Wahaha’s new cross-border trend joins hands with Ctrip to create a "coffee place" theme room

Riding on the cross-border trend, Wahaha Group has once again opened up new ideas. Since October, it has joined hands with Licheng Group, a subsidiary of Ctrip Travel Network, and Lvyue Group to jointly create a "coffee-themed room". As a new product to be re-launched in 2023, the birth of the coffee spot originated from Wahaha’s keen sense of the trend of coffee demand in the market, and is a signature product of its new track of "fresh can coffee", which is a master producer.

The theme room is equipped with photo walls, throw pillows and other items that are strongly related to the coffee position. At the same time, each consumer is given a free coffee latte, which makes the room "strong coffee flavor" and captures the hearts of coffee lovers in one fell swoop. It is understood that the "coffee position theme room" activity plan covers 13 cities including Shanghai, Hangzhou, Huzhou, Ningbo, Jiaxing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Yangzhou, Suqian, Hefei, Anqing, Nanjing, and Chunan Qiandao Lake, with a total of 100 hotels. As the event further advanced, many consumers went to the hotel to explore the store, clocked in the coffee position, felt the quality of the "fresh pot", and posted praise through social media, one after another said: The room is comfortable, the coffee is full of "flavor", and the platinum and black gold color scheme is very textured.

To become the protagonist of this theme room, the coffee position obviously has its own advantages. The use of alpine Arabica coffee beans, imported milk sources from New Zealand, supervised by Q-Grader coffee tasters, SCA roasters carefully customized coffee roasting curves, and rigorous processes have created the extraordinary value of the coffee position. Coupled with "high temperature spray drip filtration" and "instantaneous fresh-locking technology", the use of the current industry’s advanced aseptic cold irrigation production line has further enhanced the high-quality taste of Wahaha coffee position lattes.

In recent years, Wahaha has launched new tricks on the joint name, AD calcium milk has cooperated with BilibiliWorld, Onmyoji, and Teddy to create "Today’s Underage IP", PH9.0 soda water has joined hands with the tide play brand to play "blind water" concept, and very cola has integrated Dunhuang IP to actively embrace Guochao culture… In addition, it also includes different brands such as Douluo Continent, Kuaikan Comics, League of Legends, DIMOO, etc., and has penetrated into various circles such as ACG, e-sports, and tide play, achieving a win-win situation of word-of-mouth and benefits.

This cross-border is the first cooperation between Wahaha and Ctrip, two well-known brands in the industry. Whether it is in terms of brand spirit, brand value proposition, or crowd coverage, Wahaha and Ctrip have a high degree of overlap. As a leader in the food and beverage industry, Wahaha’s pursuit of healthy food and a better life has never stopped. In response to this new joint trend, the relevant staff said: "We hope to actively expand new consumption scenarios through cross-border marketing, release the consumption potential of overlapping target customers, embrace the younger generation, and jointly explore new ways of travel consumption."

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  On February 29, the "2024 19th China (Jinan) International Solar Energy Utilization Conference and the 3rd China (Shandong) New Energy and Energy Storage Application Expo" with the theme of "Golden Sunshine, Clean Energy, Dual Carbon Leading, and Storage Development" opened at Shandong International Convention and Exhibition Center. The conference lasted for three days.

  This year’s exhibition has been newly upgraded, and the site adopts the "1 + N + N" conference model, that is, 1 boutique exhibition, more than 10 forum meetings, and more than 20 new product launches and precise docking activities. With a professional perspective, an efficient platform, and deeper content, we will lead the development direction of the new energy industry and become the "wind vane" exhibition of the industry.

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  Efficient links, deeply empowering

  The exhibition scale of this year’s "Solar Energy Exhibition" is 60,000 square meters, divided into photovoltaic, energy storage, photovoltaic building integration, distributed energy multi-energy complementary, industry-university-research, finance and other professional exhibition areas, attracting State Grid, Huawei, BYD, Midea, Haier, Tongwei, Sunshine Power, Jinke, Longji, JA, Trina Solar, Canadian Solar, Zhonglai, Oriental Risen, Chint, TBEA, GCL, China Building Materials, China Energy Conservation and other global more than 600 new energy brand enterprises participated in the exhibition. Focus on displaying new technologies, new products and solutions for the whole industry chain such as solar photovoltaic, energy storage, and multi-energy complementary. The whole chain efficiently links industry and cross-disciplinary information and resources, and deeply empowers the development of the industry to help achieve the goal of "peak carbon dioxide emissions carbon neutrality". It is expected that the audience will reach 100,000 in three days.

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  One exhibition brings together the world, one exhibition sees the future

  It is reported that this exhibition has a strong lineup of exhibitors, including 12 of the world’s top 500 companies, 30 of the global energy 500 companies, and 18 of the Chinese private 500 companies. The exhibition brings together the world’s top new energy companies and technologies, leading the development direction of the industry. It is not only a national channel ordering conference, but also the largest distributed solar storage cooperation conference in the country. It is also an energy end point application event in the Asia-Pacific region.

  "Sea" and "land" photovoltaic products become a highlight

  This "Solar Energy Exhibition" not only brought together photovoltaic boutiques from "sea" and "land", but also showcased many new photovoltaic and energy storage technology products, some of which were unveiled for the first time at the exhibition. Not only the "distributed photovoltaic + flexible storage" solution that debuted on land, the lotus module that has no border barrier and is beautiful and clean like a lotus flower, the high-efficiency photovoltaic module that is completely black, the intelligent flexible bracket system applied to more use scenarios, the beautiful, energy-saving and noise-reducing hollow light-transmitting series power generation glass, and the heterojunction photovoltaic module with high reliability performance at sea. These products have value and strength, making them the highlight of the conference.

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  Efficient activities promote development

  During the same period of the exhibition, more than 10 forums and conferences were also held, including "2024 3rd Yellow River Basin New Energy Innovation and Development Conference", "2024 2nd Shandong Province New Energy High-Quality Development Forum", "2024 7th China Distributed Photovoltaic Conference", "2024 6th China Household Photovoltaic Conference", etc. More than 40 academicians and experts from the industry attended the conference to give wonderful speeches, and exchanged and discussed photovoltaic, energy storage, smart energy and other content. The topics have connotation and depth. During the same period, more than 20 business investment conferences, new product launches and precise docking activities will also be held.

  This year’s "Solar Energy Exhibition" is jointly organized by Shandong Solar Energy Industry Association, Shandong Xinchenghua Exhibition Co., Ltd., and Shandong Chenghua Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Is Wanda quitting AMC too early? Wang Jianlin is an entrepreneur, not a gambler

As the saying goes: a big tree attracts the wind. In early June, Wanda and Wang Jianlin accidentally became a hot topic on the Internet again. The reason is that the stock price of AMC cinema chain in the United States has recently soared again, from about $12 at the end of May to more than $60 at the close of June 2. On May 23, Wanda just issued a notice to announce that it would clear its position and withdraw from AMC.

"Wanda fell before dawn and missed tens of billions of dollars in revenue" "Wang Jianlin passed by a hundred small targets"… For a time, Wanda and Wang Jianlin became the object of self-media ridicule, but these keyboard warriors and hindsight forgot a basic fact:

Wang Jianlin is an entrepreneur, not a gambler.

As the leader of a large private enterprise like Wanda, Wang Jianlin’s decision-making priority is the stable and sustainable development of the enterprise, avoiding unnecessary risks and earning profits from the good development of the enterprise, rather than taking huge risks like a gambler in an attempt to maximize profits in the stock market.

In 2012, the US movie theater industry was booming, and the US annual movie box office reached a record high of 10.80 billion US dollars. Wanda spent 700 million US dollars to acquire the loss-making AMC theater chain at this time, mainly based on the expectation of the good development prospects of the US movie theater industry.

"After Wanda Group acquired AMC, it promoted the successful listing and merger and acquisition of AMC, making AMC the world’s largest movie theater chain, and jointly promoted the cooperation of the film industry and the exchange of film culture between China and the United States."

Wanda’s statement in the May 23 notice clearly stated the purpose and achievements of the acquisition of AMC that year.

On December 18, 2013, AMC successfully landed on the New York Stock Exchange, raising 400 million US dollars, and the opening price on the first day of listing was 19.18 US dollars, which doubled the income of Wanda’s merger and acquisition in just over a year.

If you just want to make quick money in the capital markets, Wanda can choose the opportunity to exit, why wait until now?

In 2018, the annual movie box office in North America hit a record high of $11.80 billion, and then began to decline. Wanda began to gradually withdraw from AMC’s controlling stake in that year in anticipation of the downward turning point in the development of the US movie theater industry.

Wanda not only adopts a gradual withdrawal strategy for AMC, but also for other industries with bleak development prospects. In January 2019, Wang Jianlin explained his strategic adjustment in his speech at Wanda Group’s 2018 work summary:

"For other industries that do not have a competitive advantage now, and it will be difficult to achieve a competitive advantage in the future, we must gradually and orderly withdraw. In short, Wanda needs to be thin and have something to give. This is the logic of Wanda’s past, present and future disposal of some assets."

"Some self-media or so-called experts only see that we are selling, but they don’t see that we are still investing in new projects. Then again, if everyone in Wanda’s business can understand it, then we are worthless. This kind of strategic adjustment is definitely uncomfortable, even painful, but Wanda must’stick to Qingshan and not relax, and let the wind from east to west".

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated the pace of Wanda’s exit from AMC. In January this year, American retail investors gathered to hype the first wave of AMC’s market, which sent AMC’s share price from as low as $1.91 to as high as $20.36, giving Wanda the opportunity to exit the profit.

Therefore, whether it is to acquire or withdraw from AMC, Wanda and Wang Jianlin are mainly based on the anticipation of the development prospects of the US movie theater industry, and later Wanda Group’s "domestic focus" development strategy needs.

Of course, the price of AMC’s share price should be considered, but how to ensure the stable and sustainable development of the enterprise and avoid unnecessary risks is the first consideration for entrepreneurs like Wang Jianlin.

No one can accurately predict the rise and fall of stocks. The future development prospects of the American cinema chain are not optimistic, but many industry insiders and entrepreneurs can anticipate it.

From the perspective of entrepreneurs, with AMC’s share price having risen sharply, Wanda has no problem exiting AMC and earning the money it is certain to earn.

Although AMC started the second wave of speculation this year after Wanda’s exit, and its share price continued to rise sharply, it has long been out of the hype of stock fundamentals, and the risk is extremely high. Moreover, there is no limit on the rise and fall of the US stock market. AMC’s share price can rise by 95% in a day, and it may also fall by so much. AMC’s share price once rose to $20 at the end of January this year, and quickly plummeted to $5 in February, which is evidence of this.

What’s more, the old investors know that it is difficult for the stocks of major shareholders to sell down their holdings by a large amount to rise sharply. If Wanda did not clear its position and exit AMC, AMC’s share price would not be more than 60 US dollars. Because in the process of Wanda’s large-scale selling of AMC shares, huge purchases are required, which will suppress the sharp rise in AMC’s share price.

Only after the announcement of Wanda’s clearance of AMC shares, without a lot of selling pressure, but with the expectation of a new main force entering, did AMC retail investors dare to go long without any worries, which led to the second wave of AMC share price speculation this year.

Those who mocked Wanda for "missing out on tens of billions of dollars in revenue" were either hindsight or ignorance.

According to media reports, Wall Street analysts recently reminded retail investors who are heavily invested in AMC stocks to be aware of the risks. Macquarie analyst Chad Beynon and his team believe that the debt situation of AMC theaters is worrying, and once again reiterated that AMC’s target price is $6, and the investment evaluation is "neutral".

The price of a movie ticket at an AMC theater is about $14, and the $6 target price means that in the eyes of this analyst, AMC’s share price is not worth half the price of a movie ticket at an AMC theater!

On June 5, Beijing time, Thomas Peterffy, founder and chairperson of Interactive Brokers (IBKR.US) in the United States, warned that investors in "retail group stocks" such as AMC cinema chain could face huge losses.

Wanda’s clearance and withdrawal from AMC is the need for strategic adjustment. Although it has not and cannot be sold at the highest point, it has earned double the profit while avoiding the huge risks it may face.

This is the vision and pattern of entrepreneurs, and gamblers and adventurers will never understand it.

Many places have introduced online catering regulations, and takeaways need to indicate the time limit for consumption

  China News Service, Beijing, July 14 (Qiu Yu) Beijing, Shanghai and other places have introduced relevant regulations on online catering to strictly prevent the operation of "black workshops". China News Service (WeChat official account: cns2012) reporter investigation found that some third-party platforms did not publicize the merchant’s food business license, and the merchant did not mark the safe consumption time limit on the takeaway packaging according to local regulations.

  The consumer.

  When defending rights, I don’t know the "ten times compensation" rule

  How much should be paid if you eat unclean food when ordering takeout? Many consumers are unaware of this.

  Recently, Ms. Xu ordered takeout through a third-party platform for ordering food online, but ended up eating a worm. After complaining, she was only compensated with a 10 yuan voucher from the platform. Ms. Liu also had a similar experience. She ate cockroaches in takeout, and "the merchant proposed 300 yuan for private use." Both told reporters that they did not know the specific legal provisions.

  According to the Food Safety Law, if you produce food that does not meet food safety standards or operate food that you know does not meet food safety standards, in addition to claiming compensation for losses, consumers can also demand compensation from the producer or operator for ten times the price or three times the loss; if the amount of increased compensation is less than 1,000 yuan, it is 1,000 yuan.

  Zhang Liwen, a lawyer at Beijing Shi Law Firm, said in an interview with reporters that if it costs 70 yuan to order takeout, consumers can ask for an additional compensation of 1,000 yuan instead of 700 yuan, but he also reminded consumers that they should provide sufficient evidence to prove that the food "does not meet food safety standards".

  Merchant –

  The safe consumption time limit is not marked on the takeaway packaging.

  Many places have placed requirements on online catering packaging. Beijing, Sichuan, Fujian and other places require food to be marked with cooking time and safe consumption time limit. But when asked by reporters, several restaurant staff in Beijing said they were "not aware of this regulation" and would not put similar labels on takeaway packaging.

  The "Beijing Municipal Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Food Business (Interim) " clearly requires that food operators engaged in online ordering services should affix labels to food packaging, indicating the time of food processing and consumption, and reminding consumers to eat as soon as possible to avoid long-term storage.

  "This rule is reasonable and should be strictly enforced," Zhang Liwen pointed out. "When you go to a restaurant to eat, it is common sense that the food is newly made. But there is no supervision link when ordering takeout, and merchants should indicate when the food is made and how long it can be eaten."

  The reporter noticed that Beijing, Sichuan, and Fujian have relatively strict requirements for online catering packaging, while Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Liaoning have relaxed, "encouraging or recommending" affixing labels to indicate food processing time and consumption time limit.

  Platform –

  Unannounced merchant food business license

  In order to prevent "black workshops", Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian and other places not only require third-party platforms to review the food business license qualifications of online food operators, but also require third-party platforms to publicize information related to food business licenses on their websites.

  Beijing stipulates that third-party platform providers shall review and register the qualifications of food operators applying to enter the platform, timely update the operator’s identity certificate, food business license and other qualification certification materials, and publicize relevant information on the main page of their business activities.

  Reporters searched and found that the merchant pages of several well-known third-party platforms in Beijing did not publicize relevant qualification information. Although some platforms added a column of "merchant license", some merchants did not upload the license.

  "There are some difficulties in the process of verifying the qualifications of merchants," Meituan said. "The base of merchants is large, the verification time is long, and it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity of the qualification documents of some merchants."

  The delivery man…

  There is a situation of "no health certificate" employment

  Shanghai, Beijing and other places require food delivery staff to obtain a health certificate. Meituan and Daojia Food Club both said that delivery staff must undergo a medical examination and obtain a health certificate before they can work. "This is a hard and fast rule."

  According to the Daojia Food Club, the company has a special person to register and manage the information of the employee’s health certificate. When the employee’s health certificate expires for one year, it will urge and supervise the employee to update and register.

  However, the reporter learned that in order to save costs, some merchants choose to deliver by themselves, sometimes hiring people to deliver food specially, and the compensation is calculated according to the singular number of delivery. Due to the high mobility of food delivery staff, they will not check whether they hold a health certificate, and there are also cases of "unlicensed employment".

  Extend –

  How to resolve online ordering disputes?

  On July 12, Mr. Yue attracted widespread attention by posting a Weibo post online in which he claimed that he had received 19 stitches after ordering food through Ele.me at a store in Jinan called Marriott Donkey Meat Fire, where he was slashed at the door with a knife for giving a bad review.

  In an interview with reporters, Mr. Yue said that after the June 26 complaint, for as long as half a month, Ele.me only said that it had upgraded the processing, and did not leave any contact information of the person in charge. "The processing of the merchant was only to close the online payment function for a week, and then continue to operate."

  In response, the official Weibo of Ele.me responded on July 13, saying, "We oppose all violent words and deeds, and will not and cannot support any illegal party."

  Zhang Liwen believes that third-party platforms have the responsibility to deal with disputes. First, the platform should announce and punish the merchant’s behavior online; second, it should notify other third-party platforms and suggest that they carefully consider cooperating with the merchant, or blacklist the merchant and refuse to cooperate.

  He said that if consumers encounter food safety problems and merchants and platforms do not deal with them, considering the high cost of filing a lawsuit to the court, they can choose to go to the industry and commerce, food and drug administration or consumer associations to complain. It is recommended that relevant departments establish a quick handling mechanism to reduce the cost of consumer rights protection and ensure that consumers receive prompt and reasonable compensation.

  The Food Safety Law stipulates that the food and drug supervision and management, quality supervision and other departments of the people’s government at or above the county level shall publish the e-mail address or telephone number of the department to accept consultation, complaints and reports. If a consultation, complaint or report is received, it shall be accepted and promptly replied, verified and dealt with within the statutory time limit; if it is not the responsibility of the department, it shall be handed over to the department with the power to deal with it and notify the consultation, complaint and whistleblower in writing.

  The staff of the "12331" food and drug complaint hotline told reporters that if consumers can provide the specific location and name of the merchant, they can accept complaints and deal with them. (End)

"Through Spring Festival Evening" was born.

  The Beijing News (Reporter Liu Wei) After nine weeks of long selection, the final selection of "Through Spring Festival Gala" ended the night before, and finally Ping An, Xu Yina and Upsasa won. The three accepted the invitation letter from Havin, the general director of the 2013 year of the snake Spring Festival Gala.

  safe and sound

  The first one to get the ticket.

  The popular contestant Ping An sang Sun Nan’s song "Pursuit" that night. As the original singer, Sun Nan affirmed Ping An’s singing, thinking that his chorus played very well, except for a small part in front. Next, Ping An played steadily, and in the final confrontation with another unbeaten Apsasa, there was a dramatic scene of 30 votes to 30 votes on the field. At the crucial moment, Ping An sang the English song "Without You", and three judges on the scene, Li Xincao, Sun Nan and Gao Xixi, all voted for Ping An, so Ping An became the first player in this field to board the 2013 Spring Festival Gala. Thank you for your support. "This made me understand that I should sing well in the future. As long as there is tomorrow, it is a new beginning."

  Apsasa, a Dulong boy who won a high number of votes with the "Divine Comedy" that no one understood, kept the victory to the end like Ping An. He maintained his unique ethnic minority style, and performed magnificent songs such as "Oriental Grand Canyon".

  Xu Yina

  "Thank those who support me and those who criticize me."

  Xu Yina, the "soprano queen", defeated many rivals with her Leng Yan appearance and high-pitched voice, and twice defeated Zhang Hexuan with high votes, which also pushed her to the forefront. Her performance in this selection was well received and finally knocked on the door of the 2013 Spring Festival Evening. At the press conference after the game, when someone questioned Xu Yina’s performance, she said, "I thank those who supported me and those who criticized me. I am grateful, and I hope to use time to prove everything."

  Jinchi: "There are still many opportunities after this year’s failure"

  ■ beads

  In the last night’s final, Jinchi’s defeat was also quite regrettable. In the first round, Jin Chi sang a song from her album many years ago, "Never Change". She felt that this song was the most in line with the current mood in that album. This song reminded her of the sad process of "grinding a sword for ten years". Past events such as losing her front teeth in a car accident and singing in a bar to pay off debts came to her mind, and Jin Chi burst into tears in the spotlight.

  Director Ha Wen also supported Jinchi at the critical moment of the confrontation between Jinchi and Mujiangzi. "Her calm and comfortable state was born for this stage. I just expressed my personal preferences. I prefer Jinchi."

  However, in the end, Jinchi was still slightly inferior in the competition with Apsasa, and Jinchi, who had a high voice, regretted leaving.

  After leaving, Jin Chi still showed optimism and open-mindedness. "I have a very rare opportunity to stand on such a big stage. The Spring Festival Evening is not only this year, but there will be many opportunities after this year."

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