Wahaha’s new cross-border trend joins hands with Ctrip to create a "coffee place" theme room

Riding on the cross-border trend, Wahaha Group has once again opened up new ideas. Since October, it has joined hands with Licheng Group, a subsidiary of Ctrip Travel Network, and Lvyue Group to jointly create a "coffee-themed room". As a new product to be re-launched in 2023, the birth of the coffee spot originated from Wahaha’s keen sense of the trend of coffee demand in the market, and is a signature product of its new track of "fresh can coffee", which is a master producer.

The theme room is equipped with photo walls, throw pillows and other items that are strongly related to the coffee position. At the same time, each consumer is given a free coffee latte, which makes the room "strong coffee flavor" and captures the hearts of coffee lovers in one fell swoop. It is understood that the "coffee position theme room" activity plan covers 13 cities including Shanghai, Hangzhou, Huzhou, Ningbo, Jiaxing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Yangzhou, Suqian, Hefei, Anqing, Nanjing, and Chunan Qiandao Lake, with a total of 100 hotels. As the event further advanced, many consumers went to the hotel to explore the store, clocked in the coffee position, felt the quality of the "fresh pot", and posted praise through social media, one after another said: The room is comfortable, the coffee is full of "flavor", and the platinum and black gold color scheme is very textured.

To become the protagonist of this theme room, the coffee position obviously has its own advantages. The use of alpine Arabica coffee beans, imported milk sources from New Zealand, supervised by Q-Grader coffee tasters, SCA roasters carefully customized coffee roasting curves, and rigorous processes have created the extraordinary value of the coffee position. Coupled with "high temperature spray drip filtration" and "instantaneous fresh-locking technology", the use of the current industry’s advanced aseptic cold irrigation production line has further enhanced the high-quality taste of Wahaha coffee position lattes.

In recent years, Wahaha has launched new tricks on the joint name, AD calcium milk has cooperated with BilibiliWorld, Onmyoji, and Teddy to create "Today’s Underage IP", PH9.0 soda water has joined hands with the tide play brand to play "blind water" concept, and very cola has integrated Dunhuang IP to actively embrace Guochao culture… In addition, it also includes different brands such as Douluo Continent, Kuaikan Comics, League of Legends, DIMOO, etc., and has penetrated into various circles such as ACG, e-sports, and tide play, achieving a win-win situation of word-of-mouth and benefits.

This cross-border is the first cooperation between Wahaha and Ctrip, two well-known brands in the industry. Whether it is in terms of brand spirit, brand value proposition, or crowd coverage, Wahaha and Ctrip have a high degree of overlap. As a leader in the food and beverage industry, Wahaha’s pursuit of healthy food and a better life has never stopped. In response to this new joint trend, the relevant staff said: "We hope to actively expand new consumption scenarios through cross-border marketing, release the consumption potential of overlapping target customers, embrace the younger generation, and jointly explore new ways of travel consumption."

Ning Hao’s "Mr. Red Carpet" was turned on, and Andy Lau performed the "Red Carpet" of an outdated star

1905 movie network news On February 22, the comedy film "Mr. Red Carpet", directed and starring, held a launch ceremony in Shenzhen. Director Ning Hao, starring Andy Lau, and actors, actresses,, and Zhou Wei attended together.

Therefore, Ning Hao and Andy Lau, who became attached, finally cooperated for the first time in the movie. Andy Lau shouted excitedly: "Finally waiting for you!" Director Ning Hao also said: "It’s time for us to play!"

It is reported that the film tells the comedy story of Hong Kong’s aging star working with mainland directors in order to "turn red" and will be released nationwide in 2023.

Andy Lau

The movie "Mr. Red Carpet" tells the story of Liu Weichi, an aging star played by Andy Lau, who collaborates with a major director to make a comeback. He goes deep into the countryside to experience life, but his arrogance triggers a series of endless farce. Ultimately, he has an epiphany that being sincere is the most precious quality, and his life has been transformed and restored to beauty.

Celebrities come to the countryside to experience life, such a farce makes people laugh just thinking about it. And Andy Lau plays an outdated Hong Kong star, such a contrast setting is even more exciting, and it also fills the expectations of the film’s comedy properties.

At the launch ceremony, the lead actor Andy Lau said: "After waiting for so many years, we finally waited. I hope we can make a good show!" Director Ning Hao also borrowed the good fortune of the launch to cheer for the whole crew: "Today is a once-in-a-lifetime good day, February 22, 2022, so many good things come in pairs, it’s time for us to play!"

In 2006, the director Ning Hao received 3 million funding from Mr. Lau’s "Asian Rising Star Directing Project" to shoot "The Dark Horse" and "Crazy Stone", and created the film style of "black comedy", which made a sensation that crazy summer. For years, audiences have been hoping that Director Ning Hao and Andy Lau can work together on a film to satisfy audiences’ wishes.

Sixteen years later, "Mr. Red Carpet" was finally born, and the collaboration between the two big names was highly anticipated. At the same time, it also made everyone speculate, what kind of comedy is this? What kind of sparks will the two top figures in the field of directing and acting collide? The final "laugh" is expected.

Tencent’s share price has reached a new high, and Ma Yun has become China’s richest man

  Not long ago, Tencent’s mobile game "Honor of Kings" was repeatedly criticized by the media, and its share price suffered a setback, but then it continued to rise. Yesterday it reached a record high of 320.60 Hong Kong dollars, up nearly 3% from the previous day. Tencent’s market value reached 3.045056 trillion Hong Kong dollars, making it the most valuable listed company in China. According to Forbes’ real-time rich list, Pony Ma’s personal wealth rose to 36.20 billion US dollars, ranking 18th in the world on the list, surpassing Ma Yun and Wang Jianlin to become the richest man in China.

  Tencent’s share price yesterday reached a record high of 320.60 Hong Kong dollars, up nearly 3% from the previous day. Tencent’s market value reached 3.045056 trillion Hong Kong dollars, making it the most valuable listed company in China. The personal wealth of Pony Ma, chairperson and CEO of Tencent, also rose, reaching 36.20 billion US dollars, making him the richest man in China.

  Tencent’s share price reaches HK $320

  Yesterday, the stock price of Tencent, which is listed on the Hong Kong stock market, reached a record high. As of the end of the day, it rose 2.95% to 320.60 Hong Kong dollars. At present, Tencent’s market value has reached 3.045056 trillion Hong Kong dollars (about 389.283 billion US dollars), making it once again the most valuable listed company in China. At present, Tencent’s market value ranks eighth in the global market value ranking, second only to Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway.

  Data show that in the past six months, the share price of Tencent Holdings has risen from 190 Hong Kong dollars at the beginning of the year to 320 Hong Kong dollars today, a cumulative increase of 66%. Not long ago, Tencent’s mobile game "Honor of Kings" was repeatedly criticized by the media, and its share price suffered a setback, but then it continued to rise.

  The latest two quarterly report shows that a total of 30 funds (shares are calculated separately) hold a large position in Tencent Holdings, with a total of 11.0689 million shares. The net value of these funds has also risen with the rise of heavy stocks, and has obtained rich returns.

  At present, a number of institutions hold "buy" ratings on Tencent and have raised their target price for Tencent. Morgan Stanley raised its target price of Tencent from the original 310 Hong Kong dollars to 370 Hong Kong dollars; Nomura Securities raised its target price to 341 yuan; Bank of America Merrill Lynch maintained its "buy" rating, raising the target price of Tencent to 331 yuan, and expects the mobile game business to continue to drive the company’s revenue. Deutsche Bank raised the target price of Tencent from 320 yuan to 327 yuan, and rated it "buy".

  Pony Ma becomes China’s richest man

  According to Forbes’ real-time rich list, Pony Ma’s personal wealth rose to 36.20 billion US dollars, ranking 18th in the world on the list, surpassing Jack Ma, who ranked 20th, and Wang Jianlin, who ranked 26th, to become the richest man in China.

  According to the latest disclosure of rights and interests of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Pony Ma’s share of the issued shares of Tencent Holdings fell from 13.91% on July 8, 2004 to 8.73% on November 28, 2016. However, Tencent’s market value has increased by nearly a thousand times from billions of Hong Kong dollars at that time to trillions of Hong Kong dollars at present; Tencent’s share price has risen from HK $3.70 per share in June 2004 to HK $320.60 today, and it has also undergone a split of five. According to this calculation, in the 13 years of listing, Tencent’s share price has increased by more than 433 times. The wealth of Pony Ma, the founder of the company, has naturally risen.

  2017 interim results will be announced next Wednesday

  Tencent will announce its 2017 interim results next Wednesday. According to statistics, in the past five years, Tencent’s revenue growth rate has been 54%, 38%, 31%, 30% and 48% respectively. Tencent’s performance in the first quarter of this year shows that operating income 49.588 billion yuan, an increase of 54.83% year-on-year, and net profit 14.548 billion yuan, an increase of 57.46% year-on-year. Roughly calculated, in the 90 days of the first quarter of this year, Tencent Holdings’ average daily revenue was about 550 million yuan, and the average daily net profit was about 160 million yuan.

  The market generally believes that although Tencent is involved in a wide range of business, it is still relatively focused on social networking and gaming. "In the past, everyone thought that Tencent could do anything, and we also took a detour," Pony Ma once said. "We have changed a lot in the past two years, cutting more and more businesses… Since entering mobile game operations, a lot of energy has been on the layout of global mobile games, which is our main business."

  The game business is Tencent’s main business, which is not only one side of Ma Yun’s words, but also reflected in Tencent’s financial report. In 2016, Tencent’s 2016 annual revenue was 151.938 billion, of which online game revenue was 70.844 billion, accounting for 47%. In Quarter 1 this year, Tencent achieved revenue of about RMB 14.10 billion in PC client side games, an increase of 24% year-on-year, benefiting from the increase in contributions of major games such as League of Legends, Dungeons and Warriors, and FIFA Online 3. In mobile games, revenue of about RMB 12.90 billion was achieved, an increase of 57% year-on-year, driven by existing and new games such as ("Honor of Kings", "Crossfire: Gunfight King" and "Dragon Valley"). In particular, "Honor of Kings", its tens of millions of DAU players have achieved not only a game, but also a hot topic in society. As of the fourth quarter of 2016, "Honor of Kings" has 50 million DAU. In the past six months, the popularity of the game has gradually increased, and it has attracted the attention of Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily and other media. I hope the game can lead positive energy and fulfill its social responsibility.

  As of the first quarter of this year, Tencent’s QQ monthly active accounts reached 861 million, and the combined monthly active accounts of WeChat and WeChat reached 938 million, an increase of 23% over the same period last year. Social and other advertising revenue increased by 67% to RMB 4.379 billion, mainly driven by advertising revenue growth from WeChat Moments, WeChat public accounts, app stores and mobile browsers.

  related news

  Tencent launched credit score

  "Tencent Credit" has opened a public beta for some users, and some users can already check their credit scores in the account column of QQ Wallet in the "Tencent Credit" official account of mobile QQ.

  Beiqing Daily reporter learned that Tencent Credit is a personal credit management platform launched by Tencent Credit, and the credit score can reflect the user’s credit level. Similar to Zhima Credit Score, Tencent Credit Score is also evaluated by the system credit scoring model. It relies on comprehensive evaluation of data from multiple dimensions such as social, payment, finance, and society to monitor in real time. The higher the score, the higher the credit level. Users can improve their credit score by repaying credit cards in a timely manner, paying water, electricity and gas bills on time, binding bank cards on the official website of Tenpay or mobile QQ wallet, purchasing wealth management products, and improving accurate credit information in credit management. Loan defaults, credit card repayments and other behaviors will be recorded, and even affect the credit score.

  Tencent said that users can not only understand their credit level through Tencent credit scores, but also enjoy the financial privileges and life privileges that good credit brings to them, such as cash lending, bank card application, consumption installment, and credit travel.

  It is reported that only QQ super members are currently eligible for the public beta. Tencent said that the public beta qualification is not directly related to QQ members, QQ years, QQ levels, account transfer consumption and other conditions. It is based on the user’s real name and credit comprehensive evaluation and randomly opened. At present, the public beta list is small, and there is no active application path for the time being. The public beta list will be gradually opened in the future. This group text/This reporter, Wen Jing, photo/DongIC fang

Beijing taxi pilot real-name meter, effectively preventing drivers from changing car prices privately

  Newspaper (reporter Meng Huan) can use WeChat, Alipay to pay the taxi fare conveniently, effectively prevent taxi drivers from changing the price without permission… This morning, the reporter learned from the Municipal Transportation Commission Transportation Management Bureau that the city’s taxis have begun to pilot the real-name meter system, and gradually promote the installation this year. There are about 60,000 to 70,000 taxis in the city. At present, Beijing is regulating taxis through scientific and technological means. The city has piloted the installation of this intelligent vehicle end point all-in-one machine on more than 10,000 taxis, including Crescent Moon, BAIC, Yuyang, Wanquan Temple and other taxi companies. Some pure electric taxis in the suburbs have also begun to be installed.

  The reporter found yesterday that the service supervision card previously placed in front of the co-pilot position has been changed from a paper version to an electronic version, and the position has also been moved to the bottom of the meter to become an electronic screen. The screen displays the relevant information of the taxi and the driver. You can not only see the license plate number and the company to which the vehicle belongs, but also see the identity information of the driver and check the information of his qualification certificate.

  This all-in-one machine has electronic payment function, satellite positioning function, driver electronic certificate identification and identity authentication function, and has the function of accepting electric calls and industry shunting services, and supports driver identity and pricing information display. Passengers can pay through a variety of mobile payment methods according to the fare displayed by the all-in-one machine. It not only supports a variety of bank cards with UnionPay logos, but also supports common mobile payment methods such as WeChat and Alipay.

  The regulator can see the operation of the vehicle, the end point all-in-one machine and the driver’s qualification card are used in conjunction. The driver can only get on the bus and swipe the qualification card issued by the transportation department to sign in electronically, and the meter can be used to charge and invoice. Not only can it effectively prevent cloning taxis, but also it can prevent drivers from subcontracting taxis to unqualified personnel.

  The newly installed smart car end point all-in-one machine in taxis has a new function specially designed to encrypt the meter, which can prevent the driver from changing the amount without permission. Moreover, a taxi all-in-one machine corresponds to a meter, and the meter cannot be removed from the machine. Even if it is forcibly removed, it cannot be installed on other machines, and it is basically impossible to copy. Previously, some criminals "cloned" a taxi through illegal auto repair shops and then configured a full set of taxi equipment to modify the meter. Because the license plate number is fake, the "cloned car" driver will have no scruples and charge high fares by modifying the meter. There are also some taxi drivers who overcharge by modifying the meter to obtain illegal income.

  Master Huang, the driver of Wan Quan Yuan Taxi Company, said that the intelligent end point machine was installed about a month ago, and the company still has some old vehicles that are about to be phased out. According to the person in charge of Beijing Yuyang Taxi Company, more than 1,500 vehicles in Yuyang Taxi Company have been replaced with new equipment, and more than 500 vehicles will be installed with new equipment.

  It is also understood that the current taxi company authorities have not yet required the use of this equipment, so some taxi companies have not yet installed it, especially some smaller taxi companies, which have not been equipped with new equipment due to financial reasons.

Sailis new energy vehicles sold 36,838 units in January

People’s Daily Online Chongqing, February 4 (Reporter Hu Hong) Recently, the joint stock company of Cyrus Group (hereinafter referred to as "Cyrus") released the production and sales express for January 2024. Data show that the sales of Cyrus new energy vehicles reached 36,838 in January, an increase of 654.1% year-on-year.

In January 2024, AITO delivered 32,973 new cars, an increase of 34.76% month-on-month, of which 24 days of single-day delivery exceeded 1,000. It is worth mentioning that the delivery of AITO’s new M7 reached a new high, with 31,253 new cars delivered in a single month. For the first time, the monthly delivery exceeded 30,000, opening a new chapter in delivery speed.

At present, the cumulative size of AITO’s new M7 has exceeded 140,000 vehicles, and the order growth and delivery efficiency have been accelerated together. Under the multi-point catalysis of channels and products, the new models, M7 and M9, are expected to start a new round of volume cycle, helping the company’s first quarter profitability to improve significantly.

Since the beginning of this year, the sales volume of the AITO series has maintained a steady increase, and sales have been increasing month-on-month for four consecutive weeks. Since September last year, the new M7 and M9 models of AITO have been launched one after another, which has helped sales to increase rapidly and provided users with a continuously leading smart travel experience.

It is reported that since January 31st, the AITO Interview M5 and the new M7 smart driving version have been upgraded to the OTA version of the high-end package, which can realize the high-level intelligent driving of the urban NCA without relying on high-precision maps across the country, bringing a smart driving experience that can be driven across the country.

AITO asked the world M9. Photo courtesy of Cyrus

AITO asked the world M9. Photo courtesy of Cyrus

Thanks to the continuous increase in sales of high-end new energy vehicles, Sailis’ performance is stable and resilient. From the data disclosed in the performance forecast, Sailis is expected to achieve operating income of 35.50 billion yuan to 36.50 billion yuan in 2023, and net profit attributable to the parent will improve by 29.5% -45.1% year-on-year.

The continuous increase in sales volume cannot be separated from Cyrus’ deep cultivation of technological innovation, continuous improvement of R & D strength and leading intelligent manufacturing strength. According to the recently released China Automotive Science and Technology’s 2023 automotive patent statistics, the number of invention patents of Cyrus Group achieved a year-on-year growth of 407.76% in 2023, ranking first in the independent vehicle group. In addition, in the number of automobile invention patents granted in China in 2023, Cyrus Group was shortlisted for the TOP20 for the first time with a year-on-year growth rate of 88.00%.

In terms of intelligent manufacturing, Sailis Automotive Smart Factory took the lead in applying the industry-leading 9000T integrated die-casting process, achieving the highest degree of integration among integrated die-casting components on the market, elevating the quality and speed of product delivery to new heights, and effectively achieving efficient production, lightweight, and high safety.

B-class pure electric car, one of the most competitive flagship products in the market, Geely Galaxy E8 officially opened pre-sale

  On the evening of December 16, the first mainstream pure electric sedan "Geely Galaxy E8" based on the SEA architecture officially opened for pre-sale at the 2023 Geely Automobile User Conference. The new car launched a total of 5 versions (550km Pro, 550km MAX, 665km Starship, Voyage Edition, 665km Starship, Smart Driving Edition, 620km Starship, Performance Edition), with a pre-sale price of 188,000 yuan. The new car will be officially launched and delivered in January 2024.

One of the most competitive flagship products of the B-class pure electric car, Geely Galaxy E8 officially opened the pre-sale _fororder_image001

  The Geely Galaxy E8 was launched on October 30 this year. It is based on the SEA vast architecture and is the first intelligent pure electric flagship sedan of the Geely Galaxy series. It is also Geely’s first product based on the SEA architecture. It has a first-mover advantage in the three-electric system, vehicle control experience, and body safety framework.

  The Galaxy E8 adopts the new design language of "Ripple of Light", and is equipped with the world’s first mass-produced integrated luminous front face, which is highly recognizable. The interior is equipped with a 45-inch ultra-wide screen and a new generation of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 flagship cockpit chips. It integrates the latest technology and is a masterpiece of Geely Technology’s car manufacturing.

One of the most competitive flagship products of the B-class pure electric car, Geely Galaxy E8 officially opened the pre-sale _fororder_image002

  The Geely Galaxy E8 inherits the brand’s unique "ripple aesthetics" and innovates a new "ripple of light" design language. It has a very cool rhythmic grille and is also the world’s first mass-produced integrated luminous front face. The grille has a luminous matrix composed of 158 windows, with a luminous area of 0.105m. It not only inherits Geely’s classic ripple symbol design, but also jumps out of the homogenization route of electric vehicle design, creating a new paradigm of intelligent electric vehicle design in China.

One of the most competitive flagship products of the B-class pure electric car, Geely Galaxy E8 officially opened the pre-sale _fororder_image003

  The attitude of the Geely Galaxy E8 is close to that of a coupe model, and the roof line is very smooth. At the same time, thanks to the streamlined body, external AGS active air intake grille, low wind resistance closed pneumatic wheel rim and other 25 low wind resistance designs in the whole car, the Geely Galaxy E8 wind resistance coefficient is only 0.199Cd. The length, width and height of the Geely Galaxy E8 are 5010/1920/1465mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2925mm. The through-type tail light group of the Geely Galaxy E8 has rich lamp cavity lines, and visually forms a signal linkage with the high-mounted brake lights, thus creating a good visual effect and recognition. In addition, the exaggerated diffuser and ducktail design at the tail enhance the sports atmosphere, while effectively reducing the rear turbulence, reducing the wind resistance by 10counts, and improving the battery life.

One of the most competitive flagship products of the B-class pure electric car, Geely Galaxy E8 officially opened the pre-sale _fororder_image004

  Geely Galaxy E8 is inspired by the four seasons and characteristic scenery of West Lake, and has launched six body colors, including: Begonia powder (Quyuan wind lotus), smoke gray (double peaks insert clouds), autumn apricot yellow (thunder peak sunset), Zhiqiuhong (Huagang viewing fish), first snow silver (lake mirror first snow), willow frost white (Su Di winter pen), providing consumers with a richer choice.

One of the most competitive flagship products of the B-class pure electric car, Geely Galaxy E8 officially opened the pre-sale _fororder_image005

  Geely Galaxy E8 is equipped with a 45-inch 8K screen, with an effective display area size of 1130mm * 138mm, a 7.5mm border, a screen ratio of 98%, and a thickness of 9.8mm. The screen pixel is 7680 × 936, achieving a quasi-retina-level 8K pixel density. When the vehicle is in P gear, this large screen also supports direct connection of mobile phones or handles to play games. Geely Galaxy E8 is equipped with a new generation of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 flagship cockpit chips and a new car system. It adopts a 5nm process, and the AI computing power reaches 30TOPS. Compared with 8155 (7nm) GPU, the overall performance is improved by 2 times and the 3D rendering performance is improved by 3 times. The Geely Galaxy E8 is equipped with a round double-spoke steering wheel and a half-spoke steering wheel (optional) for consumers to choose from, and has integrated knobs in the control area under the center console. 

  Geely Galaxy E8 is equipped with a 4D zero-pressure cloud seat, which supports 12-way electric adjustment of the main driver seat/electric waist support + 4-way electric adjustment of the passenger seat + ventilation and heating of the main/passenger seat + memory welcome of the main/passenger seat, providing a rich riding experience. In addition, the passenger seat is laid at an angle of 180 °, supports one-click automatic leveling, and can be connected with the rear seat cushion.

One of the most competitive flagship products of the B-class pure electric car, Geely Galaxy E8 officially opened the pre-sale _fororder_image006

  Geely Galaxy E8 is equipped with: front door electronic unlocking, 50W mobile phone wireless charging, 25.6-inch AR-HUD head-up display, HARMAN INFINITY sound system + headrest audio, intelligent air conditioner, FACE ID facial recognition, OMS entertainment camera, electric rear tailgate, 256-color intelligent chasing ambient light, rear seat ventilation and heating and other functions.

One of the most competitive flagship products of the B-class pure electric car, Geely Galaxy E8 officially opened the pre-sale _fororder_image007

One of the most competitive flagship products of the B-class pure electric car, Geely Galaxy E8 officially opened the pre-sale _fororder_image008

  Geely Galaxy E8 two-wheel drive (rear drive) model has a motor power of 200kW and a torque of 343Nm; the four-wheel drive model has a motor power of 475kW (165kW + 310kW) and a torque of 710Nm; in addition, the power battery pack of the vehicle adopts a new generation of silicon carbide electronic control technology, and the cruising range can be increased by 5-10% compared with the previous generation. According to official data, the 0-100km/h acceleration time of Geely Galaxy E8 two-wheel drive (rear drive) model is 5.95s, and the 0-100km/h acceleration time of four-wheel drive model is 3.49s. The maximum speed can reach 210km/h.

One of the most competitive flagship products of the B-class pure electric car, Geely Galaxy E8 officially opened the pre-sale _fororder_image009

  Geely Galaxy E8 is officially defined by Geely Automobile as "China’s new generation of pure electric flagship". With a new generation of flagship architecture, a new generation of flagship cockpit, a new generation of flagship driving control, a new generation of flagship safety, a new generation of flagship design and other leapfrog hardcore strength, Geely Galaxy E8 is expected to become one of the most competitive flagship products in the current B-class pure electric cars. (Source: Geely Galaxy)

Interview with Chengdu Auto Show 2021: A brand-new sub-brand of Krypton

On August 29th, the media day of Chengdu Auto Show in 2021, Krypton brand displayed a brand-new ecological strategy of energy replenishment, and released its sub-brand ZEEKR Power Krypton Energy. Relying on professional team, self-developed technology, partners and intelligent operation, we can build a complementary ecology and experience from three dimensions: family, city and service, and provide users with all-round energy solutions.

Wechat picture _20210829132610.jpg

Lu Mi, general manager of Zhejiang Haohan Energy Technology Co., Ltd. said at the press conference: "We will be committed to exploring new technologies, new services and new experiences, realizing full-scene, full-ecological and full-life cycle energy management, and solving the pain points of users’ full-scene charging experience with ecological services, becoming the driving force and guarantee for extremely awkward users to travel, and endurance for life anytime and anywhere."

After the press conference, Mr. Lu Tao was indirectly interviewed by the media in the interview, and then we will share the key contents of the interview with you.

A Interview with 2.jpg

▲ Lu Tao  General manager of Zhejiang Haohan Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Reporter:This year, Tesla completed 500 charging piles, of which 200 were completed this year. I think we are expected to complete 290 this year. I would like to ask when all of them will be delivered. The first batch was delivered in September? Another question is whether the charging station is self-operated or a third party.

Liu Tao:First, our target plan is to complete 290 seats within this year, which is also a challenge for us. In September, the first charging station will be launched, and the overcharging station will also be launched. The light charging station is probably expected to be a little late. The second question is that all the 290 seats are self-operated.

Reporter:Regarding the charging power, Tesla’s charging power is 120kW, and Tucki’s is 90kW. What’s our charging power?

Liu Tao:We have a variety of product series, including 20kW light charging products, 60-120kW overcharged products and 360kW extremely charged products. Different products have different power. If it is equipped with a 400-volt platform, the fastest charging speed of Krypton 001 from 10% to 80%SOC can be about 30 minutes.

Reporter:Before, I saw that Krypton gave a lot of data, saying that we will deploy 360 kilowatts of charging in the future, but not in the initial 290 seats, or what?

Liu Tao:Our piles can support the maximum charging power of 360 kW, and the planning of extremely filled piles will have some technical foresight, and it will go a little ahead, which can match the vast future architecture, and it is possible to carry the future 800 V platform. .

Reporter:Let me explain that the number of 290 stations includes different powers, not all of them are the same, and the power of different gradients is different. The highest power is 360 kW.

Liu Tao:Yes, our 290-seat charging station includes extremely charging station, overcharging station and light charging station, because each station is equipped with different charging facilities and charging piles.

Reporter:What is the proportion of our high-power charging piles among the 290 seats?

Liu Tao:Now, at present, we are competing with friends in the market for some capacitor and site problems. It is not certain that the remaining current in this shopping mall can be matched to the pole-filled pile or pole-filled station. We will take measures according to local conditions. At present, there is no very accurate proportion, which may not be suitable for full announcement, but we will announce the proportion later. Now we are looking for places with land and electricity while building in batches, and there are still some uncertainties.

Reporter:What is the plan that our charging network will be initially opened to Geely Group, third parties and other brands?

Liu Tao:Our polar charging station is not open now, only for polar krypton. Our overcharging station and light charging station can be opened.

Reporter:I think we gave a free charge this morning with a thousand degrees limit. Can this car be used to run Didi?

Liu Tao:Our press conference said that it is only limited to the first non-operating car owner of YOU version, and it is definitely not possible to run Didi.

Reporter:We released the brand ZEEKR Power this morning. It is not an after-sales service system now, but a brand. So in your opinion, what is the difference between it and the after-sales service system of Krypton? Why is it a brand?

Liu Tao:Many friends regard energy replenishment or charging as a part of after-sales service. Our business system should be called energy service accurately. In energy service, energy replenishment is only one part. Energy service also includes battery operation and similar optical storage integration, micro-grid construction, etc. It is a big energy layout. In Geely’s view, the whole energy service system, including Krypton, is a very, very large plate or business unit, so it is not just a simple small link in after-sales service, so we will pay more attention to the layout and input resources of energy services than other countries, so we will become an energy company operating independently and serve the Krypton brand at the same time. Therefore, the sub-brand of krypton energy was born, which is such a situation.

Reporter:In the morning, I heard you speak on the stage, and there was a scene that the office area and scenic spot would use 20 kilowatts of light power. Is this based on cost considerations or something? The figure of 20 kilowatts is not enough for any car in public areas, because it is better to charge it quickly, and it is better to walk quickly. Why is it 20 kilowatts?

Liu Tao:Good question, as I said at the press conference, it is not necessarily directly related to the cost. Of course, we also hope to control the cost. Because there are many charging scenarios, and I just said that the light charging pile is 20 kilowatts, you just mentioned that we will also put in extremely charging stations and over-charging stations in offices or other destinations, which does not mean that these places will definitely put in or only put in light charging stations. This is not necessarily related. At the same time, I also said in the morning that we should not only charge quickly, but also charge well. The reason for charging quickly is that we have a 360 kW output including high-power extremely-charged piles, which can quickly solve the user’s needs with very urgent needs. Now I have to leave immediately after charging, and I can’t wait that long. In another case, it is well-filled. When we look back, you will find that if you are a new energy vehicle owner now, and you go to dinner with friends, you will find that it will take at least 2 hours, but it will be filled up very quickly. If you use extremely-filled piles or extremely-filled stations now, there will definitely be some overtime and delay costs, which will be a loss to the whole social resources. We definitely hope that the user will charge the car in 2-3 hours, charging it with a light pile, and you don’t have to go down to move the car. For example, it is a very painful and bad experience for you to eat a meal for 30 minutes.

Reporter bThis scene doesn’t mean that you are waiting for charging. You may have gone to the scenic spot to play, the car is charging here, and then you drive away after playing in the scenic spot, not to let you sit and wait in this scene.

Reporter:Why is the number 20?

Liu Tao:It must be a comprehensive consideration, including 20 kilowatts on the R&D side, the market side, the user side and the cost side. We don’t just say 30 kilowatts, 40 kilowatts and 50 kilowatts at will. Generally speaking, we will classify the scenes of pure electric vehicles according to the parking time. For example, we will stay at home for one night, stay in the company for one day, and stay in the mall for only 2-4 hours. We will charge about 50%-60% of the starting SOC and ending SOC data of pure electric vehicles under normal circumstances. Based on big data calculation, according to 60% of the 100-degree battery of Krypton 001, it will be charged about 60 degrees. According to the parking time of 2-4 hours, 20kW is enough, which can definitely meet the charging demand in this scene, make full use of power resources, cover more parking spaces and provide more charging parking spaces.

Reporter:Weilai said in the publicity that he hoped that every Weilai user would live in the electricity area, and how many kilometers there would be a power station. Is there such a goal for us to have a charging station within how many kilometers in the future?

Liu Tao:We don’t have a specific frame to determine how many kilometers away from the user community, because we have to consider the overall distribution of all users. At present, there is no particularly accurate way to calculate the user data because Extreme Krypton 001 has not been delivered. Second, we now feel that for all extreme Krypton car owners, we should solve the core problem first. The core problem is that we are now laying out in some places in the core of supermarkets and CBD, and solve the problem that these users often go to the scene first. It is the second step to extend it to calculate how much to do. At present, the core pain point for users is the core of the city center, not the suburbs.

Reporter:There is a new round of financing these two days. Is the sub-brand of our charging station a wholly-owned sub-brand of Geely or something else?

Liu Tao:ZEEKR Power, the sub-brand you are talking about?


Liu Tao:This brand should not exist. It is jointly owned by several companies, and ZEEKR Power serves ZEEKR.

Reporter:Weilai’s power exchange station is just a few companies.

Liu Tao:Different, NIO Power only serves NIO (Weilai), and it does not serve other brands.

Reporter:From the profit model, for example, just now, I accepted the brand of Krypton, and the owner will have a free charge every year when placing an order this year. What is the profit model?

Liu Tao:I understand that you are planning profit points for all specific overall energy companies, or are you referring to profit points for only stations?

Reporter:Our brand.

Liu Tao:At present, our profit is related to the user experience. At this stage, we will pay more attention to the user experience, and profit is only the second priority. From the perspective of the whole energy service system, there are many companies in the market that look at the situation of new energy vehicles and energy companies in the same important position. If there are enough new energy vehicles in the market, energy companies can make more layouts through new energy vehicles, which can incubate many business models. However, in the early stage, the first thing is to sell the vehicles and implement the follow-up strategy on the basis of ownership, so it is not necessary to achieve profitability in the early stage. Of course, the two of them will have some complementary functions.

Reporter:I think the morning press conference also talked about the plan of charging cars. I am very interested in this matter. Weilai NIO Power also mentioned this thing, but now they are gradually reducing the proportion of mobile charging cars in the whole energy service. What is the initial deployment logic of our car? Priority in first-class cities or as a supplement in other cities?

Liu Tao:It suddenly occurred to me that you just had a question. You just talked about the point of profit. Now private cars are in a rapid growth trend, growing at a rate of 100% and 200%. It is a very large incremental market at present. If there are enough pure electric cars in the market, the profit part is very large. But at present, we will grasp the user experience and profit with both hands. You just mentioned the urban layout of charging cars. At present, we will give priority to the service of mobile charging stations in first-tier cities. Mobile charging cars will probably do some tests one after another in September, and it is expected to start online at the end of September.

Reporter:Will the use of charging cars be a right of users, or will there be a higher charge?

Liu Tao:At present, the charging car will be in the whole service system, and the user side and the retail side have not announced the specific rules and policies, because they are still doing some calculation and specific research work. When they announce the specific content, we will consider combining the two services of mobile charging car and valet charging (charging) to give users an experience, but at present, there is no specific plan and policy.

Shenzhou Dual-Core Mercedes-Benz E300 Integrated PC at a great price of 2399

  【September 10th Shenzhen Station of Pacific Computer NetworkThe innovatively designed all-in-one computer has opened the era of thin and light desktop for us. The combination of high-configuration host and thin and light display will no longer have the trouble of heavy host and cumbersome connection. As long as one connection is connected, the whole machine will be connected, and the window will be opened at the touch of a button. The Mercedes-Benz E500 all-in-one machine independently developed by Shenzhou is an integrated PC with super-large display and super configuration. It has the advantages of energy saving, silence and space saving, so it is widely loved by consumers. Now the Mercedes-Benz series has added a new member — — Mercedes-Benz E300, which continues the beautiful combination of 19-wide ultra-large LCD and 2.4G 45nm dual-core, will become a star product in the all-in-one machine market at a premium price of 2399. Buy now, and you can also get the desktop gift package prepared by Shenzhou for you! (The spree includes 2.0 speakers, game sets and detergent sets.)

Mercedes-benz E300
Shenzhou Benz E300D1  Tuku  Evaluation and measurement  On altar  Quotation

  The exterior design of Mercedes-Benz E300 takes the traditional stable route, with a square base, which is stable and tangible, supporting a 19-inch super-large widescreen LCD. The combination of a large display and a stable bracket gives people a sense of security. The simple black style of the whole machine has a strong business atmosphere, and a trace of silver is hung along the edge of the outline, which is calm and lively. In terms of structural design, there is no complicated external connection due to the combination of the host display. The left side of the base is equipped with a DVDRW CD-ROM drive, and the left and right sides of the fuselage are respectively equipped with a card reader and a USB interface. The back of the fuselage and the back of the base are ventilation and heat dissipation windows of the whole machine, and most of the areas are designed in a grid shape, which effectively solves the heat dissipation problem of the fuselage. The key to turning on and off the whole machine is a conspicuous silver button, which is arranged in an eye-catching position of the base, which is explosive and wonderful.

Mercedes-benz E300
Shenzhou Benz E300D1

  The internal architecture of Celeron E3200 used in Mercedes-Benz E300 adopts Intel 45nm High-K and Metal Gate semiconductor technology, which has a high clock frequency. The main frequency of Celeron E3200 is 2.4GHz, the external frequency is 200MHz, the design of 800MHz front-end bus is adopted, and the TDP power consumption is 65W, which provides powerful power for the whole machine and greatly reduces power consumption. It brings an energy-saving and quiet use environment. The supported instruction sets are MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSSE3, and EM64T. In terms of instruction sets, Celeron E3200 adds Intel VT (Virtualization Technology), which is only available in Intel high-end processors at present. This technology can expand the hardware capacity and simplify the software reconfiguration process. A single CPU can simulate multiple CPUs in parallel. Allow a platform to run multiple operating systems at the same time, and the application programs can run in independent spaces without affecting each other, thus significantly improving the working efficiency of the computer and making the whole machine have strong image and multimedia processing speed. In addition, with the addition of 19-inch wide LCD, 80G hard disk, DVD drive, 10/100M network card and 9 and 1 card readers, you can experience a perfect digital life.

PConline product library— — Specification parameter
Mercedes E300D1
Intel Pentium Dual-Core Processor E3200 2.4G
Memory type:
Memory size:
Hard disk type:
sata hard disk
Hard disk capacity:
Optical drive:
Widescreen liquid crystal
19 inches
Graphics card:
integrated graphics
Sound card:
onboard sound card
Network card:
10-100M network card on board
Keyboard/optical mouse
  > > more details(Comparison of picture quotation parameters, comments, evaluations and quotes) 

  Editor’s comment:Mercedes-Benz E300 all-in-one machine is full of rich business atmosphere, which brings convenience and quickness in use. The 19-wide LCD and 2.4G45nm dual-core are perfectly matched. The market price of Mercedes-Benz E300 is only 2399. If you buy it now, you can also get the desktop gift package prepared by Shenzhou for you! (The spree includes 2.0 speakers, game sets and detergent sets.)

  [Market quotation]: Shenzhou Benz E300D1 2399 yuan.
  [Sales Address]: H2B028 0755-82532525, Floor 2, Huaqiang Plaza, Huaqiang North Road, Shenzhen
  [Quotation inquiry]:Shenzhen desktop quotation
  [quotation inquiry]:Shenzhen desktop market

[2023 Auto Show] The Great Wall Shanhai Gun 6X6 appeared.

The PHEV and HEV versions of Great Wall Motor Shanhai Gun were officially unveiled at the 2023 Shanghai Auto Show, making the world’s first show. The new car is built on the 6X6 super off-road platform of Great Wall Gun, with six-wheel drive and five equivalent differential locks. The off-road performance is quite hard-core. Riders, are you looking forward to the official arrival of this 6×6 pickup truck?

New car information

The jiacang exceeds 40 billion, and foreign investors can’t stop buying in the New Year! "Persuade to buy a house" expert: not forcing low-income families to buy a house! What is the impact of Paxlovi

A-shares adjusted back today, the Shanghai Composite Index fell slightly, and the GEM and Kechuang 50 Index fell more than 1%; Hong Kong stocks rose strongly in early trading and fell back in the afternoon. The Hang Seng Technology Index once fell nearly 1%.

Specifically, in terms of A-shares, the Shanghai Composite Index fluctuated strongly in intraday trading, and turned green at the end of the session. The GEM Index and the Kechuang 50 Index plunged sharply. At the close, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.24% to 3161.84 points, the Shenzhen Component Index fell 0.59% to 11439.44 points, and the Growth Enterprise Market Index fell 1.13% to 2445.97 points. The total turnover of the two cities was 741.8 billion yuan, equivalent to yesterday; Northbound funds are not afraid of the index correction, but still flow in strongly, with a net purchase of about 7.6 billion yuan for the whole day. Since January, they have accumulated more than 40 billion yuan.

Today, most of the sectors in the two cities are lower, with tourism, software, semiconductors, wine-making and automobiles all falling. Huguang shares and Xiaoyan shares have fallen, and Fudan Microelectronics has fallen by 10%. The coal sector rose against the trend, and Shaanxi Black Cat and Zhengzhou Coal and Electricity had daily limit; The concept of baby broke out, and Annabel and blond rabbi went up daily; In addition, a number of pre-increased performance shares have been sought after. Tony Electronics and Electronic City have gained three consecutive boards, and Shiyida and Kangda New Materials, which released good performance yesterday, have daily limit. In addition, Tongda Power, which supplies BYD, has performed brilliantly in recent days, and has gained 5 boards today.

In terms of Hong Kong stocks, the two major stock indexes rose strongly in early trading, but fell back in the afternoon, and the Hang Seng Technology Index turned green. At the close, the Hang Seng Index rose 0.49% to 21,436.05 points, and the Hang Seng Science and Technology Index fell 0.25% to 4,547.12 points. In terms of individual stocks, BYD shares rose nearly 5%, Tencent and Alibaba rose more than 3%, and Zhou Heiya plunged about 23%.

Many performance pre-increased stocks rose sharply.

A number of stocks with a substantial pre-increase in net profit in 2022 have recently been sought after by funds. For example, Dongni Electronics and Electronic City have been trading daily for three consecutive trading days; Shiyida and Kangda New Materials, which disclosed the performance forecast last night, both had daily limit. It is worth mentioning that Kangtai Bio, which suffered a big loss in advance, also rose sharply today.

Tony Electronics has been trading daily for three consecutive trading days. At the close, the stock reported 80.65 yuan, approaching a record high.

Tony Electronics disclosed its performance forecast on the evening of the 9th. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company will be 100-110 million yuan in 2022, up by 199.28% to 229.2% year-on-year. It is estimated that the net profit after deducting non-profit in 2022 will be 62.33 million yuan-72.33 million yuan, an increase of 344.89%-416.27% year-on-year.

The company issued a risk warning last night, saying that there are two main reasons for the pre-increase of the company’s 2022 annual performance: 1. The main business impact: the operating income and gross profit of consumer electronics, photovoltaics, medical care and new energy businesses have all improved; The company’s export products are mainly settled in US dollars. Due to the appreciation of the exchange rate of US dollars against RMB, exchange gains are generated in this period, while exchange losses are generated in the same period of last year. 2. Impact of non-operating profit and loss: The government subsidy in this period increased compared with the same period of last year. The company reminds investors to pay attention to production and operation risks.

The company also said that the Purchase Contract signed by its subsidiary Tony Semiconductor and its downstream customer T stipulated the delivery quantity, unit price, specifications, acceptance criteria and liability for breach of contract, among which the final unit price and delivery time of products in 2024 and 2025 will be determined through consultation in the fourth quarter of the previous year, which has uncertainty on the company’s future financial status and operating results. In the subsequent performance of the contract, in case of macro-policies, market environment, product quality, operation management and other factors, the contract may not be fully performed or cancelled as scheduled, and it shall bear corresponding liabilities for breach of contract and compensate liquidated damages.

Electronic City also had a daily limit for three consecutive days. At the close, the stock reported 5.27 yuan, and nearly 1 million orders were sealed on the daily limit. The company disclosed its performance forecast in the evening of June. The company expects the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies to be 470 million yuan-680 million yuan in 2022, an increase of 1388.52%-2053.6% year-on-year.

Shiyida disclosed its performance forecast last night. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2022 will be 120 million yuan-170 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 225.88%-278.33%. According to the company, during the reporting period, the company steadily pushed forward the layout and business adjustment of various business segments according to the strategic plan, continued to deepen the smart hardware business, sought a breakthrough in upgrading the smart hardware business, continued to promote open source and reduce expenditure, reduced the product cost of the company, and provided more value-added services to customers. The company’s smart hardware performance increased steadily this year.

Kangda New Materials also disclosed its performance forecast last night. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2022 will be 45-55 million yuan, an increase of 104.58%-150.05% over the same period of last year. After deducting non-recurring gains and losses, the net profit was 30,672,600 yuan-40,672,600 yuan, an increase of 463.56%-647.3% over the same period of last year. The company said that during the reporting period, the prices of raw materials of the company’s main products showed a downward trend, which played a positive role in the recovery of the company’s performance; At the same time, the company actively implemented cost reduction and efficiency improvement, optimized operational efficiency, and continuously improved profitability, so that the company’s operating performance is expected to increase compared with the same period of last year.

It is worth noting that the share price of Kangtai Bio, which predicted a big loss last night, also rose sharply today, with the highest intraday price exceeding 8%. At the close, the stock reported 36.26 yuan, up 5.44%, with the latest market value of 40.6 billion yuan.

Kangtai Bio disclosed its performance forecast last night. It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2022 will be a loss of 76 million-150 million yuan, down 106.02%-111.87% year-on-year. The company pointed out that during the reporting period, due to major changes in the vaccination environment in COVID-19 at home and abroad, the company’s COVID-19 vaccine sales dropped sharply compared with the previous year. At the same time, in accordance with the relevant provisions and requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the company made provision for asset impairment of COVID-19 vaccine-related inventory goods, raw materials, self-made semi-finished products, production equipment and COVID-19 inactivated vaccine development expenditure in 2022, and spent 303 million yuan on clinical research and development expenditure of COVID-19 inactivated vaccine. The above factors reduced the total profit by 1.088 billion yuan, and the net profit was reduced by 816 million yuan.

The coal plate rose against the trend

The coal sector rose against the trend. At the close, Shaanxi Black Cat and Zhengzhou Coal and Electricity had daily limit, Lu ‘an Huaneng, Yankuang Energy and mountain coal international rose over 7%, and Jinkong Coal, China Coal Energy and China Shenhua rose over 5%.

Besides, Yankuang Energy, Yitai Coal, China Coal and China Shenhua listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange rose by about 9%, nearly 8% and nearly 5%, respectively.

In the news, yesterday, China Coal Industry Association and China Coal Transportation and Marketing Association issued a proposal on ensuring coal supply during the Spring Festival, proposing to give priority to coal supply and make emergency preparations. The coal transportation and marketing department should further improve its political position, always establish the awareness of ensuring the supply and price stability of coal, and give priority to ensuring the supply and delivery of coal in long-term contracts. At the same time, it is necessary to keep abreast of downstream users’ demand and inventory status, pay close attention to changes in the market situation, actively maintain the operation order of the coal market, and respond to the national emergency supply guarantee task in a timely manner.

Open source securities said that the coal industry is affected by both supply and demand, but it will also face the weak reality of supply in the first quarter, and the weak supply and demand will lead to the high coal price. At present, coal stocks have been fully adjusted, which implies the expectation of weak economy in the first quarter. In addition, they have high dividends and low valuations, which are not only attractive, but also have a high enough safety margin, both offensive and defensive. In addition, Guanghui Energy recently disclosed that the company’s net profit in 2022 is expected to increase by 126%-130% year-on-year, and the performance forecast of other coal enterprises’ annual reports in 2022 will be gradually disclosed. 2022 is a year of rapid profit growth in the coal industry, and the unexpected performance is also expected to catalyze the market.

A piece of news explodes the concept of baby.

The concept of baby rose in intraday trading. At the close, Rabbi Blonde and Anna Nair had daily limit, mygym rose by nearly 6%, and king of the children, Baby Friendly Room and Gaole shares all strengthened.

The concept of assisted reproduction has also been manifested, with Shengnuo Bio and Hanshang Group rising by over 7%, while Orrit and Aoyang Health rising by over 4%.

In the news, recently, the Shenzhen Health and Health Commission publicly solicited opinions on the Measures for the Administration of Parenting Subsidies in Shenzhen (Draft for Comment). The "Administrative Measures" proposes that if a child is born after 0: 00 on the date of the formal implementation of the measures and is born in the Shenzhen Public Security Department, the child development allowance will be counted from the date of the child’s birth until the child reaches the age of 3; After being born into a household, you can apply for a one-time maternity allowance and a child-rearing allowance issued year by year.

In addition, a few days ago, the Central Economic Work Conference gave important instructions on social issues such as China’s birth policy and old-age service, and proposed to improve the birth support policy system, implement the policy of gradually delaying the statutory retirement age in a timely manner, and actively respond to the aging population and declining birthrate.

According to the agency, in recent years, in the face of the decreasing birth rate of newborns and the increasing aging rate, "one old and one young" has become the core issue of social policy. The state gradually adjusts the birth policy, gradually liberalizes the second and third births, improves the birth support policy, and enhances the social birth will.

Guojin Securities believes that with the continuous loosening of the birth policy, the demand for multiple births in China will be released, and the infant-related products that are expected to benefit directly in the short term, among which fast-moving consumer goods will benefit more than durable consumer goods, such as infant milk powder and skin care products, followed by infant clothing, etc. At the same time, it will also drive the relevant retailers to speed up their development (such as offline baby products retailers and cross-border e-commerce maternal and child plates, etc.) and the demand for improvement of large-sized housing will also increase. In the medium and long term, with the increase of the age of newborns, the population of children and adolescents will increase accordingly, and children’s toys and entertainment consumption of young consumers will also benefit.

"Easy Sifang" Motor Tongda Power with Firewheels has a daily limit of 5 consecutive days.

It is worth mentioning that the recent performance of Tongda Power is quite eye-catching. Up to now, it has been trading for five consecutive trading days. The stock closed at 19.43 yuan today, with more than 47,000 orders on the daily limit.

Tongda Power recently said on the investor interaction platform that the company’s current products in the field of new energy vehicles mainly focus on the stator and rotor cores of driving motors. BYD is one of the company’s important customers, and the company also has many new energy automobile enterprise customers. At present, the company has full production capacity and sufficient capacity utilization rate. In the future, the company will focus on the projects of wind power generators and new energy vehicle drive motors, and increase development efforts.

Recently, BYD held a brand launch conference, launched millions of high-end models U8 and U9, and released a brand-new self-developed easy Sifang technology platform. It is reported that the "Easy Sifang" technology is the first mass-produced four-motor drive technology in China, which enables the automobile to accurately control the four-wheel dynamics of the vehicle by virtue of the four-motor independent vector control technology and creates a brand-new automobile safety technology system.

Some analysts pointed out that Tongda Power, which has soared recently, is the supplier of BYD motor stator core, and the most critical part of "Easy Sifang" is the motor. The rapid growth of demand for new energy vehicles has driven the drive motor industry to flourish.

Experts responded by advising people to take out one-third of their savings to buy a house: not forcing low-income families to buy a house.

According to Zhongxin Jingwei, recently, experts advised people to take out one-third of their savings to buy a house, which triggered a heated discussion. On the 11th, Meng Xiaosu, a well-known scholar, responded: "Some netizens said,’ Low-income families have no money, so what can they buy a house?’ In fact, they are not wrong. Low-income families suffered the most from the epidemic in three years, and their quality of life declined mainly. Therefore, it is not realistic to just say’ support the need to buy a house’ or’ strongly support the purchase of the first suite’. He believes that it is necessary to encourage residents who have the ability to pay to buy houses, so as to promote economic, employment and income growth and benefit low-income groups.

Meng Xiaosu said that he never thought it was right to force low-income families to buy commercial housing. Over the years, he repeatedly stressed that low-income families, new citizens and young families should be provided with affordable housing, including property-based housing and rental housing, instead of just buying commercial housing. To this end, we must speed up the improvement of the "dual-track housing system", the government should fulfill the responsibility of providing affordable housing, and state-owned enterprises should return to the security track as soon as possible.

Earlier, Meng Xiaosu said in a public interview: "The deposits of China residents have increased by 15 trillion yuan. If one third of them are taken out to resume the purchase of houses and decoration, will China’s economy not recover smoothly?" Subsequently, this view sparked a heated discussion on the Internet and boarded a hot search.

In this regard, Meng Xiaosu said that in the first 11 months of 2022, the sales of commercial housing in China was about 11.86 trillion yuan, and it is expected to be around 13.4 trillion yuan for the whole year, which is about 5 trillion yuan lower than the 18.19 trillion yuan in 2021. "It’s like cutting the bottom of the barrel, how can the economic operation not be affected? When I say’ take out 5 trillion yuan to buy a house’, I mean the lost 5 trillion yuan of housing sales. "

Does Paxlovid’s failure to enter the medical insurance catalogue affect the medical insurance in COVID-19? National medical insurance bureau responded

The the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism held a press conference on the 11th. Responsible comrades from relevant departments of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce and the State Post Bureau and experts from China CDC attended the conference, introduced the situation of epidemic prevention and control in key institutions and places, and answered questions from the media.

At the meeting, the reporter asked, Paxlovid made in Pfizer failed to enter the medical insurance catalogue through negotiation. Will it have an impact on the medical insurance in COVID-19?

In this regard, Huang Xinyu, director of the Medical Service Management Department of the National Medical Insurance Bureau, said that the National Medical Insurance Bureau has always attached great importance to the guarantee of medication in COVID-19. In 2021, we have formulated two medical insurance policies and included them in the payment scope in the catalogue. With the timely follow-up of the diagnosis and treatment plan, the scope of the medical insurance drug list was adjusted.

Huang Xinyu said that COVID-19’s therapeutic drugs have always been the focus of our attention. In the medical insurance catalogue negotiation in 2022, three COVID-19 therapeutic drugs were included in the negotiation, including Pfizer’s Paxlovid, which unfortunately failed. However, don’t worry too much. Just last week, the National Medical Insurance Bureau just formulated a notice to optimize the medical insurance policy for treatment expenses after the COVID-19 Class B Hospital, which clearly continued the policy of temporary payment for listed drugs in the existing diagnosis and treatment plan. The current payment will be made until March 31 this year, during which the patient’s medication will not be affected.

In addition, in the medical insurance catalogue, there are more than 600 kinds of drugs for treating colds and fever. It should be said that the insured has a rich choice of drugs. The National Medical Insurance Bureau is also paying close attention to the research and development progress of COVID-19’s treatment. It is known that some new drugs for COVID-19’s treatment have been put on the market one after another recently. We believe that with the increase of new drugs on the market, patients’ choice of clinical drugs and their ability to guarantee will be further improved. The National Medical Insurance Bureau will pay close attention to the price level of drugs used in COVID-19, do a good job in price monitoring and management, do a good job in ensuring the cost of COVID-19, and strive to reduce the burden on patients.

Eight guidelines for epidemic prevention and control in the cultural tourism industry are abolished

The General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a notice on the implementation of the "Class B Management" of novel coronavirus infection and the prevention and control of the epidemic situation in the cultural and tourism industries. It is mentioned that local cultural and tourism administrative departments should, in light of local conditions, formulate measures to prevent and control the epidemic situation in the industry after the implementation of "Category B Management" and measures to prevent and control the epidemic situation when it is serious, ensure that all epidemic prevention and control requirements are put in place, and ensure the normal development of cultural and tourism activities and the orderly flow of personnel. As of the date of issuance of this notice, eight guidelines for epidemic prevention and control in the cultural and tourism industries shall be abolished at the same time.

Proofreading: Zhao Yan

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