2.4i Zhishang Edition S40 2.5 T5
Model name: S40 2.4i Zia Edition S40 2.4i Zhishang Edition S40 2.5 T5
Quotation: 308,000 288,000 358,000
Brand: Changan Volvo Changan Volvo Changan Volvo
Level: small family car small family car small family car
Engine: 2.4L 170 HP L5 2.4L 170 HP L5 2.5L 220 HP L5
Gearbox: 5-speed manual integration 5-speed manual integration 5-speed manual integration
Length× width× height: 4476×1770×1454 4476×1770×1454 4476×1770×1454
Body structure: 4-door 5-seat sedan 4-door 5-seat sedan 4-door 5-seat sedan
bodywork S40 2.4i Zia Edition S40 2.4i Zhishang Edition S40 2.5 T5
Length: 4476 4476 4476
Width: 1770 1770 1770
Height: 1454 1454 1454
Car weight: 1486 1486 1500
Wheelbase: 2640 2640 2640
Front track (mm): 1535 1535 1535
Rear track (mm): 1531 1531 1531
Minimum ground clearance (mm):
Body structure: Sedan Sedan Sedan
Number of cars: four four four
Number of seats: five five five
Tank volume (l): 62 62 62
Trunk volume (l): 404 404 404
engine S40 2.4i Zia Edition S40 2.4i Zhishang Edition S40 2.5 T5
Displacement (cc): 2435 2435 2521
Displacement (l): 2.4 2.4 2.5
Working mode: Natural inspiration Natural inspiration turbocharge
Cylinder arrangement type: L L L
Number of cylinders (units): five five five
Number of valves per cylinder (units): four four four
Compression ratio: 10.3 10.3 nine
Valve structure: DOHC DOHC DOHC
Cylinder diameter: 83 83 83
Stroke: 90 90 93.2
Horsepower (hp): 170 170 220
Maximum power (kW): 125 125 162
Maximum power speed (rpm): 6000 6000 5000
Maximum torque (n m): 230 230 320
Maximum torque speed (rpm): 4400 4400 1500-4800
Engine specific technology:
Fuel: petrol petrol petrol
Fuel label: No.97 No.97 No.97
Oil supply mode: multipoint injection multipoint injection multipoint injection
Cylinder material: aluminium (Al) aluminium (Al) aluminium (Al)
Cylinder head material: aluminium (Al) aluminium (Al) aluminium (Al)
Environmental standards: Ou IV Ou IV Ou IV
Oil capacity (l):
gearbox S40 2.4i Zia Edition S40 2.4i Zhishang Edition S40 2.5 T5
Name: 5-speed manual integration 5-speed manual integration 5-speed manual integration
Number of gears: five five five
Gearbox type: AT AT AT
Chassis steering S40 2.4i Zia Edition S40 2.4i Zhishang Edition S40 2.5 T5
Driving mode: Precursor Precursor Precursor
Front suspension type: mcphersonindependent suspension mcphersonindependent suspension mcphersonindependent suspension
Rear suspension type: Multi-link independent suspension Multi-link independent suspension Multi-link independent suspension
Type of assistance: Mechanical hydraulic power Mechanical hydraulic power Mechanical hydraulic power
Wheel braking S40 2.4i Zia Edition S40 2.4i Zhishang Edition S40 2.5 T5
Front brake type: Dish type Dish type Dish type
Rear brake type: Dish type Dish type Dish type
Former tyre size: 205/55R16 205/55R16 205/50 R15
After tyre size: 205/55R16 205/55R16 205/50 R17
Front wheel rim specifications: 6.5JX16 6.5JX16 7JX17
Rear wheel rim specifications: 6.5JX16 6.5JX16 7JX17
Spare tire: Non-Full-Size Non-Full-Size Non-Full-Size

Safety equipment S40 2.4i Zia Edition S40 2.4i Zhishang Edition S40 2.5 T5
Driver’s seat airbag:
Co-pilot airbag:
Front head airbag (air curtain):
Rear head airbag (air curtain):
Front side airbag:
Rear side airbag:
Knee airbag:
Electronic anti-theft:
Central locking in the car:
Remote control key:
Keyless start system:
Control configuration S40 2.4i Zia Edition S40 2.4i Zhishang Edition S40 2.5 T5
ABS anti-lock braking:
Brake force distribution (EBD):
Traction control (ASR/TCS/TRC/ATC):
Brake assist (EBA/BAS):
Body stability control (ESP/DSC/VSC):
Lifting (air) suspension:
Tire pressure monitoring device:
Continue driving with zero tire pressure:
Power steering with speed:
Active steering system:
External configuration S40 2.4i Zia Edition S40 2.4i Zhishang Edition S40 2.5 T5
Manual sunroof:
Electric sunroof:
Panoramic skylight:
Same color rearview mirror:
Same color rubbing strip:
Sports version surround:
Aluminum alloy wheel hub:
Internal configuration S40 2.4i Zia Edition S40 2.4i Zhishang Edition S40 2.5 T5
Leather steering wheel:
Left foot rest pedal:
Steering wheel up and down adjustment:
Steering wheel fore and aft adjustment:
Multifunctional steering wheel:
Steering wheel shifting:
Constant speed cruise:
Parking aid:
Multifunctional display:
HUD head-up digital display:
Seat configuration S40 2.4i Zia Edition S40 2.4i Zhishang Edition S40 2.5 T5
Leather seats:
Sports seat:
Seat height adjustment:
Lumbar support adjustment:
Electric adjustment of front seats:
Power seat memory:
Seat heating:
Front seat center armrest:
Sit back on the central armrest:
Front cup holder:
Rear cup holder:
Seat massage/ventilation:
The rear seat is laid down as a whole:
Rear seats are laid down in proportion:
Multimedia configuration S40 2.4i Zia Edition S40 2.4i Zhishang Edition S40 2.5 T5
GPS navigation system:
Multimedia control system:
Bluetooth system:
Car TV:
Car phone:
Center console LCD screen:
Rear LCD:
MP3 support:
Single CD:
Multi-disc CD converter:
Single DVD:
Multi-disc DVD system:
2-3 Speaker system:
4-5 Speaker system:
6-7 Speaker system:
Loudspeaker system with more than 8 speakers:
Lighting configuration S40 2.4i Zia Edition S40 2.4i Zhishang Edition S40 2.5 T5
Xenon headlights:
Automatic headlights:
Turn headlights:
Front fog lamp:
Rear fog lamp:
Headlight height adjustable:
Headlight cleaning device:
Glass/rearview mirror S40 2.4i Zia Edition S40 2.4i Zhishang Edition S40 2.5 T5
Front power window:
Rear power window:
Anti-pinch function:
Electric rearview mirror:
Mirror heating:
Electric folding of rearview mirror:
Manual rear sunshade:
Electric rear sunshade:
Mirror anti-glare:
Rear side sunshade:
Sunvisor vanity mirror:
Induction wiper:
Air conditioner/refrigerator S40 2.4i Zia Edition S40 2.4i Zhishang Edition S40 2.5 T5
Manual air conditioning:
Automatic air conditioning:
Rear seat air outlet:
Temperature zone control:
In-vehicle air conditioning:
Car refrigerator: