Tencent’s share price has reached a new high, and Ma Yun has become China’s richest man

  Not long ago, Tencent’s mobile game "Honor of Kings" was repeatedly criticized by the media, and its share price suffered a setback, but then it continued to rise. Yesterday it reached a record high of 320.60 Hong Kong dollars, up nearly 3% from the previous day. Tencent’s market value reached 3.045056 trillion Hong Kong dollars, making it the most valuable listed company in China. According to Forbes’ real-time rich list, Pony Ma’s personal wealth rose to 36.20 billion US dollars, ranking 18th in the world on the list, surpassing Ma Yun and Wang Jianlin to become the richest man in China.

  Tencent’s share price yesterday reached a record high of 320.60 Hong Kong dollars, up nearly 3% from the previous day. Tencent’s market value reached 3.045056 trillion Hong Kong dollars, making it the most valuable listed company in China. The personal wealth of Pony Ma, chairperson and CEO of Tencent, also rose, reaching 36.20 billion US dollars, making him the richest man in China.

  Tencent’s share price reaches HK $320

  Yesterday, the stock price of Tencent, which is listed on the Hong Kong stock market, reached a record high. As of the end of the day, it rose 2.95% to 320.60 Hong Kong dollars. At present, Tencent’s market value has reached 3.045056 trillion Hong Kong dollars (about 389.283 billion US dollars), making it once again the most valuable listed company in China. At present, Tencent’s market value ranks eighth in the global market value ranking, second only to Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway.

  Data show that in the past six months, the share price of Tencent Holdings has risen from 190 Hong Kong dollars at the beginning of the year to 320 Hong Kong dollars today, a cumulative increase of 66%. Not long ago, Tencent’s mobile game "Honor of Kings" was repeatedly criticized by the media, and its share price suffered a setback, but then it continued to rise.

  The latest two quarterly report shows that a total of 30 funds (shares are calculated separately) hold a large position in Tencent Holdings, with a total of 11.0689 million shares. The net value of these funds has also risen with the rise of heavy stocks, and has obtained rich returns.

  At present, a number of institutions hold "buy" ratings on Tencent and have raised their target price for Tencent. Morgan Stanley raised its target price of Tencent from the original 310 Hong Kong dollars to 370 Hong Kong dollars; Nomura Securities raised its target price to 341 yuan; Bank of America Merrill Lynch maintained its "buy" rating, raising the target price of Tencent to 331 yuan, and expects the mobile game business to continue to drive the company’s revenue. Deutsche Bank raised the target price of Tencent from 320 yuan to 327 yuan, and rated it "buy".

  Pony Ma becomes China’s richest man

  According to Forbes’ real-time rich list, Pony Ma’s personal wealth rose to 36.20 billion US dollars, ranking 18th in the world on the list, surpassing Jack Ma, who ranked 20th, and Wang Jianlin, who ranked 26th, to become the richest man in China.

  According to the latest disclosure of rights and interests of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Pony Ma’s share of the issued shares of Tencent Holdings fell from 13.91% on July 8, 2004 to 8.73% on November 28, 2016. However, Tencent’s market value has increased by nearly a thousand times from billions of Hong Kong dollars at that time to trillions of Hong Kong dollars at present; Tencent’s share price has risen from HK $3.70 per share in June 2004 to HK $320.60 today, and it has also undergone a split of five. According to this calculation, in the 13 years of listing, Tencent’s share price has increased by more than 433 times. The wealth of Pony Ma, the founder of the company, has naturally risen.

  2017 interim results will be announced next Wednesday

  Tencent will announce its 2017 interim results next Wednesday. According to statistics, in the past five years, Tencent’s revenue growth rate has been 54%, 38%, 31%, 30% and 48% respectively. Tencent’s performance in the first quarter of this year shows that operating income 49.588 billion yuan, an increase of 54.83% year-on-year, and net profit 14.548 billion yuan, an increase of 57.46% year-on-year. Roughly calculated, in the 90 days of the first quarter of this year, Tencent Holdings’ average daily revenue was about 550 million yuan, and the average daily net profit was about 160 million yuan.

  The market generally believes that although Tencent is involved in a wide range of business, it is still relatively focused on social networking and gaming. "In the past, everyone thought that Tencent could do anything, and we also took a detour," Pony Ma once said. "We have changed a lot in the past two years, cutting more and more businesses… Since entering mobile game operations, a lot of energy has been on the layout of global mobile games, which is our main business."

  The game business is Tencent’s main business, which is not only one side of Ma Yun’s words, but also reflected in Tencent’s financial report. In 2016, Tencent’s 2016 annual revenue was 151.938 billion, of which online game revenue was 70.844 billion, accounting for 47%. In Quarter 1 this year, Tencent achieved revenue of about RMB 14.10 billion in PC client side games, an increase of 24% year-on-year, benefiting from the increase in contributions of major games such as League of Legends, Dungeons and Warriors, and FIFA Online 3. In mobile games, revenue of about RMB 12.90 billion was achieved, an increase of 57% year-on-year, driven by existing and new games such as ("Honor of Kings", "Crossfire: Gunfight King" and "Dragon Valley"). In particular, "Honor of Kings", its tens of millions of DAU players have achieved not only a game, but also a hot topic in society. As of the fourth quarter of 2016, "Honor of Kings" has 50 million DAU. In the past six months, the popularity of the game has gradually increased, and it has attracted the attention of Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily and other media. I hope the game can lead positive energy and fulfill its social responsibility.

  As of the first quarter of this year, Tencent’s QQ monthly active accounts reached 861 million, and the combined monthly active accounts of WeChat and WeChat reached 938 million, an increase of 23% over the same period last year. Social and other advertising revenue increased by 67% to RMB 4.379 billion, mainly driven by advertising revenue growth from WeChat Moments, WeChat public accounts, app stores and mobile browsers.

  related news

  Tencent launched credit score

  "Tencent Credit" has opened a public beta for some users, and some users can already check their credit scores in the account column of QQ Wallet in the "Tencent Credit" official account of mobile QQ.

  Beiqing Daily reporter learned that Tencent Credit is a personal credit management platform launched by Tencent Credit, and the credit score can reflect the user’s credit level. Similar to Zhima Credit Score, Tencent Credit Score is also evaluated by the system credit scoring model. It relies on comprehensive evaluation of data from multiple dimensions such as social, payment, finance, and society to monitor in real time. The higher the score, the higher the credit level. Users can improve their credit score by repaying credit cards in a timely manner, paying water, electricity and gas bills on time, binding bank cards on the official website of Tenpay or mobile QQ wallet, purchasing wealth management products, and improving accurate credit information in credit management. Loan defaults, credit card repayments and other behaviors will be recorded, and even affect the credit score.

  Tencent said that users can not only understand their credit level through Tencent credit scores, but also enjoy the financial privileges and life privileges that good credit brings to them, such as cash lending, bank card application, consumption installment, and credit travel.

  It is reported that only QQ super members are currently eligible for the public beta. Tencent said that the public beta qualification is not directly related to QQ members, QQ years, QQ levels, account transfer consumption and other conditions. It is based on the user’s real name and credit comprehensive evaluation and randomly opened. At present, the public beta list is small, and there is no active application path for the time being. The public beta list will be gradually opened in the future. This group text/This reporter, Wen Jing, photo/DongIC fang

Deep in scheming! The reporter investigated the refusal of the online car appointment, and the driver induced the passenger to cancel the order

       CCTV News:Nowadays, it is becoming more and more common to travel through online car-hailing, but there are some hidden hidden operations, which "add a little bit of congestion" to travel. A reporter recently found in Beijing that Didi Express has "rejected orders, refused orders" and "induced passengers to cancel orders". Sometimes, passengers not only have difficulty completing the trip smoothly, but also inadvertently lower their credit rating on the Didi platform, which affects future online car-hailing trips.


       Drivers who take orders and refuse to take them may be related to the Didi Express reward model. According to several Didi Express drivers, the model of Didi Express rewarding drivers has changed in recent years. At present, Didi Express drivers need to follow the driver-side application prompts and receive a certain number of singular numbers in different reward models to get bonuses.

       Didi Express customer service introduced that how many orders have to be completed in a day, how much is the reward, such as how many orders are completed from what time to what time, how much is the reward, and there is that kind of reward. The driver-side display is the main one every day, and it is also possible that there may be several rewards a day.

       In the current mode of Didi Express assigning orders, some drivers will selectively cancel orders in order to earn bonuses for the number of orders they receive, while passengers will spend more time and energy to complete online car-hailing trips, and even inadvertently lower their credit score on this platform.

       Didi Express driver: "Many people are like this, because in order to get a reward of 100 yuan, he pulled this order a little farther, forty or fifty, and may not be able to get the reward because of this order."


       Who cancels or "demotes" the driver to induce "Youdao"

       During the reporter’s investigation, it was learned from a number of Didi Express drivers and customer service that as a constraint on express drivers by the platform, the driver voluntarily canceled the order, which may be regarded as a violation. During the investigation, many express drivers said that they would be fined 10 yuan per order and deducted corresponding service points.

       In order to further avoid the financial penalties and deductions of service points that may be caused after the passenger complains about the active cancellation of the order, many express drivers said that they will find some reasons to excuse themselves, and some drivers will ask the passenger to cancel the order, claiming that the cancellation of the order by the passenger has no impact on themselves.

       The truth is as the driver said, does it have no impact on the passengers? However, the reporter got the opposite answer from several other Didi Express drivers and customer service. According to the Didi Express driver, the current platform implements two-way constraints on drivers and passengers, and passengers take the initiative to cancel orders, which may also reduce credit value. At present, after the Didi Chuxing APP completes the express order, passengers and drivers have two-way evaluations. The customer service introduced that both drivers and passengers implement a 5-point credit score rule. Some express drivers said that after receiving the order, they found that the passenger’s credit score was lower than 4 points, and the rejection rate would be greatly improved.


       Complain to the platform, but do not inform the result of the complaint?

       Legal experts said that filing a complaint with the platform is the cheapest and most efficient measure for passengers to protect their rights. According to the customer service of Didi Express, express drivers who are found to have violated the rules after verification will usually be dealt with in three ways: warning, financial punishment and ban punishment according to the severity of the situation. But the final processing result will not be fed back to passengers.

       Liu Junhai, a professor at Renmin University of China Law School, introduced that Article 8 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law of our country stipulates that consumers have the right to know the real situation of their use of goods or services. In order to protect consumers’ right to know, Article 20, paragraph 2, also specifically stipulates the information disclosure obligations of business operators.

       Professor Liu Junhai believes that the online ride-hailing platform, as the creator of the transaction model, the drafter of the transaction rules, the selector of the relevant drivers, and the winner of the relevant economic benefits, should resolve consumer complaints as soon as possible as the preferred solution to resolve disputes. Not only from a legal perspective, but also from a business ethics perspective, it is not enough to develop the market and occupy the market itself. The most important thing is that enterprises should stand together with consumers consciously, learn to think from a different perspective, and further optimize their own complaint and dispute resolution process from the perspective of consumers.

Many places have introduced online catering regulations, and takeaways need to indicate the time limit for consumption

  China News Service, Beijing, July 14 (Qiu Yu) Beijing, Shanghai and other places have introduced relevant regulations on online catering to strictly prevent the operation of "black workshops". China News Service (WeChat official account: cns2012) reporter investigation found that some third-party platforms did not publicize the merchant’s food business license, and the merchant did not mark the safe consumption time limit on the takeaway packaging according to local regulations.

  The consumer.

  When defending rights, I don’t know the "ten times compensation" rule

  How much should be paid if you eat unclean food when ordering takeout? Many consumers are unaware of this.

  Recently, Ms. Xu ordered takeout through a third-party platform for ordering food online, but ended up eating a worm. After complaining, she was only compensated with a 10 yuan voucher from the platform. Ms. Liu also had a similar experience. She ate cockroaches in takeout, and "the merchant proposed 300 yuan for private use." Both told reporters that they did not know the specific legal provisions.

  According to the Food Safety Law, if you produce food that does not meet food safety standards or operate food that you know does not meet food safety standards, in addition to claiming compensation for losses, consumers can also demand compensation from the producer or operator for ten times the price or three times the loss; if the amount of increased compensation is less than 1,000 yuan, it is 1,000 yuan.

  Zhang Liwen, a lawyer at Beijing Shi Law Firm, said in an interview with reporters that if it costs 70 yuan to order takeout, consumers can ask for an additional compensation of 1,000 yuan instead of 700 yuan, but he also reminded consumers that they should provide sufficient evidence to prove that the food "does not meet food safety standards".

  Merchant –

  The safe consumption time limit is not marked on the takeaway packaging.

  Many places have placed requirements on online catering packaging. Beijing, Sichuan, Fujian and other places require food to be marked with cooking time and safe consumption time limit. But when asked by reporters, several restaurant staff in Beijing said they were "not aware of this regulation" and would not put similar labels on takeaway packaging.

  The "Beijing Municipal Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Food Business (Interim) " clearly requires that food operators engaged in online ordering services should affix labels to food packaging, indicating the time of food processing and consumption, and reminding consumers to eat as soon as possible to avoid long-term storage.

  "This rule is reasonable and should be strictly enforced," Zhang Liwen pointed out. "When you go to a restaurant to eat, it is common sense that the food is newly made. But there is no supervision link when ordering takeout, and merchants should indicate when the food is made and how long it can be eaten."

  The reporter noticed that Beijing, Sichuan, and Fujian have relatively strict requirements for online catering packaging, while Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Liaoning have relaxed, "encouraging or recommending" affixing labels to indicate food processing time and consumption time limit.

  Platform –

  Unannounced merchant food business license

  In order to prevent "black workshops", Shanghai, Beijing, Fujian and other places not only require third-party platforms to review the food business license qualifications of online food operators, but also require third-party platforms to publicize information related to food business licenses on their websites.

  Beijing stipulates that third-party platform providers shall review and register the qualifications of food operators applying to enter the platform, timely update the operator’s identity certificate, food business license and other qualification certification materials, and publicize relevant information on the main page of their business activities.

  Reporters searched and found that the merchant pages of several well-known third-party platforms in Beijing did not publicize relevant qualification information. Although some platforms added a column of "merchant license", some merchants did not upload the license.

  "There are some difficulties in the process of verifying the qualifications of merchants," Meituan said. "The base of merchants is large, the verification time is long, and it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity of the qualification documents of some merchants."

  The delivery man…

  There is a situation of "no health certificate" employment

  Shanghai, Beijing and other places require food delivery staff to obtain a health certificate. Meituan and Daojia Food Club both said that delivery staff must undergo a medical examination and obtain a health certificate before they can work. "This is a hard and fast rule."

  According to the Daojia Food Club, the company has a special person to register and manage the information of the employee’s health certificate. When the employee’s health certificate expires for one year, it will urge and supervise the employee to update and register.

  However, the reporter learned that in order to save costs, some merchants choose to deliver by themselves, sometimes hiring people to deliver food specially, and the compensation is calculated according to the singular number of delivery. Due to the high mobility of food delivery staff, they will not check whether they hold a health certificate, and there are also cases of "unlicensed employment".

  Extend –

  How to resolve online ordering disputes?

  On July 12, Mr. Yue attracted widespread attention by posting a Weibo post online in which he claimed that he had received 19 stitches after ordering food through Ele.me at a store in Jinan called Marriott Donkey Meat Fire, where he was slashed at the door with a knife for giving a bad review.

  In an interview with reporters, Mr. Yue said that after the June 26 complaint, for as long as half a month, Ele.me only said that it had upgraded the processing, and did not leave any contact information of the person in charge. "The processing of the merchant was only to close the online payment function for a week, and then continue to operate."

  In response, the official Weibo of Ele.me responded on July 13, saying, "We oppose all violent words and deeds, and will not and cannot support any illegal party."

  Zhang Liwen believes that third-party platforms have the responsibility to deal with disputes. First, the platform should announce and punish the merchant’s behavior online; second, it should notify other third-party platforms and suggest that they carefully consider cooperating with the merchant, or blacklist the merchant and refuse to cooperate.

  He said that if consumers encounter food safety problems and merchants and platforms do not deal with them, considering the high cost of filing a lawsuit to the court, they can choose to go to the industry and commerce, food and drug administration or consumer associations to complain. It is recommended that relevant departments establish a quick handling mechanism to reduce the cost of consumer rights protection and ensure that consumers receive prompt and reasonable compensation.

  The Food Safety Law stipulates that the food and drug supervision and management, quality supervision and other departments of the people’s government at or above the county level shall publish the e-mail address or telephone number of the department to accept consultation, complaints and reports. If a consultation, complaint or report is received, it shall be accepted and promptly replied, verified and dealt with within the statutory time limit; if it is not the responsibility of the department, it shall be handed over to the department with the power to deal with it and notify the consultation, complaint and whistleblower in writing.

  The staff of the "12331" food and drug complaint hotline told reporters that if consumers can provide the specific location and name of the merchant, they can accept complaints and deal with them. (End)

Beijing taxi pilot real-name meter, effectively preventing drivers from changing car prices privately

  Newspaper (reporter Meng Huan) can use WeChat, Alipay to pay the taxi fare conveniently, effectively prevent taxi drivers from changing the price without permission… This morning, the reporter learned from the Municipal Transportation Commission Transportation Management Bureau that the city’s taxis have begun to pilot the real-name meter system, and gradually promote the installation this year. There are about 60,000 to 70,000 taxis in the city. At present, Beijing is regulating taxis through scientific and technological means. The city has piloted the installation of this intelligent vehicle end point all-in-one machine on more than 10,000 taxis, including Crescent Moon, BAIC, Yuyang, Wanquan Temple and other taxi companies. Some pure electric taxis in the suburbs have also begun to be installed.

  The reporter found yesterday that the service supervision card previously placed in front of the co-pilot position has been changed from a paper version to an electronic version, and the position has also been moved to the bottom of the meter to become an electronic screen. The screen displays the relevant information of the taxi and the driver. You can not only see the license plate number and the company to which the vehicle belongs, but also see the identity information of the driver and check the information of his qualification certificate.

  This all-in-one machine has electronic payment function, satellite positioning function, driver electronic certificate identification and identity authentication function, and has the function of accepting electric calls and industry shunting services, and supports driver identity and pricing information display. Passengers can pay through a variety of mobile payment methods according to the fare displayed by the all-in-one machine. It not only supports a variety of bank cards with UnionPay logos, but also supports common mobile payment methods such as WeChat and Alipay.

  The regulator can see the operation of the vehicle, the end point all-in-one machine and the driver’s qualification card are used in conjunction. The driver can only get on the bus and swipe the qualification card issued by the transportation department to sign in electronically, and the meter can be used to charge and invoice. Not only can it effectively prevent cloning taxis, but also it can prevent drivers from subcontracting taxis to unqualified personnel.

  The newly installed smart car end point all-in-one machine in taxis has a new function specially designed to encrypt the meter, which can prevent the driver from changing the amount without permission. Moreover, a taxi all-in-one machine corresponds to a meter, and the meter cannot be removed from the machine. Even if it is forcibly removed, it cannot be installed on other machines, and it is basically impossible to copy. Previously, some criminals "cloned" a taxi through illegal auto repair shops and then configured a full set of taxi equipment to modify the meter. Because the license plate number is fake, the "cloned car" driver will have no scruples and charge high fares by modifying the meter. There are also some taxi drivers who overcharge by modifying the meter to obtain illegal income.

  Master Huang, the driver of Wan Quan Yuan Taxi Company, said that the intelligent end point machine was installed about a month ago, and the company still has some old vehicles that are about to be phased out. According to the person in charge of Beijing Yuyang Taxi Company, more than 1,500 vehicles in Yuyang Taxi Company have been replaced with new equipment, and more than 500 vehicles will be installed with new equipment.

  It is also understood that the current taxi company authorities have not yet required the use of this equipment, so some taxi companies have not yet installed it, especially some smaller taxi companies, which have not been equipped with new equipment due to financial reasons.

"Through Spring Festival Evening" was born.

  The Beijing News (Reporter Liu Wei) After nine weeks of long selection, the final selection of "Through Spring Festival Gala" ended the night before, and finally Ping An, Xu Yina and Upsasa won. The three accepted the invitation letter from Havin, the general director of the 2013 year of the snake Spring Festival Gala.

  safe and sound

  The first one to get the ticket.

  The popular contestant Ping An sang Sun Nan’s song "Pursuit" that night. As the original singer, Sun Nan affirmed Ping An’s singing, thinking that his chorus played very well, except for a small part in front. Next, Ping An played steadily, and in the final confrontation with another unbeaten Apsasa, there was a dramatic scene of 30 votes to 30 votes on the field. At the crucial moment, Ping An sang the English song "Without You", and three judges on the scene, Li Xincao, Sun Nan and Gao Xixi, all voted for Ping An, so Ping An became the first player in this field to board the 2013 Spring Festival Gala. Thank you for your support. "This made me understand that I should sing well in the future. As long as there is tomorrow, it is a new beginning."

  Apsasa, a Dulong boy who won a high number of votes with the "Divine Comedy" that no one understood, kept the victory to the end like Ping An. He maintained his unique ethnic minority style, and performed magnificent songs such as "Oriental Grand Canyon".

  Xu Yina

  "Thank those who support me and those who criticize me."

  Xu Yina, the "soprano queen", defeated many rivals with her Leng Yan appearance and high-pitched voice, and twice defeated Zhang Hexuan with high votes, which also pushed her to the forefront. Her performance in this selection was well received and finally knocked on the door of the 2013 Spring Festival Evening. At the press conference after the game, when someone questioned Xu Yina’s performance, she said, "I thank those who supported me and those who criticized me. I am grateful, and I hope to use time to prove everything."

  Jinchi: "There are still many opportunities after this year’s failure"

  ■ beads

  In the last night’s final, Jinchi’s defeat was also quite regrettable. In the first round, Jin Chi sang a song from her album many years ago, "Never Change". She felt that this song was the most in line with the current mood in that album. This song reminded her of the sad process of "grinding a sword for ten years". Past events such as losing her front teeth in a car accident and singing in a bar to pay off debts came to her mind, and Jin Chi burst into tears in the spotlight.

  Director Ha Wen also supported Jinchi at the critical moment of the confrontation between Jinchi and Mujiangzi. "Her calm and comfortable state was born for this stage. I just expressed my personal preferences. I prefer Jinchi."

  However, in the end, Jinchi was still slightly inferior in the competition with Apsasa, and Jinchi, who had a high voice, regretted leaving.

  After leaving, Jin Chi still showed optimism and open-mindedness. "I have a very rare opportunity to stand on such a big stage. The Spring Festival Evening is not only this year, but there will be many opportunities after this year."

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