Wahaha’s new cross-border trend joins hands with Ctrip to create a "coffee place" theme room

Riding on the cross-border trend, Wahaha Group has once again opened up new ideas. Since October, it has joined hands with Licheng Group, a subsidiary of Ctrip Travel Network, and Lvyue Group to jointly create a "coffee-themed room". As a new product to be re-launched in 2023, the birth of the coffee spot originated from Wahaha’s keen sense of the trend of coffee demand in the market, and is a signature product of its new track of "fresh can coffee", which is a master producer.

The theme room is equipped with photo walls, throw pillows and other items that are strongly related to the coffee position. At the same time, each consumer is given a free coffee latte, which makes the room "strong coffee flavor" and captures the hearts of coffee lovers in one fell swoop. It is understood that the "coffee position theme room" activity plan covers 13 cities including Shanghai, Hangzhou, Huzhou, Ningbo, Jiaxing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Yangzhou, Suqian, Hefei, Anqing, Nanjing, and Chunan Qiandao Lake, with a total of 100 hotels. As the event further advanced, many consumers went to the hotel to explore the store, clocked in the coffee position, felt the quality of the "fresh pot", and posted praise through social media, one after another said: The room is comfortable, the coffee is full of "flavor", and the platinum and black gold color scheme is very textured.

To become the protagonist of this theme room, the coffee position obviously has its own advantages. The use of alpine Arabica coffee beans, imported milk sources from New Zealand, supervised by Q-Grader coffee tasters, SCA roasters carefully customized coffee roasting curves, and rigorous processes have created the extraordinary value of the coffee position. Coupled with "high temperature spray drip filtration" and "instantaneous fresh-locking technology", the use of the current industry’s advanced aseptic cold irrigation production line has further enhanced the high-quality taste of Wahaha coffee position lattes.

In recent years, Wahaha has launched new tricks on the joint name, AD calcium milk has cooperated with BilibiliWorld, Onmyoji, and Teddy to create "Today’s Underage IP", PH9.0 soda water has joined hands with the tide play brand to play "blind water" concept, and very cola has integrated Dunhuang IP to actively embrace Guochao culture… In addition, it also includes different brands such as Douluo Continent, Kuaikan Comics, League of Legends, DIMOO, etc., and has penetrated into various circles such as ACG, e-sports, and tide play, achieving a win-win situation of word-of-mouth and benefits.

This cross-border is the first cooperation between Wahaha and Ctrip, two well-known brands in the industry. Whether it is in terms of brand spirit, brand value proposition, or crowd coverage, Wahaha and Ctrip have a high degree of overlap. As a leader in the food and beverage industry, Wahaha’s pursuit of healthy food and a better life has never stopped. In response to this new joint trend, the relevant staff said: "We hope to actively expand new consumption scenarios through cross-border marketing, release the consumption potential of overlapping target customers, embrace the younger generation, and jointly explore new ways of travel consumption."

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  On February 29, the "2024 19th China (Jinan) International Solar Energy Utilization Conference and the 3rd China (Shandong) New Energy and Energy Storage Application Expo" with the theme of "Golden Sunshine, Clean Energy, Dual Carbon Leading, and Storage Development" opened at Shandong International Convention and Exhibition Center. The conference lasted for three days.

  This year’s exhibition has been newly upgraded, and the site adopts the "1 + N + N" conference model, that is, 1 boutique exhibition, more than 10 forum meetings, and more than 20 new product launches and precise docking activities. With a professional perspective, an efficient platform, and deeper content, we will lead the development direction of the new energy industry and become the "wind vane" exhibition of the industry.

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  Efficient links, deeply empowering

  The exhibition scale of this year’s "Solar Energy Exhibition" is 60,000 square meters, divided into photovoltaic, energy storage, photovoltaic building integration, distributed energy multi-energy complementary, industry-university-research, finance and other professional exhibition areas, attracting State Grid, Huawei, BYD, Midea, Haier, Tongwei, Sunshine Power, Jinke, Longji, JA, Trina Solar, Canadian Solar, Zhonglai, Oriental Risen, Chint, TBEA, GCL, China Building Materials, China Energy Conservation and other global more than 600 new energy brand enterprises participated in the exhibition. Focus on displaying new technologies, new products and solutions for the whole industry chain such as solar photovoltaic, energy storage, and multi-energy complementary. The whole chain efficiently links industry and cross-disciplinary information and resources, and deeply empowers the development of the industry to help achieve the goal of "peak carbon dioxide emissions carbon neutrality". It is expected that the audience will reach 100,000 in three days.

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  One exhibition brings together the world, one exhibition sees the future

  It is reported that this exhibition has a strong lineup of exhibitors, including 12 of the world’s top 500 companies, 30 of the global energy 500 companies, and 18 of the Chinese private 500 companies. The exhibition brings together the world’s top new energy companies and technologies, leading the development direction of the industry. It is not only a national channel ordering conference, but also the largest distributed solar storage cooperation conference in the country. It is also an energy end point application event in the Asia-Pacific region.

  "Sea" and "land" photovoltaic products become a highlight

  This "Solar Energy Exhibition" not only brought together photovoltaic boutiques from "sea" and "land", but also showcased many new photovoltaic and energy storage technology products, some of which were unveiled for the first time at the exhibition. Not only the "distributed photovoltaic + flexible storage" solution that debuted on land, the lotus module that has no border barrier and is beautiful and clean like a lotus flower, the high-efficiency photovoltaic module that is completely black, the intelligent flexible bracket system applied to more use scenarios, the beautiful, energy-saving and noise-reducing hollow light-transmitting series power generation glass, and the heterojunction photovoltaic module with high reliability performance at sea. These products have value and strength, making them the highlight of the conference.

Leading the industry "wind vane" The 19th Jinan International Solar Energy Exhibition opened

  Efficient activities promote development

  During the same period of the exhibition, more than 10 forums and conferences were also held, including "2024 3rd Yellow River Basin New Energy Innovation and Development Conference", "2024 2nd Shandong Province New Energy High-Quality Development Forum", "2024 7th China Distributed Photovoltaic Conference", "2024 6th China Household Photovoltaic Conference", etc. More than 40 academicians and experts from the industry attended the conference to give wonderful speeches, and exchanged and discussed photovoltaic, energy storage, smart energy and other content. The topics have connotation and depth. During the same period, more than 20 business investment conferences, new product launches and precise docking activities will also be held.

  This year’s "Solar Energy Exhibition" is jointly organized by Shandong Solar Energy Industry Association, Shandong Xinchenghua Exhibition Co., Ltd., and Shandong Chenghua Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Beijing taxi pilot real-name meter, effectively preventing drivers from changing car prices privately

  Newspaper (reporter Meng Huan) can use WeChat, Alipay to pay the taxi fare conveniently, effectively prevent taxi drivers from changing the price without permission… This morning, the reporter learned from the Municipal Transportation Commission Transportation Management Bureau that the city’s taxis have begun to pilot the real-name meter system, and gradually promote the installation this year. There are about 60,000 to 70,000 taxis in the city. At present, Beijing is regulating taxis through scientific and technological means. The city has piloted the installation of this intelligent vehicle end point all-in-one machine on more than 10,000 taxis, including Crescent Moon, BAIC, Yuyang, Wanquan Temple and other taxi companies. Some pure electric taxis in the suburbs have also begun to be installed.

  The reporter found yesterday that the service supervision card previously placed in front of the co-pilot position has been changed from a paper version to an electronic version, and the position has also been moved to the bottom of the meter to become an electronic screen. The screen displays the relevant information of the taxi and the driver. You can not only see the license plate number and the company to which the vehicle belongs, but also see the identity information of the driver and check the information of his qualification certificate.

  This all-in-one machine has electronic payment function, satellite positioning function, driver electronic certificate identification and identity authentication function, and has the function of accepting electric calls and industry shunting services, and supports driver identity and pricing information display. Passengers can pay through a variety of mobile payment methods according to the fare displayed by the all-in-one machine. It not only supports a variety of bank cards with UnionPay logos, but also supports common mobile payment methods such as WeChat and Alipay.

  The regulator can see the operation of the vehicle, the end point all-in-one machine and the driver’s qualification card are used in conjunction. The driver can only get on the bus and swipe the qualification card issued by the transportation department to sign in electronically, and the meter can be used to charge and invoice. Not only can it effectively prevent cloning taxis, but also it can prevent drivers from subcontracting taxis to unqualified personnel.

  The newly installed smart car end point all-in-one machine in taxis has a new function specially designed to encrypt the meter, which can prevent the driver from changing the amount without permission. Moreover, a taxi all-in-one machine corresponds to a meter, and the meter cannot be removed from the machine. Even if it is forcibly removed, it cannot be installed on other machines, and it is basically impossible to copy. Previously, some criminals "cloned" a taxi through illegal auto repair shops and then configured a full set of taxi equipment to modify the meter. Because the license plate number is fake, the "cloned car" driver will have no scruples and charge high fares by modifying the meter. There are also some taxi drivers who overcharge by modifying the meter to obtain illegal income.

  Master Huang, the driver of Wan Quan Yuan Taxi Company, said that the intelligent end point machine was installed about a month ago, and the company still has some old vehicles that are about to be phased out. According to the person in charge of Beijing Yuyang Taxi Company, more than 1,500 vehicles in Yuyang Taxi Company have been replaced with new equipment, and more than 500 vehicles will be installed with new equipment.

  It is also understood that the current taxi company authorities have not yet required the use of this equipment, so some taxi companies have not yet installed it, especially some smaller taxi companies, which have not been equipped with new equipment due to financial reasons.

Sailis new energy vehicles sold 36,838 units in January

People’s Daily Online Chongqing, February 4 (Reporter Hu Hong) Recently, the joint stock company of Cyrus Group (hereinafter referred to as "Cyrus") released the production and sales express for January 2024. Data show that the sales of Cyrus new energy vehicles reached 36,838 in January, an increase of 654.1% year-on-year.

In January 2024, AITO delivered 32,973 new cars, an increase of 34.76% month-on-month, of which 24 days of single-day delivery exceeded 1,000. It is worth mentioning that the delivery of AITO’s new M7 reached a new high, with 31,253 new cars delivered in a single month. For the first time, the monthly delivery exceeded 30,000, opening a new chapter in delivery speed.

At present, the cumulative size of AITO’s new M7 has exceeded 140,000 vehicles, and the order growth and delivery efficiency have been accelerated together. Under the multi-point catalysis of channels and products, the new models, M7 and M9, are expected to start a new round of volume cycle, helping the company’s first quarter profitability to improve significantly.

Since the beginning of this year, the sales volume of the AITO series has maintained a steady increase, and sales have been increasing month-on-month for four consecutive weeks. Since September last year, the new M7 and M9 models of AITO have been launched one after another, which has helped sales to increase rapidly and provided users with a continuously leading smart travel experience.

It is reported that since January 31st, the AITO Interview M5 and the new M7 smart driving version have been upgraded to the OTA version of the high-end package, which can realize the high-level intelligent driving of the urban NCA without relying on high-precision maps across the country, bringing a smart driving experience that can be driven across the country.

AITO asked the world M9. Photo courtesy of Cyrus

AITO asked the world M9. Photo courtesy of Cyrus

Thanks to the continuous increase in sales of high-end new energy vehicles, Sailis’ performance is stable and resilient. From the data disclosed in the performance forecast, Sailis is expected to achieve operating income of 35.50 billion yuan to 36.50 billion yuan in 2023, and net profit attributable to the parent will improve by 29.5% -45.1% year-on-year.

The continuous increase in sales volume cannot be separated from Cyrus’ deep cultivation of technological innovation, continuous improvement of R & D strength and leading intelligent manufacturing strength. According to the recently released China Automotive Science and Technology’s 2023 automotive patent statistics, the number of invention patents of Cyrus Group achieved a year-on-year growth of 407.76% in 2023, ranking first in the independent vehicle group. In addition, in the number of automobile invention patents granted in China in 2023, Cyrus Group was shortlisted for the TOP20 for the first time with a year-on-year growth rate of 88.00%.

In terms of intelligent manufacturing, Sailis Automotive Smart Factory took the lead in applying the industry-leading 9000T integrated die-casting process, achieving the highest degree of integration among integrated die-casting components on the market, elevating the quality and speed of product delivery to new heights, and effectively achieving efficient production, lightweight, and high safety.

This week, Jackie Chan and Wong Kar Wai meet to compete on the same day. Who will win?

1905 movie network feature andThe battle is not over yet, the week is over. This week, a total of nine new films were released, but the focus was on these two films, that isandWhich of these nine new films can I watch? How much are these two focus works worth looking forward to? Xiaodian helps you filter

"The Flying Tiger."

Director: Ding Sheng

Starring: Jackie Chan/Huang Zitao/Wang Kai/Wang Continental/Sang Ping/Wu Yonglun

Release Date: 2016-12-23

Duration: 123 minutes

Director Ding Sheng’s most well-known work in recent years was last year’s work. Whether it was the wonderful performance of supporting actor Wang Qianyuan or the inner impulse to eat dumplings after watching it, it was impressive. This year, Director Ding Sheng rushed into the New Year’s Eve stall with his new work and partnered with a group of big coffee.

After that, Jackie Chan, who worked with Ding Sheng three times, and Huang Zitao, Wang Kai and Wang Continental, who worked together for the first time, formed a folk anti-Japanese guerrilla team. They were all railway workers at Zaozhuang Railway Station on Jinpu Railway. Jackie Chan was the captain Ma Yuan, the foreman of the porters. They worked in the day and came out to fight the devils at night. The common people gave them a name called the Railway Flying Tigers.

The posters released so far in this film are all very beautiful, and the characters in the play are also very talkative. Several new actors and Xiao Xianrou have shown a funny side.

And for Jackie Chan, who was very desperate to film, this time it was still the same. He led the Flying Tigers in the Northeast at minus 20 degrees, on a 100-ton train head, completing various forms including skateboard train scraping, slide train scraping, and other extreme movements such as train jumping.

The film also did a lot of things, except for releasing a poster of the longest, longest and longest in history(The poster is too long, click here to view it.)In addition, there will also be scenes of a train crash in the movie.

They also used actors to create more than 80 memes, which can be used directly. (However, the release date is not the 30th in the picture, but the 23rd~)

The Ferryman.

Director and Screenwriter: Zhang Jiajia

Producer: Wong Kar-wai

Starring: Tony Leung/Takeshi Kancheng/Eason Chan/Angelababy/Zhang Rongrong…

Release Date: 2016-12-23

Duration: 128 minutes

Wong Kar-wai, who has been making a play for many years, has not released a new film, but has released a film he supervised, "The Ferryman".

The director of this play is the screenwriter Zhang Jiajia. "Passing Through Your World" has been released on National Day, and the story integrity of the script is not good. The problem of lines not speaking human words has been seen. This time, he not only wrote but also directed "Ferryman". Zhang Jiajia’s goodnight heart language lines will still appear in such an atmosphere, which is amazing. What kind of atmosphere? Let’s see what Takeshi Kancheng said:

Of course, Tony Leung and Takeshi Kancheng can be seen enjoying the performance of comedy when filming this drama. They have also transformed from the melancholy male gods of these years to the early Hong Kong-style comedies. They are funny and desperate.

However, it has to be said that these few words of Takeshi Kancheng are the same as what we feel when we see the trailer. I didn’t expect "Ferryman" to be a comedy. In the trailer that has been exposed so far, only a few lines are from Tony Leung, Takeshi Kancheng, Angelababy, Zhang Rongrong, Xiong Dailin, Jia Ling, Liu Yan. Other places are basically based on the narration of Tony Leung and Takeshi Kancheng.

These casts are very mixed, except for Tony Leung and Takeshi Kancheng, as well as Anglebaby, whose acting skills have been criticized, Dapeng, who has just given a wonderful performance in China, comedians Jia Ling and Cui Zhijia, as well as popular singers Li Yuchun, Little Fresh Meat Luhan, High Cold Muse Rhododendron and so on.

The film’s story is simple. Adapted from Zhang Jiajia’s novel, Tony Leung’s Chen Mo and Takeshi Kancheng’s Guan Chun open a bar and act as ferrymen, who can rescue people who come for help from their pain and bring them happiness and warmth. The nature of the story sounds very similar to another film, helping people solve difficulties and fulfill their wishes.

Of course, there is no shortage of emotional stories in "Ferryman". The current CPs are: Tony Leung and Du Juan, Takeshi Kancheng and Zhang Rongrong, Eason Chan and Angelababy.

"The world is like a book, I prefer your sentence, I would like to be a comma and stay at your feet. But you have your own reader, and I am just a ferryman." This is from Zhang Jiajia’s novel, let’s see if this sentence will become a narration or a line.

Next Page: Other New Films Next Week

"Through Spring Festival Evening" was born.

  The Beijing News (Reporter Liu Wei) After nine weeks of long selection, the final selection of "Through Spring Festival Gala" ended the night before, and finally Ping An, Xu Yina and Upsasa won. The three accepted the invitation letter from Havin, the general director of the 2013 year of the snake Spring Festival Gala.

  safe and sound

  The first one to get the ticket.

  The popular contestant Ping An sang Sun Nan’s song "Pursuit" that night. As the original singer, Sun Nan affirmed Ping An’s singing, thinking that his chorus played very well, except for a small part in front. Next, Ping An played steadily, and in the final confrontation with another unbeaten Apsasa, there was a dramatic scene of 30 votes to 30 votes on the field. At the crucial moment, Ping An sang the English song "Without You", and three judges on the scene, Li Xincao, Sun Nan and Gao Xixi, all voted for Ping An, so Ping An became the first player in this field to board the 2013 Spring Festival Gala. Thank you for your support. "This made me understand that I should sing well in the future. As long as there is tomorrow, it is a new beginning."

  Apsasa, a Dulong boy who won a high number of votes with the "Divine Comedy" that no one understood, kept the victory to the end like Ping An. He maintained his unique ethnic minority style, and performed magnificent songs such as "Oriental Grand Canyon".

  Xu Yina

  "Thank those who support me and those who criticize me."

  Xu Yina, the "soprano queen", defeated many rivals with her Leng Yan appearance and high-pitched voice, and twice defeated Zhang Hexuan with high votes, which also pushed her to the forefront. Her performance in this selection was well received and finally knocked on the door of the 2013 Spring Festival Evening. At the press conference after the game, when someone questioned Xu Yina’s performance, she said, "I thank those who supported me and those who criticized me. I am grateful, and I hope to use time to prove everything."

  Jinchi: "There are still many opportunities after this year’s failure"

  ■ beads

  In the last night’s final, Jinchi’s defeat was also quite regrettable. In the first round, Jin Chi sang a song from her album many years ago, "Never Change". She felt that this song was the most in line with the current mood in that album. This song reminded her of the sad process of "grinding a sword for ten years". Past events such as losing her front teeth in a car accident and singing in a bar to pay off debts came to her mind, and Jin Chi burst into tears in the spotlight.

  Director Ha Wen also supported Jinchi at the critical moment of the confrontation between Jinchi and Mujiangzi. "Her calm and comfortable state was born for this stage. I just expressed my personal preferences. I prefer Jinchi."

  However, in the end, Jinchi was still slightly inferior in the competition with Apsasa, and Jinchi, who had a high voice, regretted leaving.

  After leaving, Jin Chi still showed optimism and open-mindedness. "I have a very rare opportunity to stand on such a big stage. The Spring Festival Evening is not only this year, but there will be many opportunities after this year."

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